Delete portal

Deleting the portal via the Portal Manager

Note that you can only delete a portal with the Integrated Portal Manager.

Step-by-step guide

Proceed as follows to delete a portal:

  1. Click on "File -> Delete portals".

    The "Delete portals..." dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select the portal(s) you want to delete.

  3. Click on "OK".

  4. Confirm the deletion process.

    A notification will be displayed. This will inform you that the portal database is not removed when a portal is deleted. You must delete the database yourself. The database manufacturer usually offers appropriate software for this purpose (e.g. PGAdmin for PostGres databases, SQL Server Management Studio for MS SQL Server, etc.).

Deleting a portal via the command line

You can also delete a portal via the command line. The deleteportal.bat file is available for this purpose. It can be found at the following location:


The script requires that the portal GUID is specified as a parameter. This can be found in the service.cfg file. You can find it at the following location:
