Manage Advent calendar

In earlier versions of the "Advent calendar" application, it was necessary to import the application every year. This is no longer necessary with the current version. You can update the data within the application every year. Data from previous years is automatically archived.

In the "Manager" role, you have access to the "Administration" page.

There you can carry out the actions described below.

Import or generate data for the current year

Once you have imported the "Advent calendar" application in the Portal Manager, it contains default doors (default images) for each day of Advent. However, it does not yet contain the actual Advent calendar. This consists of one data set for each of the 24 days of Advent.

Step-by-step guide

To create an advent calendar, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the Administrationpage.


    The "Data import" dialog box is displayed.

    Default door with empty sayings

    If you select this value, a calendar with the default doors is created. However, the calendar does not contain any sayings. You can enter these yourself.

    Doors and sayings by INTREXX GmbH API

    If you select this value, a complete calendar is created with the default doors and calendar sayings. The data are provided online by Intrexx GmbH and updated every year. You can edit both the doors and the calendar sayings at a later date.

    To use this option, you need to be connected to the Internet at the time of data import.

  3. Click on SAVE.

    The Advent calendar is displayed.

Preview for the portlet and share feed view

Portal users can integrate the Advent calendar as a portlet on portal pages. Additionally, the "Advent calendar" application generates a share feed for each day. This means that if you use "Intrexx Share" as a customer, a feed is automatically generated every day and posted in "Intrexx Share".

A preview is available for both the portlets and the share feeds, so you can perform a test display of the door or the share feed before December.


Share feeds

Edit doors and sayings

Step-by-step guide

To edit the saying of the day and the picture for the door, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the Administrationpage.

  2. Click on the pencil icon (edit).

    The "Door" dialog box is displayed.

  3. Make the changes you want.

    The images have a standard size of 500 x 500px.

  4. Click on SAVE.

Automatic data archival

When new data records are loaded, the previous ones are archived.

View archived data

To display archived data records, enable the "Archived" toggle switch.