Table of Contents
Welcome |
Release Tracks - Intrexx Silent Track 11 |
Track technology |
Silent Track and Steady Track |
Sync time |
Silent Track and Steady Track versioning |
How to find your track and version |
INTREXXperience - Intrexx trial |
First steps with INTREXXperience |
First steps |
Intrexx Essential Steps |
Improvements |
New features in Intrexx Silent version 2023 |
Changed features |
General |
Definitions |
Replaced features |
Deprecated features |
Application support |
Removed features |
Changelogs |
Intrexx without Supervisor |
March 2023 - Versions and updates |
Switch tracks and tracks |
Updates available in March 2023 |
FAQs |
Update to Intrexx Silent version 2023 |
Deploy Intrexx |
How to operate Intrexx |
Intrexx Components - Portal Server and Portal Manager |
PaaS - Intrexx as a service |
First steps with PaaS (Platform as a Service) |
Docker - Intrexx as a container deployment |
First steps with Intrexx as a container deployment |
On-Premises – Installing Intrexx |
Install Intrexx in local infrastructure |
General |
On Premises - System requirements |
Intrexx architecture |
Proxy server in Intrexx |
Activities outside of Intrexx |
Define hostnames in DNS |
Windows - Configure IIS (Internet Information Services) |
Add IIS features |
Install IIS Web Platform Installer |
Install ARR and URL Rewrite Modules via Web Platform Installer |
Manually install ARR and URL Rewrite modules |
Configure ARR module / Activate reverse proxy |
Add website in IIS |
Use websites instead of virtual directories in IIS |
Linux - Configure NGINX |
Install NGINX |
Configure NGINX |
Certificates and encrypted connections in Intrexx |
Scenarios for encrypted connections in Intrexx |
Scenario 1 - Encrypted connection between the front-end web server and browser |
Scenario 2 - Encrypted connection between the Intrexx portal server and front-end web server |
Scenario 3 - Encrypted connection between the Intrexx portal server and browser |
Generate CSR (Certificate Signing Request) without a front-end web server |
Scenario 4 - Encrypted connection between the Intrexx portal server and external systems (integrations) |
Scenario 5 - Encrypted connection for Intrexx-internal communication via REST |
Scenario 6 - Encrypted connection between the Intrexx portal server and database |
Windows – Installing Intrexx |
Install Intrexx via the graphical user interface |
Install Intrexx via the command line |
Subsequent installation of Intrexx components |
Linux – Installing Intrexx |
Preparatory tasks |
Install PostgreSQL on Linux |
PostgreSQL installation |
Ubuntu/Debian |
Fedora/RedHat |
SuSE |
PostgreSQL configuration |
postgresql.conf |
pg_hba.conf |
Install Intrexx via the graphical user interface |
Install Intrexx via the terminal (headless) |
Install Intrexx using a configuration file (headless) |
Installing Intrexx and Intrexx services separately |
Subsequent installation of Intrexx components |
Mac OS X - Install Intrexx |
Installing Intrexx in the cloud |
After the installation |
Perform updates for Intrexx |
Windows – Download and install updates |
Downloading and installing updates via the graphical interface |
Downloading and installing updates via the command line |
Linux – Download and install updates |
Downloading and installing updates via the graphical interface |
Downloading and installing updates via the terminal |
Uninstall Intrexx |
Windows – Uninstalling Intrexx |
Via the Windows Control Panel |
About vbs script |
Linux - Uninstalling Intrexx |
Licensing |
Upgrade older Intrexx versions |
General |
Upgrading from Intrexx Silent Track 21.03 to Intrexx Silent 2023 |
Upgrade from Intrexx 19.03 to Intrexx Silent 2023 |
After upgrading to Intrexx Silent Track - Set up the front-end web server (reverse proxy/load balancer) |
Internet Information Service (Windows) |
NGINX (Linux) |
No front-end web server |
Manual setup |
Upgrade from Intrexx 18.03 to Intrexx Silent 2023 |
Get to know the Intrexx user interface |
Getting started with the Portal Manager |
Connect to your portal |
Display of the connections used |
Create and manage portal list |
"Start" module |
Main menu |
Module bar |
Current portal connection |
Status bar |
More information |
Options |
Main menu |
Main menu in the Start module |
File |
View |
Main menu in the Applications module |
File |
Edit |
Apply view |
Define tab order |
New |
View |
Application |
Main menu in the Processes module |
File |
Edit |
View |
Process |
Main menu in the Users module |
File |
Edit |
View |
User |
Main menu in the "Design" module |
File |
Edit |
View |
Layout |
Main menu in the Integration module |
File storage locations |
Data transfer |
FileWalker |
Application API |
Collaboration |
Intrexx Share |
Documents |
Connector for Microsoft 365 and Teams |
Consume data |
JDBC data source |
Connector for SAP Business Suite |
Connector for IBM Lotus Notes |
Connector for Microsoft Exchange |
Connector for OData |
Connector for SAP Gateway |
Connector for M-Files 2.0 |
Connector for dg archive |
Connector for Connector API |
Web service |
Provide data |
Connector for OData |
Web service |
Operation |
View |
Main menu in the Tools module |
File |
Email service |
System monitor |
Export |
Task scheduler |
Intrexx Mobile App |
View |
Main menu "Portal" |
Main menu "Extras" |
Create and manage portals |
What is a portal? |
Creating portals - Main steps |
Create a new portal |
How to connect to your portal |
Edit the menu structure of the portal |
Export portal |
Import portal |
Using Intrexx Demo Portal as a Portal Template |
Linux - Delete portal |
Set portal rights |
Manage rights generically (experts) |
Migrate portal database |
Importing certificates into the portal |
Multilingual portals |
General |
Language switch in the browser |
Portal properties - Regional settings |
Format |
Date format |
Time format |
Number format - Integer fields |
Number format - Number fields |
Number format - Currency fields |
Time zone |
Languages |
Global texts |
Meta tags |
Meanings of meta tags |
Global language constants |
Add new language constant / Edit language constant |
Naming rules for language constants |
Portal Manager language settings |
Language adjustment |
Find and translate element titles |
Exporting and importing texts and language constants |
Multilingual titles |
Static titles |
Title from constant |
Language switch in modules |
Portal menu |
Layout |
User settings |
Applications |
Language constants in applications |
Options - Language constants |
Multilingual element titles |
Multilingual list entries |
Multilingual data records |
Multilingual data with doubled primary key |
Multilingual emails |
Email to one recipient |
Email to distribution list |
Language switches |
Multilingual graphics |
Velocity variables in language constants |
Language switch with flags |
Overview of the portal properties |
Linux - Create a portal |
Root user - Create a portal with the terminal |
Intrexx user - Create a portal with the graphical user interface |
Intrexx user - Create a portal with the terminal |
Delete portal |
Create applications |
Creating applications – Main steps |
Manage applications |
Areas of the "Applications" module |
Application structure |
Application node |
Data groups |
System data groups |
External data groups |
Data fields |
View pages |
Edit pages |
Pages in the application menu |
Start page |
Portlet pages |
Elements |
Favorites |
Select favorites |
Create category / Edit category |
Importing favorites / exporting favorites |
Read and WriteContainer, API endpoints |
Workspace |
Script |
Help lines |
Grouping |
Zoom |
Hidden area |
Hidden group |
Search, Notifications, Problems, Description, Script |
Search |
Messages |
Problems |
Description |
Script |
History |
Settings |
Select application templates |
Create an application with an integrated template |
Empty application |
Basic application |
Create an application with a custom online template |
Create custom online application templates |
Create an application template with Intrexx |
Create a repository for application templates |
Create and configure a JSON file for application templates |
Define the path to a JSON file for application templates |
Create an application based on a custom online template |
Making INTREXX application templates available locally |
Record and integrate data |
