Export portal

You can export portals manually via the Start module or automatically via the Tools module.

When exporting automatically, you can configure a number of additional options. This includes, among other things, setting the export time or an export cycle if you want to run an export on a regular basis. In addition, you can automatically trigger further follow-up orders during automatic export.

Manually export portal

Step-by-step guide

To export a portal manually, proceed as follows:

  1. Launch the portal you want to export.

  2. Click on "Start > Export Portal..."

    The "Export Portal..." dialog box is displayed.


    Template name

    Template name This corresponds to the filename used for the export file.

    Display name

    When the portal is being imported, the display name is used in the template list (local).


    You can provide the portal export with a description here.

    Export directory

    The path where the export file will be saved is shown here.

    Choose directory

    Opens a dialog where a directory can be selected.

    Clear mail configuration

    With this setting, the settings that are defined for the current portal in the Tools module / Email Service are not included in the export.

    Overwrite previous export

    With this setting, the last export will be overwritten by the new one.

    Export ".noexport" directories

    Individual directories can be excluded from the export by placing a file with the name ".noexport" in the relevant directory. Directories which would therefore be excluded from the export will now be included in the export with this setting.

    Remove database passwords

    With this setting, the passwords for authentication to the portal database will be reset in the portal export. Logging on to the database will then be possible without a password.

    Number of exports to be retained

    Here you can specify how many portal exports should be retained in total. If this number is exceeded, the oldest export will automatically be deleted.

    Skip files from data groups

    With this setting, files from data groups are not included in the export.

    (Detailed information on files in file fields or data groups can be found in section Data fields

    Export format

    Four export formats are available:

    • ZIP archive

    • tar archive

    • tar.gz archive

    • Directory (uncompressed)

    Use speed optimized data format

    With this setting, the XML in the export file is written in a format that can be read faster during the import.


The portal.wcf file contains central settings that are required for operating your portal. It is supplied with Intrexx with default settings. You can find the portal.wcf file at the following location:
If necessary, you can make changes to the file manually.

Note that when exporting a portal, the portal.wcf file is exported as well, but when importing it afterwards, it is imported without any manual changes; i.e. you have to maintain the portal.wcf file manually if necessary.

Background The portal.wcf file contains system-specific information, such as paths or ports, which normally cannot be transferred 1:1 from one system to another.

Automatically export portal

Step-by-step guide

To export a portal automatically, proceed as follows:

  1. Start the "Tools" module.

  2. Click on "Export" in the navigation area.

  3. Click on "Configure".

    The "Export configuration" dialog appears.

    Portal description

    Template name

    Template name This corresponds to the filename used for the export file.

    Display name

    When the portal is being imported, the display name is used in the template list (local).


    You can provide the portal export with a description here.

    Export directory

    The path where the export file will be saved is shown here.

    Choose directory

    Opens a dialog where a directory can be selected.

    Clear mail configuration

    With this setting, the settings that are defined for the current portal in the Tools module / Email Service are not included in the export.

    Overwrite previous export

    With this setting, the last export will be overwritten by the new one.

    Export ".noexport" directories

    Individual directories can be excluded from the export by placing a file with the name ".noexport" in the relevant directory. Directories which would therefore be excluded from the export will now be included in the export with this setting.

    Remove database passwords

    With this setting, the passwords for authentication to the portal database will be reset in the portal export. Logging on to the database will then be possible without a password.

    Number of exports to be retained

    Here you can specify how many portal exports should be retained in total. If this number is exceeded, the oldest export will automatically be deleted.

    Skip files from data groups

    With this setting, files from data groups are not included in the export.

    (Detailed information on files in file fields or data groups can be found in section Data fields

    Export format

    Four export formats are available:

    • ZIP archive

    • tar archive

    • tar.gz archive

    • Directory (uncompressed)

    Use speed optimized data format

    With this setting, the XML in the export file is written in a format that can be read faster during the import.

  4. Go to the "Execution time" tab.


    Define the how often the task should be automatically executed.

