Upgrade from Intrexx 19.03 to Intrexx Silent 2023

Upgrade The following step-by-step guide assumes that you are upgrading an existing Intrexx installation.

This means that you are installing Intrexx 20.09 in the same directory as an earlier version of Intrexx. The advantage of this approach is that all configurations are kept.

New installation You can also install Intrexx Intrexx Silent Track in a new directory and then transfer your data and portals from the earlier Intrexx version to Intrexx Silent Track. For detailed information, refer to the section Using parallel installation.

Note Start the upgrade from Intrexx Silent Track only after you have configured IIS (Windows) or NGINX (Linux).

Download Download the installation package for Intrexx Silent 2023 from Intrexx Support Center at "Intrexx Downloads > Intrexx Releases > Silent Track". Unzip the installation package.

Portalpatch If you install the upgrade in an existing directory, the portals will also be patched. During this process, Intrexx checks whether your portal from the previous version will function correctly in Intrexx Silent Track without any additional modifications. A corresponding report (logfile) will be generated that contains the respective notifications.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Execute the "setup.exe" file as the administrator (right-click > "Run as administrator").
    The welcome dialog for the Intrexx setup will be shown.

  2. Click on "Next".

    The dialog with the license conditions is displayed.

  3. Agree to the terms of the License Agreement.

  4. Click on "Next".

    The "Installation path" dialog appears.

  5. Select as the installation directory, the one in which you already installed Intrexx.

  6. Click on "Next".

    The "Installation" dialog appears.

    Administration API

    During installation of Intrexx Silent 2023, you can also install the "Intrexx Administration API".

    Detailed information on the Intrexx Administration API can be found in the section Intrexx Administration API.

    a. Click "Packages to install" if you want to install the Administration API.

    The "Component selection" dialog appears.

    b. Activate "Intrexx Administration API".

    c. Click on "Finish".

    Apache Solr Search Server

    In Intrexx Silent 2023, the Intrexx Portal Server uses the user and password for authentication to the Solr search server.

    For detailed information on configuring the "Apache Solr Search Server", see the Solr Search Server, for example.

    a. Click on "apache Solr search server".

    The Solr Configuration dialog box appears.

    c. Change the password.

    c. Click on "OK".

  7. Click on "Start".

    The dialog "Notes on update" appears

    Read and confirm the update notes.
    Be sure to create a backup before performing the update.

  8. Click on "OK".

    The "Installation" dialog appears.

    During the installation, the "Patch the portals" dialog is displayed.

    Existing portals will be updated or patched to the new Intrexx version.

  9. Click "OK" once the button is active.

    You return to the "Installation" dialog.

  10. Click "Finish" once the button is active.

    The "Finish installation" dialog appears.

    In the lower area of the dialog, the existing portals are displayed with the corresponding ports.
    Remember the ports.


    Load the portal information to the clipboard using the icon. Then paste the information from the clipboard into an editor. For example, the information may look like this:

    2B5E259016011BE0C9KK1065295EDCD912291E25   exampleportal     8107

    340C7AD0C35738E6E60KK86C8E2C1826B2D8AF43   demoportal        8108

    E63608C696F0114900EBKKFF81F314DD1A88C678   developmentportal 8109

    In Intrexx Silent 2023, you must know the port to connect to the portal via the Portal Manager.

    Detailed information on this can be found in the section Intrexx without Supervisor.

  11. Click on "Finish".

    If you have activated the checkbox "Start Intrexx Portal Manager", Intrexx will be restarted.