Schema Manager

You can access the schema manager in the "Users" module via the main menu "Users / Schema manager".


A symbol representing the class type is shown here.

All standard object classes and user-defined classes are listed in the schema manager. Standard object classes are displayed with names in italics, user-defined classes in normal font. Standard object classes cannot be deleted or edited.

You can create your own classes in the schema manager via the "Edit / New class" menu or alternatively via the corresponding context menu when you select a class in the left-hand area.

Create user-defined class

Give the new class a name here, whereby only letters and numbers may be used. The name of the class cannot be changed afterwards.

This is the display name for the class in the schema manager.

Select the desired base class here.

Enter a table name using only letters and numbers. This name is used for the database table where the attribute values are saved.

Click "OK" to save the new class.

The user-defined class can be edited via the "Edit / Edit class" menu or alternatively via the corresponding context menu when you select a class in the left-hand area. You can use the "Edit / Delete class" menu to delete a class you have created yourself.


The name of the object class, the base class and the name of the database table are displayed here for the class selected in the left-hand area.

Class sorting

The "Edit / Class sorting" menu opens a dialog that can be used to change the sorting order for the display of objects (e.g. in the list view in the "User" module) using the arrow buttons.

User-defined object

If you create a user-defined object, select the base class "OBJECT" when creating a new class. Click "OK" to save the object. Also close the Schema Manager by clicking "OK".

The new object can now be accessed in the "User" module via the main menu "Edit / New / More...". If you select it, the general information can be edited in a dialog.

Enter the name and a description of the object.

The priority affects the order of the lists in the User Manager. The higher the priority is set for an object, the further up it will be in the list.

Clicking on "Next" takes you to a dialog that is also used in the user administration in the user account. Values can be assigned there to the attributes that you have created for the object class. Click here for more information.


All attributes of the currently selected class with data type and field length are listed in the right-hand area of the schema manager. Standard attributes are displayed with names in italics, user-defined attributes in normal font. Standard attributes cannot be deleted or edited.

Create new attribute

Enter a unique name for the attribute here. The name has system-wide validity.

For new attributes, the name is automatically validated so that it can also be used in Groovy scripts and as a default value. It must not contain certain characters and must not start with a number.


Applied when the attribute is used in application elements, filters and displayed in the "User" module.


Select the desired data type here.


Enter the maximum number of characters for text attributes.

Can be NULL

Allows null values to be saved.

DB column name

The name of the database field where the value of the attribute is stored is entered here.


The details of the formed reference are shown here.

Edit reference

Opens a dialog where a reference can be created or edited.

Edit reference

References are used, for example, when creating client dependencies. Click here for more information.

Select the class and the reference attribute here. Also select the attribute whose values are to be displayed.

Support multiple values

With this setting, additional references to the attribute can be created.

Click "OK" to save changes and close the dialog again.

Contains tenant ID

With this setting, the attribute is used for saving the tenant assignment.

Use in User manager search

With this setting, the attribute can be searched for in the “Users” module and in the "Users and groups" multiple selection element.

Usable in other modules

With this setting, the attribute is available in all other modules as a data field in the Users application. User-defined attributes can also be filled with values directly in the user account.

Click "OK" to save the new attribute.

The user-defined attribute can be edited via the "Edit / Edit attribute" menu or alternatively via the corresponding context menu when you select an attribute. You can use the "Edit / Delete attribute" menu to delete a self-created attribute.

Export and import of a schema

Click here for more information on this topic.