Data groups |
Intrexx data groups |
Properties - General |
MS365 data group |
System data group |
Properties - General |
External data groups |
Subordinate data groups |
Data fields |
Control types / Data types |
ReadContainer and WriteContainer |
ReadContainer |
Bindings |
Properties |
Filter criteria |
WriteContainer |
Bindings |
Properties |
Filter criteria / Binding |
Binding |
Fallback value / Binding |
Parameters |
Define parameters |
Plugins |
General |
Intrexx Share |
Calendar plugin |
References |
Create a reference |
General |
Data fields |
Connect reference with element |
Reference data field - properties |
References to external data |
References |
Relationships |
Select foreign key |
Integrate external data |
External data group |
Create pages |
Page wizard |
Form wizard |
Short links |
Tab menu |
Insert elements on pages |
Button |
Button – Actions |
Button – Link destination |
Button – Landing page options |
Button – WriteContainer |
Static text |
Edit field |
View field |
Dynamic view |
Text area / View text area |
Option field |
Checkbox / View checkbox |
Slider |
Line |
Grouping |
Drop-down list / Listbox |
Multiple selection |
Multiple Selection 2.0 |
Sortable list / View sortable list |
View table |
Free layout table |
Calendar and resource |
Tree / View tree |
Exchange tree |
Path navigation for tree |
Filter information |
Filter - Value range |
Filter - Values selection list/Values listbox |
Filter - Boolean values |
Filter - Operator |
Filters - Alpha index |
Filter - Radio button |
Filter - Checkbox selection |
Filter - Calendar filter |
Image |
Gauges |
Chart |
Gallery |
File selection/File selection view |
Exchange file selection for attachments |
File sorting |
Search |
Research |
FileWalker |
Navigation |
Path navigation for tree |
Static text for programming |
VTL Include |
Calculation |
Intrexx Share comments |
Tagging Bookmarks |
Sortable grouping |
Grids |
Portlet container |
Display data |
Define menu structure |
Publish applications |
Delete applications |
Application properties |
Further features |
Making applications responsive |
Making applications accessible |
Select images |
Image scaling with ImageMagick |
Generate documents |
Enter text editor as external program |
Document engine -– Settings in the portal properties |
LibreOffice options |
iText options |
Templates – Settings in portal properties |
Configure document engine in applications |
View page properties – Documents |
Document template |
Aliases configuration |
Configure a button |
Edit template |
Document action in processes |
Use buttons to configure sending emails |
Filter |
Dependencies |
Formulas and calculations in applications |
General |
Intrexx Formulae |
Operators |
Arithmetical |
Addition |
Subtraction |
Multiplication |
Division |
Comparison |
Less than |
Greater than |
Less than or equal |
Greater than or equal |
Equal to |
Not equal to |
Logical |
Logical AND connection |
Logical OR connection |
Negation |
Values |
Value from current record |
Value from control |
Value from control (string) |
Value from calculation |
Value from data field |
Value from data field (string) |
Child data records |
Sum of child records |
Minimum of child records |
Maximum of child records |
Number of child records |
Average value of child records |
Value from table |
Value from current row |
Value from control |
Value from control (string) |
Value from calculation |
Value from data field |
Value from data field (string) |
Child data records |
Sum of child records |
Minimum of child records |
Maximum of child records |
Number of child records |
Average value of child records |
Value from total calculation |
Value from calculation |
System value |
Session value |
Session value (string) |
Value from processing context |
Value from processing context (string) |
Request value |
Value from system data group |
Value from system data group (string) |
null |
true |
false |
Functions |
Error handling |
Return of 0 in the case of error |
Return of 1 in the case of error |
Return custom value in the case of error |
Rounding functions |
roundLong |
roundLongHalfAwayFromZero |
roundLongHalfEven |
roundLongHalfUp |
roundLongHalfDown |
round |
roundHalfAwayFromZero |
roundHalfEven |
roundHalfUp |
roundHalfDown |
Case differentiation |
Case |
Case not |
Boolean expressions |
Equal to |
Equal to (ignore case) |
Starts with |
Starts with (ignore case) |
Ends with |
Ends with (ignore case) |
Contains |
Contains (ignore case) |
Test for empty string |
Test for empty string or null value |
Test for null value |
Mathematical |
Absolute value |
Table functions |
Aggregate functions for column values |
Maximum value |
Minimum value |
Number |
Average value |
Column values of records (current view) |
Sum |
Subtotal from control |
Sum from calculation |
Sum from data field |
Child data records |
Sum of the sums of child records |
Sum of minima of child records |
Sum of maxima of child records |
Sum of number of child records |
Sum of average values of child records |
Maximum |
Maximum from control |
Maximum from calculation |
Maximum from data field |
Child data records |
Minimum of the sums of child records |
Maximum of minima of child records |
Maximum of maxima of child records |
Maximum of number of child records |
Maximum of average values of child records |
Minimum |
Minimum from control |
Minimum from calculation |
Minimum from data field |
Child data records |
Minimum of the sums of child records |
Minimum of minima of child records |
Minimum of maxima of child records |
Minimum of number of child records |
Minimum of average values of child records |
Number |
Number from control |
Number from calculation |
Number from data field |
Child data records |
Number of the sums of child records |
Number of minima of child records |
Number of maxima of child records |
Number of maxima of child records |
Number of average values of child records |
Average value |
Average value from control |
Average value from calculation |
Average value from data field |
Child data records |
Average value of the sums of child records |
Average value of minima of child records |
Average value of maxima of child records |
Average value of number of child records |
Average value of average values of child records |
Column values of records (subtotal) |
Sum |
Subtotal from control |
Sum from calculation |
Sum from data field |
Child data records |
Sum of the sums of child records |
Sum of minima of child records |
Sum of maxima of child records |
Sum of number of child records |
Sum of average values of child records |
Maximum |
Maximum from control |
Maximum from calculation |
Maximum from data field |
Child data records |
Minimum of the sums of child records |
Maximum of minima of child records |
Maximum of maxima of child records |
Maximum of number of child records |
Maximum of average values of child records |
Minimum |
Minimum from control |
Minimum from calculation |
Minimum from data field |
Child data records |
Minimum of the sums of child records |
Minimum of minima of child records |
Minimum of maxima of child records |
Minimum of number of child records |
Minimum of average values of child records |
Number |
Number from control |
Number from calculation |
Number from data field |
Child data records |
Number of the sums of child records |
Number of minima of child records |
Number of maxima of child records |
Number of maxima of child records |
Number of average values of child records |
Average value |
Average value from control |
Average value from calculation |
Average value from data field |
Child data records |
Average value of the sums of child records |
Average value of minima of child records |
Average value of maxima of child records |
Average value of number of child records |
Average value of average values of child records |
Column values of all records |
Sum |
Subtotal from control |
Sum from calculation |
Sum from data field |
Child data records |
Sum of the sums of child records |
Sum of minima of child records |
Sum of maxima of child records |
Sum of number of child records |
Sum of average values of child records |
Maximum |
Maximum from control |
Maximum from calculation |
Maximum from data field |
Child data records |
Minimum of the sums of child records |
Maximum of minima of child records |
Maximum of maxima of child records |
Maximum of number of child records |
Maximum of average values of child records |
Minimum |
Minimum from control |
Minimum from calculation |
Minimum from data field |
Child data records |
Minimum of the sums of child records |
Minimum of minima of child records |
Minimum of maxima of child records |
Minimum of number of child records |
Minimum of average values of child records |
Number |
Number from control |
Number from calculation |
Number from data field |
Child data records |
Number of the sums of child records |
Number of minima of child records |
Number of maxima of child records |
Number of maxima of child records |
Number of average values of child records |
Average value |
Average value from control |
Average value from calculation |
Average value from data field |
Child data records |
Average value of the sums of child records |
Average value of minima of child records |
Average value of maxima of child records |
Average value of number of child records |
Average value of average values of child records |
Date functions |
Functions for single date values |
Day of year |
Day of month |
Day of week |
Week of year (week starts on Monday) |
Week of year (week starts on Sunday) |
Year |
Month |
Hour |
Minute |
Second |
Millisecond |
Difference between two date values |
Difference in days |
Difference in hours |
Difference in minutes |
Difference in seconds |
Difference in milliseconds |
Date expressions |
Date from current record |
Date from control |
Date from data field |
Date from table |
Date from current row |
Date from control |
Date from data field |
Date from system value |
Date from session value |
Date from processing context |
Date from request value |
Date from system data group |
Date from string value |
Current date |
Current date from request |
Calendar plugin |
Date picker calendar in connection with edit fields |
Create a date picker calendar |
"Calendar" action button |
Date picker calendar in the browser |
Calendar settings |
Layout |
Calendar element |
Day view |
Next 4 days |
Week |
Working week |
Month |
Appointment overview |
Year view / Month view |
Resource |
Plugins |
More information |
Start Microsoft Teams from application |
Script |
Search configuration in applications |
System applications |
Alternative text |
Use application templates and solutions |
Import an online application template |
General |
Changes and new features in version 1.0.4 |
Versioning and updating the application templates |
Roles and permissions for application templates |
Add a language to an application template |
Delete sample data in application templates |
Advent calendar |
Use the Advent calendar as a portal user |
Manage Advent calendar |
Task scheduler |
Structure of the task scheduler |
Team |
Tasks and projects |
Board |
Status |
Create and manage tasks |
New task |
Change the status of a task |
Enter comment for task |
Delete comment |
Archive task |
Reactivate task |
Delete tasks |
Manage teams, boards and projects |
Create a team |
Edit or delete team |
Create a project |
Adjust status |
Visitors |
See who is visiting |
Add new visit |
Delete visitors and visits |
Image Gallery |
Create an album |
Add images to an album |
Edit an album |
Delete an album |
Enter and edit title and description for images |
Like albums and images |
Add comments to images |
Add category |
Deactivate and delete category |
Documents |
General |
Upload documents |
Documents with the same file name |
Replace documents |
Upload document versions |
Delete documents |
Delete document versions |
Add category |
Deactivate category, delete category |
Feedback survey |
Structure of a feedback survey |
This is how a feedback survey might look |
Create a feedback survey |
Edit, copy, archive and delete feedback surveys |
Edit feedback survey |
Copy feedback survey |
Delete feedback survey |
Archive feedback survey |
Add, edit and delete pages |
Add a page |
Edit or delete a page |
Enter, edit, move and delete questions |
Enter a question |
Example – Creating a "Simple choice" type question |
Edit or delete a question |
Move a question to another page |
Publish feedback surveys |
How participants can take part in a feedback survey |
Analyze results |
Forum |
Create thread |
Create post |
Quote post |
Share link to post |
View own activities |
Create forum |
Edit forum |
Delete forum |
Add category |
Edit category |
Deactivate and delete category |
Frequently asked questions |
Read and search for the questions and answers |
Enter, edit and delete questions and answers |
Create new category |
Committee |
Record information about the committee |
Organize meetings |
Create meeting |
Delete meeting |
Edit meeting |
Enter agenda and TOPs (items on the agenda) |
Writing a protocol, confirming a protocol |
Write protocol |
Edit protocol |
Release protocol |
Confirm a protocol |
Help desk |
Creating a ticket |
Assign tickets - Enter processor |
Change agent |
Edit tickets - Change status of a ticket |
Enter comment for ticket |
Delete comment |
Add status |
Add category |
Deleting statuses, deactivating statuses |
Delete category, deactivate category |
Send emails |
Investment Request |
Creating an Investment Request |
Deleting an Investment Request |
Checking Investment Requests – approving and declining requests |
Reporting – checking Investment Requests |
Processing an Investment Request |
Add category |
Delete category, deactivate category |
Add status |
Deleting statuses, deactivating statuses |
Calendar plugin |
Enter appointments |
Create appointment series |
Export appointment |
Delete appointment |
Search for appointments |
Add category |
Delete category, deactivate category |
Highlight calendar days |
Delete calendar days |
League prediction game |
Actions and roles |
Register as a Prediction Player |
Submit a tip |
View and change tips |
View ranking list |
Information about the Prediction Game |
Use table calculator |
View and edit player profile |
View games and match results |
View table and matches of a club |
Club overview |
Match dates |
Set up and manage Prediction Game |
Manage clubs |
Manage games |
Points awarded for tips and match days |
Activate betting players for registration |
Record results |
Delete tipper player |
Championship Prediction Game |
Actions and roles |
Register as a Prediction Player |
Submit a tip |
Enter bonus tips |
View and change tips |
View ranking list |
Information about the Prediction Game |
View and edit player profile |
View games and results |
Team and group overview |
Match dates - Calendar |
Set up and manage Prediction Game |
Manage teams |
Change team details |
Create new team |
Delete teams |
Manage game types and match days |
Create game types |
Create match days |
Manage cities and stadiums |
Manage games |
Points awarded for tips and match days |
Points for tip |
Points for matchday |
Manage bonus points and bonus questions |
Enter bonus question |
Record answers to bonus questions |
Set end date for the submission of bonus tips |
Set penalty kick rule for the final rounds |
Activate betting players for registration |
Record results |
Delete tipper player |
News |
Read and search for news |
Create news |
Archive news, delete news |
Add categories and assign permissions |
Deactivate category, delete category |
Quicklinks |
Quicklink tiles and the Quicklink List |
Create a personal quicklink |
Edit a personal quicklink |
Delete a personal quicklink |
Create a general Quicklink |
Delete a general Quicklink |
Place quicklinks on portal pages |
Resource |
Book a resource |
Create appointment series |
Move appointments |
Export appointment |
Delete appointment |
Search for booked resources and appointments |
Create new resource |
Delete resource, deactivate resource |
Add category |
Delete category, deactivate category |
Highlight calendar days |
Delete calendar days |
Bulletin board |
Create ad |
Edit own ads, delete own ads |
Expired ads |
Create new categories and types for ads |
Shop |
Order articles |
View order |
Delete order |
Add article to the shop |
Edit articles in the shop |
Create categories, statues and VAT rates |
Set currency and display prices |
Menu |
View menus |
Rate dishes |
Create menu |
Delete dishes from the menu |
Enter dishes |
Delete dish, deactivate dish |
Enter characteristics (of dishes) |
