Search - Statistics

Enable search statistics

Search statistics will be created with this setting.

Show from / to

Specify the time period to be displayed here.

"Summary" tab

Top queries

"Query" column

Displays the most common search queries.

"Count" column

Displays the number of performed searches.

Query statistics

The statistics are displayed in diagram form here.


Clicking on this button saves the settings made.


Clicking on this button discards all changes that have not been saved.

"Hit score" tab

Queries with top hit count

"Query" column

Displays the query.

"Hits" column

Displays the number of hits.

"Time" column

The date and time of the query is shown here.

Hit count statistics

The hit scores are displayed in diagram form here.


Clicking on this button saves the settings made.


Clicking on this button discards all changes that have not been saved.

"Trend" tab


Select whether search terms or intervals should be compared here.


Select the type of scaling here.

Filter field

A search term can be entered here. The diagram below will be filtered based on this.


Adds another filter field if search terms have been selected for the comparison. If intervals have been selected, a filter field cannot be added.

Remove filter field

Removes the corresponding filter field.


The trends are displayed in diagram form here.


Clicking on this button saves the settings made.


Clicking on this button discards all changes that have not been saved.

"All queries" tab

This tab shows a complete list of all queries with time, query, hits, the module in which hits were obtained, or the search configuration in which hits were obtained.

Filter field

A search term can be entered here. The diagram below will be filtered based on this.


Adds another filter field if search terms have been selected for the comparison. If intervals have been selected, a filter field cannot be added.

Remove filter field

Removes the corresponding filter field.

"Time" column

The date and time of the query is shown here.

"Query" column

Displays the query.

"Hits" column

Displays the number of hits.

"Module" column

Displays which module the hit was made in.

"Search configuration" column

Displays the GUID of the search configuration via which the hit was obtained.


Clicking on this button saves the settings made.


Clicking on this button discards all changes that have not been saved.

The search statistics are principally non-personal.

More information

Settings in the "Tools" module


Search configuration in applications

"Search" application element

Additional control for the portal-wide search in the "Design" module