You can access general settings for your portal via the main menu "Extras / Options" item.
Animate splash screen
The animation of the splash screen, which is shown when Intrexx starts, can be switched off here.
Remember dialog dimensions
With this setting, the size of dialogs in the Intrexx Portal Manager will be retained if you have changed the size and it therefore deviates from the standard dimensions.
Only when larger than the default dimensions
The new dimensions will only be saved if they are larger than the default.
Online help URL
The default setting for this option is a link to the Intrexx online help on the (Undefined variable: General.CompanyName-without-GMBH) server.
https://help.intrexx.com/intrexx/${release track}/${locale}/${csh-target}
This link contains the placeholder ${release_track}, which is automatically replaced by the currently used Intrexx version, and ${locale}, which is automatically replaced by the currently used language.
"${csh-target}" is a parameter that controls the table of contents and direct context-sensitive help that you open by pressing the F1 key.
Language settings
The language settings are located under the "General" node.
Click here for more information.
Editor settings
Under the "General" node, external editors can also be integrated using "Editor settings" instead of the internal Intrexx editors. You can find out more here.
External programs
External programs can be integrated under the "General" node (e.g. editors or word processing programs).
The file type of the files to be opened with the external program is entered in the first column of the list. The path to the external program is entered in the "Program" column.
Add an external program association
Click on this button to enter a new external program.
Remove an external program association
Removes a program from the list.
Edit an external program association
Click on this button to edit the path to the program.
To use the full functionality of the document engine, a suitable word processing program for editing *.odt files (e.g. Libre Office) should be installed.
Under the "General" node, you can create and configure your own JSON file using the "Templates" item in order to make your own application templates available in the Intrexx Portal Manager. Click here for more information.
Under the "General" node, paths to external tools can be entered for the display and merging of changes in the history. See here for further information.
Enable expert options
With this setting, the additional JMX page is displayed in the portal properties.
The "Expert area" menu item is also displayed in the "Portal" main menu. This contains the management of generic permissions (Manage rights generically (experts)).
Only show active portals
With this option, portals with a deactivated portal service will not be listed in the portal list. If this option is not active, deactivated portals will be listed with their name as an inactive link followed by (offline).
You can find out how to use a proxy server for authentication here.
You can access general settings for the "Applications" module via the main menu "Extras / Options / Applications". Click here for more information.
Language constants and titles
Language constants in applications In the Applications module, using language constants is not only a good idea for multilingual applications but all applications can benefit from the use of the constants. All the details concerning the optional settings for language constants and titles in applications can be found here.
Publish applications
Here you will find the setting for publishing applications with or without a history. Detailed information on the possible settings can be found here.
You can access general settings for the "Applications" module via the main menu "Extras / Options / Processes" option. Click here for more information.
Publish processes
Here you will find the setting for publishing applications with or without a history. Detailed information on the possible settings can be found here.
The description of the optional settings for the "User" module can be found here.
The description of the optional settings for the "Design" module can be found here.
Publish layouts
Here you will find the setting for publishing layouts with or without a history. Detailed information on the possible settings can be found here.
You can activate the setting "Enable expert options" main menu "Extras / Options / Integration / Provide data / OData". See here for further information.
Tools / Search
With the "Activate options for experts" setting, the "Priorities" item is displayed in the tools under "Search".
Tools / Task scheduler
With the setting "Enable expert options", individual tasks can be deleted via the main menu "Task scheduler / Delete job" option.