Delete characteristics (of dishes) |
Enter allergens |
Deactivate and delete allergens |
Delete allergens |
Style guide |
Phonebook |
Manage contacts |
View contacts |
Add to favorites |
Create contact |
Edit and delete contacts |
Edit and delete contacts, rooms and fax devices |
Export contacts |
Manage phonebook |
Enter, edit and delete departments |
Enter, edit and delete positions |
Create, edit and delete categories |
Edit resource types |
User Self Service |
Operate User Self Service as a Portal user |
Request a new password |
Register as a portal user |
Delete yourself as a portal user |
Operate User Self Service as an Administrator |
Overview of the User Self Service application |
Set up "Request a new password" |
Set up "Register as a user" |
Confirm registration request; create account |
Delete registration request |
Block user account |
Delete user account |
Set up "Delete your portal user account" |
Wiki |
Add a new (sub)page |
Editing a page |
Delete page |
Linking pages |
Track changes |
Searching for information |
Create processes |
Creating and editing processes |
The areas of the "Processes" module |
Process properties |
Activating and deactivating processes |
Elements |
Snapshots |
Workspace |
Process overview |
Bird's eye view |
Search, Hints, History |
Search |
Notes |
History |
Creating and editing elements |
Global timer |
IMAP event source |
Set up default IMAP event source |
Exchange Online IMAP Event Source Setup |
Generic event source |
Data group event handler |
Timer event handler |
Groovy event handler |
IMAP event handler |
Set up IMAP event handler |
Generic event handler |
Filter condition |
Groovy script condition |
Generic condition |
Data group action |
Data group action |
Email Action |
WebSocket action |
Push notification action |
Document action |
Timer action |
Universal timer action |
Web service action |
Groovy Script Action |
Generic action |
User switch action |
Include processes action |
End process action |
Create team/channel action |
Teams messages action |
Create Teams meeting |
Create MS365 group |
Plugin feed action |
Text feed action |
Notification action |
Create a group |
Manage group |
Connection |
Box |
Email Action |
Analyze log file |
External data in processes |
Java classes in process objects |
Event sources |
Actions |
Conditions |
Event handlers |
Integrate data |
Connectors |
JDBC data source |
Creating a connection |
Integration in applications |
Connector for SAP Business Suite |
Installation |
Creating a connection |
Integration in applications |
Connector for SAP Business Suite - SAP Script Generator |
Installation |
SAP RFC script repository |
Messages |
Script |
Function module documentation |
More information |
Connector for SAP Business Suite - SAP Trust Manager SSO configuration |
General |
Installation |
PSE keystore |
SSO parameter |
Parameters |
Value |
Activate SSO |
Login |
SAP configuration |
More information |
Connector for SAP Business Suite - Developer's Manual part 1 |
Requirements |
Selecting the right technology |
Integration with external data groups |
Integration with scripting |
Integration with remote services |
Integration with web services |
More information |
More information |
Connector for SAP Business Suite - Developer's Manual part 2 - Integration scenario: SAP external data group |
Overview of CRM scenario with SAP ERP |
Create an application |
View SAP customer base |
Create external data group |
Create customer view page |
Research in the customer base |
Operator filter - Search by customer number |
Alpha-index filter - Search by customer's first letter |
Detailed view - Customer data sheet |
Create detailed view |
Display orders in the customer data sheet |
Display contact persons |
SAP external data group for customizing table |
SAP external data group for contact persons with reference |
Adding the contact persons to the customer data sheet |
Customer correspondence |
Enhancing the application template |
Customer search via Data Picker |
Adding the new fields to the view page and search |
Test the application |
Create simple master data list with SAP Reports |
Possible extensions |
Filter criteria from the user context |
Personalized access |
Improved search |
8.3 Display an optimized internal SAP table |
Replicate SAP data in Intrexx data groups |
Generic writing to a Z table |
Display documents in the portal |
Edit SAP objects |
Document flow to portal objects |
Special concepts |
Expert attributes for SAP external data groups |
Generic View: Variant nolangtab |
Generic F4 |
Generic ArcLink |
Generic text |
Permissions for own data records in SAP external data groups |
More information |
Connector for SAP Business Suite - Developer's Manual part 3 - Integration scenario: Scripting |
Scenario overview - SAP sales order |
Requirements |
Process simulation in SAP |
Analysis of available SAP BAPI functions |
Transaction BAPI |
4.2 Business Object Repository (BOR) |
4.3 Search for function modules callable per remote |
4.4 Proxy function modules |
Parameter concept |
Designing the user interface |
6.1 Create the application |
6.2 Overview table on the start page |
The application in the browser |
Summary |
Process integration |
7.1 Generate the Groovy script |
Create the process |
Groovy Script Action |
Identify fields from the data group |
Populate SAP parameters |
Evaluate SAP call |
Test |
Generate new data set |
View SAP order |
Check completeness |
Possible extensions |
RFC functions with item data |
Using the Groovy API in Velocity |
Using the simpleRFC functionality |
Using the trigger functionality (simple call) |
Using the entire simpleRFC API |
More information |
Connector for SAP Business Suite - Developer's Manual part 4 - Personalized SAP access / Single Sign On (SSO) |
Login mode |
SAP login modules |
Single Sign On with SAP logon tickets |
More information |
Connector for SAP Business Suite - Developer's Manual part 5 - Add-ons |
Usage in Velocity |
Usage in Groovy script |
Sapbop add-on - BusinessObject documents |
Configuration |
Handlers |
Documents and variants |
Test |
Custom handlers |
API methods |
Examples |
More information |
Connector for SAP Business Suite - Developer's Manual - Example codings |
Example codings |
Exchange solutions - The community idea |
Handlers for SAP external data groups |
Example coding: F4 Help on SAP customer master |
Example coding: Transfer internal table |
2.3 Example coding: Documents from the archive system via URL |
2.4 Example coding: Generic handler Read & Write |
Example coding: Data handler generic report |
Examples for Generic Report integration |
Purchase information about material |
Groovy script |
3.1 Example script: Convert SAP fields |
Example script: SAP sales order |
3.3 Example script: Goods movement, stock transfer |
Example script: Using the simpleRFC API in Velocity |
Remote services ABAP program |
Replicate SAP data |
External system to SAP: Groovy script for replication API |
External system to SAP: Modify batch input for customer |
External system to SAP: Method SAP_RECORD_UPDATE |
SAPGUI integration |
Integrate portal pages in the SAPGUI |
Start SAP BusinessObjects |
JavaScript examples |
Start an SAP shortcut via a button |
Save field values in the context as a request value |
VTL example codings |
Support for SAP shortcuts |
Transfer request values to the server via AJAX |
More information |
Connector for SAP Business Suite - Developer's Manual - Appendix |
API functions simpleRFC |
API functions for SAP SSO scenarios |
JavaScript functions for SAP SSO scenarios |
API functions for the SAP OCI interface |
Available resources for the Connector for SAP Business Suite |
Expert attributes for SAP external data groups |
Important SAP transactions |
More information |
Connector for SAP Business Suite - API Description Part 1 - Overview |
Conceptual approach |
Expansion concept: Intrexx |
SAP data sources |
Finding concept |
More information |
Connector for SAP Business Suite - API description Part 2 - SAP Portal Plugin |
Development aims |
API concept |
Expansion concept: Processing modules |
Datahandler |
Development objects |
Used structures |
a) Control structure |
b) Data objects |
c) Data exchange |
d) Key information |
e) Messages |
f) Filter criteria |
g) Requested data fields |
h) Sorting instructions |
