Button – Landing page options
For the "No action", "Save" and "Delete" actions of a button, you can set how the target page should be opened here.
Open target in current window
Opens the target page in the currently opened window.
If buttons with this setting open pages from within a portlet, then the page will be opened in the portlet. If the page contains a lot of elements, all page elements may not be displayed in some cases. The "Open target in main window" setting is much more suitable in this case as the loaded page will be displayed in its entirety.
Open target in main window
Opens the target page in the main window.
Opens the target page as a tooltip. The following settings can also be made here:
Open at mouseover
The target page will be shown as a tooltip as soon as the user moves the mouse over the link/button.
Open modal
This setting is not available if the "Open on mouseover" setting is selected.
A modally opened dialog disables the rest of the application as long as it is being displayed. This means that users can only interact with application elements within the modal dialog but not with elements outside the dialog.
Show page title
The page title is shown in the title bar of the tooltip in the browser. Use drag & drop to move the tooltip via the page title. This is not possible without the page title.
Show close symbol
A symbol will be shown in the upper right-hand corner of the tooltip, allowing the tooltip to be closed.
Configure tooltip positioning
Clicking this button opens a dialog that allows you to set the position of the tooltip on the page.
Show confirm dialog when closing the tooltip
With this setting, the message shown above is displayed when a tooltip page is to be closed via the
close icon at the top right and there are entries in input or text fields. This helps prevent data from being lost unintentionally. So that this setting functions correctly, the elements to be checked may not be in the hidden area. They should also not be write-protected. This option is not available for the Show/Hide flexible action.
Open in grouping (embedded tooltip)
With this setting, the tooltip will open in a grouping on the current page; this can be selected beneath this setting. The grouping has to use the HTML element "DIV". If a different HTML element, apart from div, is used in a group that will be the target container for a tooltip, a notification will appear. Furthermore, the area “Notifications” lists the elements for which this grouping is setup as a target container. From here, you can navigate to the triggering elements by double-clicking.
Create new grouping
Creates a new, empty grouping.
Restore grouping content when closing the tooltip
When displaying a tooltip in a new grouping, the tooltip will take up the entire container. Content, which was already there, will be overwritten in this way. The setting "Restore grouping content when closing the tooltip" means that the original content will be shown again, when the tooltip is closed. If this option is not selected, the grouping will remain empty.
Print view
Use this setting to print the page via the browser. For this, the target page must be loaded in a popup window. The "Print view" setting has no effect for pages in the main window.
The layout of the print view can be influenced with custom styles. Click here for more information.
Within tooltip window
These settings are relevant if the page, where the destination options are defined, is displayed in a tooltip.
Close tooltip
Closes the current page when the button is clicked on.
Reload window
The target page can be reloaded with this setting.
Delete / Save at link destination
If the target page is opened in a popup or a tooltip, you may define which area of the page, which the target page will be loaded from, should be refreshed. After the Save / Delete action is performed, the entire page (or just the table) can be refreshed. If the button is located within a free layout table, then this free layout table can be reloaded as well. After the Save / Delete action is performed, the entire page (or just the table) can be refreshed.
Configure tooltip positioning
For the button actions "Save", "Delete" and "No action", the position where the corresponding tooltip should be shown can be configured in the target page options, and the button action "Show-Hide-Flexible".
Use default settings
Depending on the other settings (e.g. a modally opened tooltip), the previously used positioning will be applied. With the standard setting, the tooltip will, for example, always orientate itself to the button clicked on.
Position at browser window
If this setting is selected, the tooltip will orientate itself to the browser window. Click on the graphic below this setting to determine the position of the tooltip relative to the browser window.
Fix tooltip position
With this setting, the tooltip stays at the assigned window position and does not scroll with the page's content.
Open at element
You can select an element here at which the tooltip should be opened.
Here, the element will be symbolized with a border and green dots. The greyed-out areas around the dots correspond to the later position of the tooltip. In the positioning schema, click on the position where the tooltip should be opened.
Offset X / Y
An additional offset from the element can be specified in pixels here. Offset X offsets the tooltip horizontally and Offset Y vertically.
In the following figure, you will see a few examples of how the positioning (without offset) will be implemented in the browser.
With the last two settings in the dialog, you can specify whether the tooltip is opened inside or outside the viewport:
Tooltip can be opened outside the visible area
Tooltip is always opened within the visible area
Tooltip height / width
The height and width of the tooltip can be defined in pixels or as a percentage based on the window height/width.
Style class
Here, one of the style classes defined for tooltips in the "Design" module can be selected. By selecting "Default style class", the default style class for tooltips will be used.
Close automatically
The tooltip will be closed automatically after the specified time.
After ... Milliseconds
The length of time is specified in milliseconds here.