    Rules for automatic execution

    Any number of rules with differing schedules can be created here. Created rules can be selected and activated individually meaning the task is executed with the corresponding schedule. Create a rule, modify the settings (such as the time) in the dialog as needed and save the rule either by switching to another rule or by closing the dialog with "OK".

    Add rule

    Adds a new rule.

    Delete rule

    Deletes the rule currently selected.

    Time frame


    Defines the start of the period. The task will be executed for the first time at the beginning of the next hour after the value entered in the "From" field.


    Defines the end of the period.

    Time zone

    Defines the time zone.



    With this option, a specific time can be entered when the task should be executed.


    With the settings "At the hour(s) / minute(s) / second(s)" you can enter an integer for a single hour (or minute/second), a list (separated by a comma) or a period (e.g. 8-10).

    By clicking on the arrow button to the right of these settings, you can select the option "Every". This allows you to define an interval in hours, minutes and seconds relative to the last execution.


    During the month(s)

    Here, you can enter an integer for a single month, a list (separated by a comma) or a period (e.g. 3-5) to determine in which month(s) the task should be executed. Click on "All" if you want to execute the task throughout the year.

    On specific days of the month

    Corresponds to the setting "During the month(s)" but for the days.

    Click on the arrow button to the right of this setting to select other options from the submenu.

    Repeat every

    Enter the desired number of days before the end of the month.

    On specific days of the week

    Define the desired days of the week.

    Days before the end of the month

    Enter the desired number of days before the end of the month.

    Scheduler rule

    The scheduler rule can be entered manually here. Information about the construction of these rules can be found here. A detailed description of CronTrigger expressions can be found here (CronTrigger class).

    Reset to default rule

    If you click on this button, Intrexx will check the scheduler rule. If Intrexx detects errors, a rule is automatically built, which can be implemented via the input fields in this dialog box. Invalid values in the scheduler rule are discarded.

  5. Go to the "Execution Options" tab.

    Execution options

    Run at server startup when schedule has been missed

    With this setting, task will be executed that have not been carried out while the server was stopped.

    Maximum history length

    The number of entries is limited to the integer entered here.

    Maximum history entry age

    Defines how long the history entries are valid in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours or days. The entries in the history are only corrected when a new run takes place.

    Purge successful entries in history

    If you activate this check box, only the last successfully completed job will be displayed in the history.


    An email address can be entered that a message will be sent to as soon as the status, which is selected below, applies.

    As of Status

    You can select the following values:

    • Never

      A message will not be sent.

    • Errors

      A message will be sent if errors occur during execution.

    • Warning:

      A message will be sent when warnings are encountered.

    • Always

      A message will always be sent.

  6. Go to the "Subsequent jobs" tab.

    Subsequent jobs

    You can arrange for Intrexx to automatically execute other subsequent jobs after the portal export. Subsequent jobs can also be defined in the "Tools" module in the Task Scheduler when configuring tasks and in the "Integration" module when configuring data transfers.

    Click on the icon to add a new subsequent job.

    You can arrange for subsequent jobs to be executed in "Simple" and "Advanced" mode.


    After the actual job, all subsequent jobs are executed one after the other.


    Using this option, subsequent jobs can be organized into groups. Jobs from the same group are performed at the same time after the actual job. The groups are performed one after the other.

    Process Event GUID

    A process can be performed once the subsequent jobs have been performed successfully. Enter the GUID of the process here.

    Start subsequent jobs even if error occurred in the current job

    If you select this check box, all jobs will be executed, even if one of the jobs was canceled due to an error.

  7. Click on "OK" to complete the configuration.


The portal.wcf file contains central settings that are required for operating your portal. It is supplied with Intrexx with default settings. You can find the portal.wcf file at the following location:
If necessary, you can make changes to the file manually.

Note that when exporting a portal, the portal.wcf file is exported as well, but when importing it afterwards, it is imported without any manual changes; i.e. you have to maintain the portal.wcf file manually if necessary.

Background The portal.wcf file contains system-specific information, such as paths or ports, which normally cannot be transferred 1:1 from one system to another.