API RFC functions |
a) get_DataObjects |
b) Get_MetaInfo |
c) get_List |
d) get_Detail |
e) modify |
f) delete |
g) update_temp_key |
Processing modules |
API Interface |
Root object |
Registering processing modules |
Finding processing module |
Customizing |
Basic settings |
Finding processing module |
a) Registering processing modules |
b) Mapping external data groups to processing modules |
Permissions concept |
Misc. framework functions |
Logging |
a) Logging of all API accesses |
Expanded message logging |
Trace mode for troubleshooting |
Locking concept |
EXIT functions |
Number sequencing |
Conversion - Internal vs external |
10. External use of the SAP portal plugin |
More information |
Connector for SAP Business Suite - API description Part 3 - Implementing custom processing modules |
Overview of required API methods |
Inherited attributes of the root object |
Inherited methods of the root object |
Checklist: Create a new processing module |
Create a class |
Redefining the API methods |
Create a transfer structure |
Registering the processing module |
Finding the processing module |
Testing and debugging |
Test the finding via the RFC API |
Debugging within the SAP system |
External debugging |
Externally activated debugging |
More information |
Connector for SAP Business Suite - API description Part 4 - Sample coding |
Example: Provide internal tables |
Functionality |
Concept |
Screenshots |
Coding |
Test |
Search help function |
Functionality |
Concept |
Screenshots |
Coding |
Test |
Functional calls |
Functionality |
Concept |
Screenshots |
Coding |
Test |
Specific comments |
SAP triggers with external data storage |
Functionality |
Concept |
Coding |
Data storage in SAP |
Functionality |
Concept |
Screenshots |
Coding |
Test |
SAP triggers with data storage in the SAP system |
Functionality |
Concept |
Screenshots |
Coding |
Functional module for the processing |
Method MODIFY |
Test |
Intrexx-specific remarks |
Modelling SAP Business objects |
Functionality |
Concept |
Screenshots |
Coding |
Test |
Provide SAP documents externally |
Provide documents from DMS externally |
Replicate documents externally |
Deliver documents asynchronously |
Provide documents from the archive system via URL |
More information |
Connector for IBM Lotus Notes |
Creating a connection |
Integration in applications |
Connector for Microsoft Exchange |
Install MediaGateway |
Creating a connection |
Authentication - Kerberos |
Authentication - OAuth2 |
Authentication via OAuth2 |
Authentication - OAuth2 - App registration |
API permissions for Microsoft Exchange Connector |
Add a Microsoft Exchange data source - OAuth2 |
Request MS365 refresh token |
Connector for Microsoft Exchange - Integration in applications |
Exchange applications |
Exchange - Calendar |
Exchange - Contacts |
Exchange - Notes |
Exchange email |
Exchange - Resource |
Exchange - Tasks |
Exchange - Settings |
Creating Exchange applications |
Exchange application elements |
More information |
Connector for Microsoft Exchange in Processes |
Use as an interactive user |
Use with timer events |
User selection |
Groovy |
Save email locally |
Save email in Intrexx data group |
Create new folder |
Rename existing folder |
More information |
Connector for Microsoft Exchange - Technical features |
Primary keys of the Connector tables |
Non-sortable fields |
Masking fields |
User-defined fields |
Objects in Groovy context |
Special filters |
Intrexx system properties |
Unsupported Where statements |
MediaGateway table groups |
The Where statement schema |
What is not supported in Where statements |
Connector for Microsoft Exchange - Troubleshooting |
MediaGateway configuration |
No access to Intrexx MediaGateway |
No access to Exchange account |
Exchange 2010 / 2016 |
Kerberos - Exchange 2010 / 2016 |
Modify EWSFindCountLimit |
Calendar plugin |
Recurring appointments |
Sorting appointments |
IIS-Server |
File up and downloads |
Maximum query string |
Connector for OData |
System requirements |
Connector for OData – Consume data |
General properties |
Authentication |
None |
HTTP Basic |
Intrexx (Legacy) |
Kerberos / Kerberos (HTTP Basic) |
Kerberos (Intrexx Token Service) |
X.509 |
Certificate store |
OAuth2/OpenID |
Connection timeout |
OData services |
Enter service |
Registration information |
Additional users |
User selection |
Connection test |
Edit connection |
Kerberos (Intrexx Token Service) |
System requirements |
Installation and configuration |
Next steps |
More information |
Provide data |
Create service |
Functions |
Server configuration |
Files |
SSL configuration |
Authentication methods |
Authentication and permissions |
Intrexx authentication |
Plain text authentication |
Combined Intrexx and Plain text authentication |
Integrated Windows Authentication |
Trusted authentication |
Configuration of the authentication method |
More information |
Intrexx OData Server Bearer Token Authentication |
OData Client |
OData Server Token Validation |
OData Authentication Filter |
Intrexx OAuth2 Login Module |
OData Session Filter |
User registration |
User update |
Configuration |
More information |
Connector for OData – Integration in applications |
Create external data group |
Search tables / views |
Data types |
References |
1:1 Relationships |
1:n relationships |
m:n relationships |
Files |
Binary data fields |
Media Link Entries |
Viewing/downloading files from Media Link Entries |
Uploading files as Media Link Entries |
Files with Intrexx OData provider services |
OData Function Imports |
More information |
Connector for OData – Use in processes |
Use as an interactive user |
Use with timer events |
User selection |
More information |
Connector for OData |
Troubleshooting |
Error messages |
Request tracing and error logging |
Unsupported OData functions |
SSL connections |
Closing Intrexx OData sessions |
Attachment |
OData specification |
OData tools |
Reverse proxy configuration |
OData queries in Groovy scripts |
OData query |
OData update |
OData delete |
OData media link |
More information |
Connector for SAP Gateway |
System requirements |
Connector for SAP Gateway – Consume data |
General properties |
Configuring the connection data |
Available services |
SAP Gateway Services |
Enter service |
SAP System Landscape Directory |
Edit connection |
Next steps |
More information |
Connector for SAP Gateway – Integration in applications |
Create external data group |
Files |
Binary data fields |
More information |
Connector for SAP Gateway – Use in processes |
More information |
Connector for SAP Gateway – Appendix |
Troubleshooting |
Error messages |
Request tracing and error logging |
Unsupported OData functions |
Attachment |
SSL connections |
OData specification |
OData tools |
More information |
Connector for M-Files 2.0 |
Connector for dg archive |
More information |
Connector for Connector API |
Quick Start Guide on GitHub |
Use in Intrexx |
Starting the connector |
General |
Data groups |
Authentication |
Service user |
Expert settings |
Edit existing connections |
Next steps |
Web service |
Define new web service |
Web service |
Web service provider settings |
Provide web service |
General properties for web service |
Operations |
Finish |
Operations |
Select data group |
Input parameters and return parameters |
Data fields to be copied |
Edit parameter ID |
Add parameter |
Lists filter |
Further settings |
General properties for operation |
HTTPS encryption |
AXIS2 configuration |
More information |
File storage locations |
Data transfer |
Creating a connection |
Data source / Target "Intrexx" |
Data source / Target "Registered JDBC data source" |
Data source / Target "JDBC" |
Data source / Target "OpenOffice Calc Spreadsheet" |
Data source / Target "Text file" |
Data source / Target "XML file" |
Data source / Target "Groovy script" |
Data source "Microsoft Excel" |
Schedule |
Subsequent jobs |
History |
FileWalker |
Application API |
Application API keys |
Application API endpoints |
Collaboration |
Intrexx Share |
Documents |
Connector for Microsoft 365 and Teams |
Consume data |
Provide data |
Connector for OData – offer data |
Web service |
Web service provider settings |
Provide web service |
General properties for web service |
Operations |
Finish |
Operations |
Select data group |
Input parameters and return parameters |
