Search tool - Priorities


You will find the name of each object in this column.


The higher the integer entered, the higher the priority for the search.

Always priorized

If the control box in this column is selected, the object will be prioritized regardless of the integer value entered in the "Priority" column.

Add search configuration

Opens a dialog in which search configurations that are to be included in the priority list can be selected.

Add search configuration


Select the application that contains the desired search configuration here.

Search configuration

Select the search configuration here.


You can specify the search configuration's priority with an integer here.

Always prioritized

With this setting, the search configuration is always used in the search with a high priority.

Click on "OK".

Delete search configuration

Deletes the search configurations from the list.


Clicking on this button saves the settings made.


Clicking on this button discards all changes that have not been saved.

More information

Settings in the "Tools" module


Search configuration in applications

"Search" application element

Additional control for the portal-wide search in the "Design" module