Filter condition

With a filter condition, you can decide which subsequent process steps should be performed, for example for an investment request, if the investment costs are under €150.

A filter condition can only be configured if a triggering data group is defined in the process chain (e.g. in the data group event handler) to which the filter condition is linked. The output of the filter condition can be linked to other conditions or actions.

Can only be configured if a triggering data group is defined in the process chain (e.g. in the data group event handler):

A condition is completely and correctly connected, once a connection is made to both of these elements.

When a filter condition is linked to a subsequent process element, a dialog opens automatically in which you can specify whether the following process step should be executed

  • always

  • if the condition is true

  • if the condition is false

The branch with the "Always" condition is always processed last.

Create filter condition

The filter condition can be found in processes in the "Elements" area. It belongs to the "Conditions" category. From there, it can be dragged & dropped to the desired location on the workspace and then configured. General information about creating process items can be found here.

If you have created the filter condition on the workspace, open the properties dialog by double-clicking on the element.



Enter a title for the action here.


A short description can be entered here.

Other languages

In each case, opens a dialog where the text can be entered in multiple languages. Click here for more information about this topic.

Click "Next".


Click here for detailed information about the settings in this dialog.

Click "OK" to complete the configuration.

Exception handling

Once the filter condition has been created and configured, you will find the additional "Exception handling" tab when you open the properties dialog again. You can configure how the condition should be evaluated if more than one result is returned.

Configure the procedure for the case in which the filter returns more than one result

Cancel transaction (default)

The transaction will not continue.

Continue transaction: Condition is true

The transaction continues as if the condition applies.

Continue transaction: Condition is false

Continue transaction: condition is false

In situations where multiple results are entirely correct, such as when testing for the presence of child records (child data group FKLID = parent data record LID), continuing the transaction can be wanted. In this case, you have the additional option to decide whether the condition should be treated as fulfilled or not fulfilled.

More information

Processes module

Create and manage processes

The areas of the "Processes" module

Creating and connecting elements

Analyze log file


External data in processes

Java classes in process objects