Use buttons to configure sending emails

In Intrexx, buttons can be configured to send emails when they are clicked. The settings for content, recipient, etc. are flexible.

The email configuration can be found in the Properties dialog of buttons on the "Actions" tab.

If you have not already done so, please configure the email service in the "Tools" module first, so that it is theoretically possible to send emails with Intrexx. A guide is available here.


Send email / Configuration

Clicking on the "Send email" checkbox opens a dialog in which Email Properties can be configured. The configuration can be edited by clicking on " Configuration".

Recipient, Recipient CC, Recipient BCC

Send to

Ask user for recipient

With this setting, when the button configured to send emails is clicked, a prompt appears in the browser where users can specify any email address.

Static distribution list

A fixed list of email addresses can be entered here as a distribution list. Each address must be separated with a semicolon.

Dynamic distribution list

Application, Data group, Data field

Select the source of the email addresses here. Text data fields, which contain email addresses separated with a semicolon, can also be used. Other separators are not permitted.

Edit filter

Opens a dialog where the address list can be restricted in advance with filter criteria.

Address from email field

In contrast to the dynamic distribution list, the value from the current data set will be used. This setting is available from an edit or view page where a data record is opened or created.

Data field

Select the field that contains the email addresses of the intended recipients.


Select one of the following four types here:

Superior / Deputy of current user

With this setting, the email address of the supervisor or deputy of the current user will be queried.


One email for each recipient

A single email is generated for each recipient. If this setting is not active, all of the recipients will be added to the email separated by a semicolon.

This option is not available on the "Recipient CC/BCC" tab.