Profile and Personal Page

When you visit Intrexx Share for the first time, a profile is automatically created for you based on the data from the "Users" module.

1. Navigation

Click on "Profiles" in the navigation. The profiles of all Intrexx Share users are displayed here.

2. Profiles

The profile overview displays all active Intrexx Share users. The buttons can be used to send, withdraw, or accept contact requests. Existing contacts are marked as such.

If another user has sent you a contact request, you will find two buttons next to their profile: By clicking on "Accept", you can accept the contact request and by clicking on "Reject", you can reject it.

In the "News" module, you will find all your contacts as well as outstanding contact requests in a separate portlet.

At the bottom right of the profile picture, a small green square is displayed when the user is online.

Intrexx Share Administrators can be recognized by the corresponding red label above the name in the profile.

3. Filter information

Click on the button "Filter" to search specifically for profile information (e.g. locations, departments or skills).

4. Categories

This button is only available for administrators or Intrexx Share administrators. Categories should be defined before profile data are collected. Users can maintain the categories on their Personal Page in the Knowledge and Skills section.

Profile - detail page

Click on your profile (thumbnail or name) on the overview page to go to your personal page.

The detail page of a profile is divided into two sections. All the important profile information is displayed in the upper section.


Here you will reach a menu whose options may differ depending on whether you are on your own profile or another profile.

Edit profile

Opens a dialog where you can complete or change your profile data. The profile can also be deactivated or deleted here. Click here for more information.

The information that you enter in the profile can be seen on your personal page by all Intrexx Share users, unless you restrict the visibility in the personal settings.

Personal settings

This menu item allows you to control who can post on your personal page and see your contacts and personal information. It is also possible to set the sorting of posts and the period until notifications that have been read are removed.

Email settings

Notifications are generally sent by email to the business email address in the "Users" module.

Under "Email settings (total), you will be notified about all processes in Intrexx Share, unless you select "Custom" here – then the custom rules will apply for each setting.

Under "Email settings (cusom)", custom rules can be set for individual sections (e.g. for notification of new events). The setting "Mail for new posts" under the heading "Personal feed" in the email settings applies only to posts on your own personal page. The other settings also apply to the personal pages of other Intrexx Share users. The setting "Mail for new notifications" under "Workflow" means that you'll receive an email notification when a process in the portal is configured in such a way, that it sends a notification to you regarding a post.

Push notification settings

Under "Push message settings (total)", you will be notified about all processes in Intrexx Share, unless you select "Individual" here – then the custom rules will apply for each setting. Push notifications are sent to the Intrexx Mobile App if push notifications from the Intrexx portal have been enabled.

Copy link

Copies a profile link to the clipboard.

Pers. information

In the lower section of the personal page, you can access your own posts, personal information, contacts, groups, events, photo albums and ads via the corresponding tabs.

Under "Personal Information" you can store personal information (e.g. contact information), knowledge and skills, and career details. To save this information, click on "Edit" in each case.

In the Knowledge and Skills section, users can add or edit relevant information. By clicking on an entry, you can see who also has this knowledge.

Deactivate / Delete profile

A profile can be deactivated or deleted via the profile options menu (Edit profile). This will show a page that informs you in detail about what exactly happens when you deactivate or delete a profile.

Deactivated share profiles are grayed out and deleted share profiles are displayed as anonymous.

A profile can be deactivated if you will be unavailable for an extended period of time, for example. When deactivated, all data is retained. If your own profile is deactivated, a window will be displayed next time you access Intrexx Share, from which the profile can be reactivated. Other users can no longer create posts on the personal page of a deactivated user. A profile can be disabled only if the user is not a group moderator. In this case, appoint another moderator and then deactivate the profile.

A profile can only be deleted here if this has been permitted in the general settings in Administration. Otherwise, this area is not available on this page. A profile should only be deleted if a user is no longer available on a permanent basis, e.g. when they leave the company. It can only be deleted if the user is not a group moderator. The following data is deleted:

  • Posts on the personal page

  • All profile information

  • Contacts

  • Likes

  • Photo albums

  • Group memberships

  • Reminders

Posts created by the profile owner in groups or events will be made anonymous and are no longer affiliated with the respective profile. Files in the Filebox are also made anonymous, but are kept nonetheless. If events are created, they will be removed if the profile owner was, or is, the only participant. This also includes all comments made by the profile owner.

An Intrexx Share administrator can only delete their profile once they have been removed from the group of administrators. Intrexx Share provides you with the ability to restore the profile within 24 hours. After the 24 hours expires, the profile is deleted permanently. The profile can now no longer be reactivated and must be created again if required.