Data fields to be copied |
Edit parameter ID |
Add parameter |
Lists filter |
Further settings |
General properties for operation |
HTTPS encryption |
AXIS2 configuration |
More information |
Set design and layout |
Create and edit layouts |
Layout properties |
Areas of the "Design" module |
Layout |
Structure |
Grouping CSS rules |
Control elements |
Add control element |
Add empty control element |
Edit properties |
"Elements" area |
Snapshots |
Comment |
Settings |
Search |
Workspace |
Element settings |
Options |
Styles |
History |
Creating and editing elements |
Containers |
Grids |
Menus |
Flat menu |
General |
Alignment |
Positioning and size |
Menu - Background |
Menu - Menu items |
Menu - Contents |
Element settings |
Vertical menu |
General |
Positioning and size |
Menu - Background |
Menu - Contents |
Element settings |
Row menu |
Block menu |
Mega menu |
Drop-down menu |
Tree menu |
Drop-down menu (Alt) |
General |
Alignment |
Positioning and size |
Menu - Background |
Menu - Menu items |
Menu - Background Popout |
Menu - Menu items Popout |
Menu - Contents |
Element settings |
Tree menu (old) |
General |
Positioning and size |
Menu - Background |
Menu - Menu items |
Menu - Tree menu |
Menu - Contents |
Element settings |
More information |
Additional controls |
Group for additional controls |
Properties dialog |
Grouping - General |
Grouping - Positioning and size |
Grouping - Background |
Group - Additional controls |
Grouping - Settings |
Advanced settings for mobile devices |
Element settings for the "Group for additional controls" |
Add or remove additional controls |
Additional controls which can be included in the group of additional controls |
Settings |
The properties dialog for additional controls |
More options in the element settings |
More information |
Portal and application area |
Properties |
Elements: Application menu horizontal / vertical |
Element settings - Application menu |
Other elements |
External page |
VTL Include |
HTML code |
Link |
Fade-in and fade-out a container |
Edit the menu structure of the portal |
General |
Pre-configured menu structures |
Menu folders |
Start page of the menu item |
No start page |
Portal page |
Default start pages |
Application |
Alternative start page |
Additional parameters |
"Edit" menu |
"New" menu |
Styles |
Permissions |
Colors |
Websites with CSS |
Selectors |
Typ selectors |
Class selectors |
ID selectors |
Universal selectors |
Inheritance |
Box model |
More information |
User-defined styles |
Design - WAI-Aria roles |
Browser rules |
Layout in applications |
Responsive layout |
What is a responsive layout? |
Grids |
Application page with a grid |
Portal pages with a grid |
Layout properties - defining display sizes |
Practical examples: Responsive design |
Foreword |
Creating the Overview page A1 |
Small |
Medium |
Large |
Grids |
Elements |
Creating the Details page A2 |
Small |
Medium |
Large |
Grids |
Elements |
Creating the Edit page E2 "Task" |
Small |
Medium |
Large |
Grids |
Elements |
More information |
Portlets |
Portlet and grid settings |
Basic portlets |
Use application page as a portlet |
Manage users |
Objects, Classes and Attributes |
Create object |
Areas of the "User" module |
Tree |
Lists |
Select table columns |
Search |
Details |
Find occurrences |
More information |
Options |
User groups and users |
Schema manager |
Schema manager |
Classes |
Create user-defined class |
General |
Class sorting |
User-defined object |
Attributes |
Create new attribute |
Edit reference |
Export and import of a schema |
More information |
User account |
Filter in the "User" module |
Replication - User and group import |
Text |
Active Directory connection and replication configuration |
Portal login via identity providers |
How the login via social networks and ID providers works |
Configure portal login via identity providers |
Overview of the required actions |
Actions that you need to perform in the ID provider |
Add Intrexx as an application |
Enter redirect URL |
Register users |
Assign users to Intrexx |
Information from your ID provider |
Client ID and client secret |
REST API endpoints |
Actions that you need to perform in Intrexx |
Activate OAuth2 login - LucyAuth.cfg |
Configure ID provider - om.cfg |
Add users to Intrexx and the ID provider |
Configure user mapping in Intrexx and the ID provider |
Create a login button on the portal homepage |
Links to ID providers |
Use proxy server for authentication |
Set permissions |
Portal administrator |
Provide permissions |
Portal access permissions |
User |
Global permissions |
Individual permissions |
Default users and user groups |
Application permissions |
Application |
Pages |
Data groups |
File fields |
Search configurations |
Topics |
API endpoints |
Menu structure |
FileWalker |
Set permissions in the Integration module |
Application permissions |
Web service |
Implement a login module |
Generic permissions |
Use Intrexx permission classes - Add authorized object |
Add your own permission classes |
Set up search |
Settings in the "Tools" module |
Facets |
Statistics |
Application file filter |
Solr search server |
"Search" application element |
Additional control for the portal-wide search in the "Design" module |
Intrexx Mobile App |
System requirements |
Connect to portal server |
Android |
iOS |
Address |
Connect |
Register portal |
Android |
iOS |
Enable notifications |
Android |
iOS |
Homepage - "Portal overview" |
Android |
Settings |
iOS |
Notification overview for all portals |
Android |
iOS |
Notification overview for the current portal |
Android |
iOS |
Portal browser |
Android |
iOS |
Settings |
Android |
iOs |
Personal settings |
Android |
iOs |
Android |
iOs |
Android |
iOs |
General |
Android |
iOs |
Android |
iOs |
Advanced |
Portal settings |
Android |
iOs |
Android |
iOs |
Android |
iOs |
Install certificates |
Android |
iOS |
Using VPN apps (iOS / Android) |
Authentication - Technical modifications |
Officially signed certificate |
Register API key |
Troubleshooting / FAQ |
More information |
Cross-functionalities |
Online Help |
Searching in the Online Help |
WebSockets |
Use cases |
WebSockets setup - General description |
Define message event (trigger) |
Create topic |
Define appearance in the portal |
Select event source |
Select event handler |
Select Groovy action / Select WebSocket action |
Methods and classes |
JavaScript |
Groovy |
Set up WebSockets in Intrexx |
Create topic |
Write JavaScript for WebSockets in the application |
Configure WebSocket action |
Configure Groovy script action |
Permissions relating to WebSockets |
Settings in the front end web server |
- Internet Information Server |
Examples |
Example - Simple message |
Example - Simple message with Groovy script |
Groovy action and WebSocket action in one process |
Example - Subscribe and unsubscribe via buttons |
Example - Subscribe and unsubscribe via buttons |
Export and import |
Export applications, processes, layouts, configurations and web services |
Import applications, processes, layouts, configurations and web services |
Title and names |
Application permissions |
User-defined attributes |
File storage locations |
Search facets |
Portals |
Data transfer |
Users - Schemas |
Users and groups |
Global language constants |
Multi-tenancy |
Multi Tenancy in the "User" module |
Create tenant dependency |
Tenant assignment |
Multi-tenancy in applications |
Tenant control in data groups |
Tenant control in filters |
Tenant control in distribution lists |
Groovy API |
Velocity API |
More information |
Versioning |
Semantic versioning |
Versioning with Git |
Intrexx Share |
Installation |
News |
Groups |
Events |
Profile and Personal Page |
Chat |
Filebox |
Photos |
Advertisements |
Projects |
Help me |
Polls |
Administration |
Notifications |
User synchronization |
Select members or attendees |
Portlets |
Plugins |
Process elements |
Layout style classes |
Intrexx Share changelogs |
Import and use ready-to-use solutions |
Cookie Notice Manager |
Tips & Tricks |
Workspace |
Automatic forwarding dependent on the end device |
Tree |
Conditional display |
Synchronize the user schema between two portals |
User management via a process |
Calculation |
Scale images |
Set and read cookies |
Importing files |
Edit data in tables |
Time-controlled automatic deletion of data |
