JDBC data source

JDBC is a protocol for accessing databases. Accessing your external databases requires the use of a suitable JDBC driver.

A JDBC connection can be created in the "Integration" module. A wizard guides you through the configuration.

With a JDBC connection, you can access data in real time. The connector allows write access and also display of date values in the correct time zone. Once a data source is registered, you can edit the data in processes and build any applications on it.

In each portal you will also find the JDBC connection to the system database of the portal under the data source name "IxSysDb". All existing JDBC connections are listed on the right-hand side. You can access all editing functions via the "Data source" main menu or the corresponding context menu if an existing connection is selected. In addition to the name of the data source, the database type and name, the number of external data groups in which the JDBC connection is used is also displayed here.


So that a JDBC connection works correctly, TCP/IP needs to be activated in the Microsoft SQL Server database and the dynamic ports need to be defined. Configure the Server TCP/IP accordingly if you are using a remote database server. To do that, open the Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager. You will find "Protocols for [name of the instance used by you]" under the point "SQL Server Network Configuration". Activate TCP/IP on the right-hand side. Then open the TCP/IP properties. On the "Protocol" tab, the following settings should be made:

  • Enabled: Yes

  • Listen All: Yes

  • Keep Alive: 30000

Then switch to the "IP Addresses" tab. The following settings should be made here:

  • Active: Yes

  • TCP Dynamic Ports: 0 (can also be left blank depending on the configuration)

  • Port used for establishing the connection (Default: 1433)

Restart the SQL Server Service and then the SQL Server Browser Service via the SQL Server Configuration Manager / SQL Server Services. Should the connection still not work with these settings, please refer to the corresponding pages from the developer.

More information

Creating a connection

Integrate data into applications