Use the database API in Groovy |
Editors |
Restrict data input to one record only |
Editing elements |
Save a Microsoft Exchange email in a data group |
Open FileWalker in a specific directory |
Filtering with Boolean values |
Free layout table - JavaScript |
Combine external and Intrexx data - Part 1 |
Combine external and Intrexx data - Part 2 |
Groovy web error handler |
Custom presentation of search results |
Set individual timeouts for interactive sessions |
Intrexx server monitoring |
Year-based numbering |
JavaScript in view tables |
Many-to-many relationships |
Mail connection with IMAP |
Multilingual data records |
Microsoft Exchange - Set out of office message |
MIME types and file icons |
Mobile application menu |
Parameters - Save parent record with child records |
Convert PDFs to image files |
Filter portlets with Groovy |
Processes |
Start processes |
Generate QR codes |
Permission-based data access |
Permission-based display of elements |
Rounding and casting of numbers |
Collective mail |
Change button image when showing/hiding groupings |
Integrate web fonts |
Page wizard |
Setting header information |
Shortcuts |
Index the search |
Table export - User-defined template |
Button tab menu |
Gauges |
Show appointments from other calendars |
TinyMCE - Custom toolbar |
Unique number generator |
Velocity date API |
Monitor a directory |
Languages written from right to left |
Import superiors from the Active Directory |
WriteContainer - Read value from session |
Importing XML data via Data transfer |
Calculate duration |
Tutorials |
Create an application |
Create REST API endpoints for an application |
Creating REST API endpoints for an application - Advanced |
Partner documentation |
help.landingpage-developers |
Use Expert mode |
Expert mode in the "Applications" module |
"Expert" tab |
Attributes |
By clicking on the Settings button in the lower part of the dialog, individual settings may be defined. |
Edit setting |
Examples |
Details |
"Short info" tab |
"XML" tab |
Filter editor |
Indexes |
Conditional display |
Expert mode in the "Processes" module |
Activate expert mode |
"Expert" tab |
Add property / Edit property |
Details |
Process details |
Filter editor |
Groovy script |
Expert mode in the "User" module |
Activate expert mode |
Details |
Expert mode in the "Design" module |
Activate expert mode |
Details |
Edit stylesheet |
Expert mode in the Integration module – Provide data – OData |
OData |
Data groups |
Data fields |
View tables |
SAP Gateway |
Data groups |
Data fields |
View tables |
More information |
Expert attributes |
Expert - Hijax links |
Expert - Parameter "qs_link" |
Developer Guide |
General |
Namespace for applications |
Data groups |
Intrexx data groups |
File data groups |
System data groups |
External data groups |
Data fields |
Field names |
Primary key |
References |
Index |
Naming elements |
View pages |
Groupings |
Naming conventions |
Permissions |
Script |
JavaScript coding conventions |
Error handling |
Velocity coding conventions |
Security |
Velocity includes |
Groovy coding conventions |
Documenting codes |
Prepared query |
Multilingual applications |
Clonable applications |
Portable applications (databases) |
Processes |
Scripting |
Script editors |
JavaScript editor |
"Functions" tab |
"Application structure" tab |
"Libraries" tab |
Groovy script editor |
Velocity editor |
Stylesheet editor |
Formula editor |
XML editor |
Filter editor |
"Libraries" tab |
Create your own libraries |
File name |
Edit |
"Application structure" tab |
"Edit" menu |
"View" menu |
Font |
JavaScript editor: Set marker |
Status line |
Integrate external editors |
Groovy |
Intrexx Standard Library |
Application structure |
Application property from data record object |
Data group property from data record object |
Application info |
Control info |
Data group info |
Data field info |
Reference info |
Application API |
JSON response (for Groovy endpoints) |
Parse JSON body from request (Groovy endpoints) |
Access to path variables |
Access to query variables |
Set HTTP status code for exception |
Setting HTTP status code by exception |
Language constants |
Example for accessing a global language constant: |
Access global language constant in a specific language |
Access application language constant |
Access application language constant in a specific language |
Imports |
Intrexx AccessController |
IFilter |
WorkflowException |
Objects in Groovy context |
PageActionHandler and PageRenderingHandler |
g_appGuid |
g_handlerGuid |
g_page |
g_action |
g_binding |
g_context |
g_ctx |
g_dataCollection |
g_dbConnections |
g_dbQuery |
g_defaultLanguage |
g_defaultLocaleId |
g_dgFile |
g_dirWorkflow |
g_dirWorkflowTmp |
g_event |
g_exception |
g_fileScript |
g_guidSelf |
g_guidWf |
g_i18n |
g_json |
g_language |
g_localeId |
g_log |
g_om |
g_parameter |
g_permissions |
g_portal |
g_portlet |
g_portletPool |
g_record |
g_rwRecord |
g_request |
g_rtCache |
g_session |
sharedState |
g_sourcePage |
g_springApplicationContext |
g_store |
g_sysDg |
g_syslog |
g_ws |
Closures |
checkInterrupted() |
createTemporaryDirectory() |
currentTimestamp() |
getStackTraceString() |
newGuid() |
now() |
parseGuids(strText) |
vh() |
Databases |
Data groups |
Find data group via GUID |
Reference data group in SQL via GUID |
Get all column names of a data group |
Intrexx database API |
Prepared statement with SELECT |
Prepared statement with INSERT |
Prepared statement with INSERT (with closure) |
Prepared statement with UPDATE |
Prepared statement with UPDATE (with closure) |
Prepared statement with DELETE |
Prepared statement with DELETE (with closure) |
Read a single value from a database query |
Read a single value using a prepared database query |
Prepared statement with SELECT |
Prepared statement with INSERT |
Prepared statement with UPDATE |
Prepared statement with DELETE |
System data source |
External data source |
Determine the database type |
Web services |
Execute web service call |
Read web service input values |
Read web service response values |
Case differentiation |
switch statement for Groovy condition |
switch statement for data group events |
Records from global data group timers |
Mathematical calculations |
Business rounding |
Mathematical rounding |
Date / Time |
Formatting date values |
Duration in days |
Parse ISO date string |
Parse date to ISO string |
Now as timestamp |
Timestamp for system values |
Groovy email (simple) |
Groovy email |
Send email via Ant |
Files and directories |
Identify disk space |
The directory of the current workflow |
Temporary workflow directory |
Work in a temporary directory |
Add file to data record |
Remove file from data record |
Read text file |
Read text file line by line |
Write to text file |
Session / User |
Name of the current user |
Email address of current user |
Anonymous session or not? |
Access the organizational structure |
Users online |
Set new password for user |
User Manager |
Create user (basic) |
Create user |
Edit existing users |
Classify GUIDs |
Categories |
Date / Time |
IValueHolder |
Info |
System information |
Intrexx version |
Error handling and debugging |
Stacktrace as string |
Groovy context |
Define an error handler for a script |
Groovy server scripts |
JSON response |
Possible variations of the script above |
Closure without or with exactly one parameter |
Closure with two parameters |
With a string |
Assign another object |
Velocity |
Create text from a Velocity template |
Create file from a Velocity template |
Request-Variable |
g_request.get(...) |
rq_Lang |
Images |
Scale image |
Determine the size of an image |
Iterate over image metadata |
Logging |
Write info to the portal log |
Write info to log file |
Write warning to log file |
Write warning to log file |
Write error to log file |
Write error to log file |
Read the statistics logs |
Connector for Microsoft Exchange |
Current Exchange connection |
Mailbox name of the current Exchange user |
Save email locally as an EML file |
Save email attachments |
Set the out of office message |
Get folder information |
Create folder |
Add attachment to an element |
Create an Exchange appointment |
Create an Exchange contact |
Create and end Exchange email |
Create an Exchange note |
Create an Exchange task |
Portlets |
Only show portlet if table contains data records |
Restrict portlets in the portlet container |
Control the display with a Boolean value |
WebSockets |
Sending a text message |
Sending a JSON message |
Check for an interrupt request |
Automatic logout of implicitly generated sessions |
Start a scheduler job |
Run an external program |
Create a new GUID |
Check GUID |
Create a ValueHolder |
Parse GUIDs |
Determining the time zone of the portal |
Determine start time and uptime of the portal |
Short links |
Groovy handler in applications |
Groovy file manager |
Velocity |
Intrexx Standard Library |
Application structure |
Application info |
Data group info |
Data field info |
Page info |
Current user |
Login name of current user |
Email address of current user |
Determine user memberships |
Objects in the Velocity context |
$AccessController |
$AppUserProfile |
$AsynchronousRequestHandler |
$BCM |
Binding |
$Browser |
$CalcUtil |
Rounding functions |
$Chat |
$Codec |
$CollectionFactory |
$Constants |
$Cookies |
$DC |
$Loader.getDataCollection() |
| User-defined $DC in emails |
$DC - Read value of a control |
Read value from a system data group |
$defaultLanguage |
$DataTransferCallable |
$DbUtil |
$DefaultMaker |
$DistributionControl |
$DoubletService |
$drRecord |
$DtUtil |
$ESC |
$Error |
$ExceptionUtil |
Objects for Microsoft Exchange |
$ExchangeCallable |
$ExchangeConnectionCallable |
$ExchangeMailboxCallable |
$ExchangeMessageCallable |
$ExchangeItemCallable |
$ExchangeUserMailboxCallable |
$Factory |
$FieldFormatter |
$FileHelper |
$FileUtil |
$Filter |
$FramesetHelper |
$HelperFactory |
$I18N |
$lang |
$layout |
$LayoutManager |
$ListBoxControl |
$ListFormatter |
$Loader |
$Locales |
$LogAnalyzer |
$MBGallery |
$Math |
$Menu |
$MenuCloud |
$ObjectHelper |
$PageUtil |
$Parameter |
$PolicyBrowserFactory |
$PollHelper |
$Portal |
$Portal - Access the organizational structure |
$PreparedQuery |
$ProcessingContext |
Class BusinessLogicProcessingContext |
$Renderer |
$RenderingContext |
$Request |
$Response |
$RtCache |
$SaucMenu |
$SearchUtil |
$Session |
$SettingsHelper |
$SharedState |
$Sort |
$SourcePage |
$TextUtil |
$TickerMan |
$Unique |
$UrlBuilder |
$User |
$VDiff |
$VH |
$VHHelper |
$VelocityContext |
$VelocityUtil |
$Wiki |
$Zebra |
Databases |
Current database connection |
Access an external data connection. |
Get all column names of a data group |
Prepared statement with SELECT |
Prepared statement with INSERT |
Prepared statement with UPDATE |
Prepared statement with DELETE |
Read a single value using a prepared database query (with fallback) |
Determine the database type |
Timestamp for system values |
Debugging |
Inspect an object |
Write info to log file |
Write warning to log file |
Write error to log file |
Stopwatch - Start |
Stopwatch - Take split time |
Stopwatch - Restart |
Portal data |
Portal name |
Time zone |
Users online |
Active sessions |
Calculate |
Add |
Subtract |
Multiply |
Divide |
Maximum |
Minimum |
Renderer |
Current date |
Current date in user-defined format |
Rendering context |
Date |
Localize date |
Session |
Session ID |
Read session variable |
Write session variable |
Escaping |
$ Dollar sign |
# Number sign; hash |
" Quotation mark |
! Exclamation mark |
\ Backslash |
CR Carriage return |
LF Line feed |
CRLF Line break |
TAB horizontal tabulation |
TextUtil |
Convert an array into a string |
Convert a string into an array |
Split a string |
Parse an integer string |
Parse a double string |
ValueHolder |
Create a ValueHolder |
Create a ValueHolder with the current date |
Versioning |
Display semantic version information of an application |
Display semantic version information of a process |
Display semantic version information of a layout |
Connector for Microsoft Exchange |
Current Exchange connection |
Folder information |
Mailbox name of the current Exchange user |
Account of the current Exchange user |
Set the out of office message |
Mark a messsage as read |
Message attachments |
Create an Exchange appointment |
Create an Exchange contact |
Create and end Exchange email |
Create an Exchange note |
Create an Exchange task |
If Else |
For each loop |
Define a variable |
Output variable in local format |
Read request parameter |
Write request parameter |
All data groups of an application |
Dynamic identification of a table name per sysident |
Current date with the current user's time zone |
Create a JSON response |
Create a GUID |
JavaScript |
Libraries |
APIs |
Intrexx Application API |
Creating Application API endpoints |
Endpoint types |
API URL structure |
Assign routing alias |
Defining path parameters |
Defining query parameters |
Filtering and sorting data records |
Defining a JSON body |
Activating the "API Endpoints" view |
Creating data-group endpoints |
Reading an individual data record - "GET" |
Reading multiple data records - "GET" |
Creating a data record - "POST" |
Changing a data record - "PATCH" |
Deleting a data record - "DELETE" |
Creating process endpoints |
Creating and configuring a process |
Creating an event handler for the Application API |
Storing parameters in a process |
Endpoint - Trigger workflow with "POST" |
Creating Groovy endpoints |
Endpoint - Running a Groovy script with "POST" |
Set up access to Application API (IIS) |
Assigning permissions |
Assigning a user to an API endpoint |
Activating and deactivating API endpoints |
Activating and deactivating API keys |
CORS - Cross Origin Resource Sharing |
Create and manage API keys |
Creating a new API key and assigning users |
Copying the API key to the clipboard |
Creating roles for API keys |
Assigning API keys to an API role via drag and drop |
Deactivating API keys and API roles |
Deleting API keys and API roles |
Executing requests |
Authentication |
Login API endpoints |
Copying the API key to the clipboard |
Executing an API request - Example with Postman |
Create Swagger documentation |
Import and use Swagger documentation in Postman |
Portal Endpoints - Swagger Documentation |
Intrexx Administration API (IAA) |
Getting started |
Installation |
Windows - Installing IAA via the graphical interface |
Windows - Install IAA via the command line |
Windows - Activating IAA via the graphical user interface |
Linux - Installing IAA via the graphical user interface |
Linux - Installing IAA using a configuration file |
Linux - Activate IAA via configuration file |
Starting Intrexx Administration API |
Regenerate certificate |
Assign and manage passwords |
Password for the IAA user |
Portal password |
Assigning a new password for IAA users |
Updating a change of passwords for Intrexx components |
admin-api.yaml |
Requirements for API consumers |
Authentication |
API endpoints - Explanation, links, examples |
Swagger documentation |
Interactive Swagger Documentation |
Intrexx Connector API |
Intrexx Connector for OData |
Intrexx Groovy API |
Intrexx JavaScript API |
Intrexx Velocity API |
Intrexx for administrators |
Tools module |
Email service |
Configuring sending email via SMTP for MS Exchange Online |
System monitor |
Sessions |
Databases |
Performance |
Search |
SystemCare |
System check |
Log Files Parser |
Diagnostics |
Validate form and request values |
Backup |
Intrexx Application API (IAA) |
Internationalized emails |
Customizable login |
MSSQL database customization |
System maintenance |
Installing Asian Fonts |
Cookies |
Change favicon |
GUIDCleaner - Removal of non-deletable applications |
Administration API |
Application API |
Application menu |
ARR (Application Request Routing) |
Accessibility |
Base URL |
Business logic |
Camelcase |
Client secret |
Cloud computing |
Collaboration |
Commit |
Daemon account |
Restart services |
DIV element |
Properties |
Fallback value |
Foreign key |
Git |
Headless Linux server |
Horizontal scaling |
IIS (Internet Information Services) |
IoT - Internet of Things |
Installation directory |
Context menu |
Control |
Microsoft Office Graph |
Multi-tenancy |
Namespace |
OData |
Mandatory field |
Portal |
Portal Manager |
Portal page |
Portal Server |
portal.log |
Portal directory |
Prefix |
Release tracks |
Repository |
Request parameter |
Primary key |
Self-signed certificate |
Semantic value |
Session variable |
sharedState |
Silent Track |
Steady Track |
Temporary working directory |
Tagging |
Processing context |
Web service |