Open, edit and save documents in Intrexx (WebDAV)

You can use Intrexx to open, edit and save documents directly via your portal with the appropriate program. The only requirement is that the document has been previously uploaded to the Intrexx Portal Server and that the necessary program is installed on your computer. As a rule, this functionality is available for Office programs.

Locally installed Microsoft Office package
Please note that the WebDAV functionality described below only works for the locally installed versions of the Microsoft Office package.

You can find more information on the difference between locally installed versions and online versions from Microsoft at the following link: Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Microsoft 365 und Office 2021?


Additionally, the program you use to open the document must support the WebDAV network protocol. WebDAV stands for "Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning". Common Office programs such as those by Microsoft or Libre Office support WebDAV.

Documents that have been uploaded to the Intrexx Portal Server are displayed in the portal with an icon and a hyperlink.

If you click on the hyperlink as a portal user, the document is opened with the appropriate program. You can then edit and save the document.


The WebDAV functionality described here does not require a special integration solution or a separate connector for Office or other documents.

You need at least an Intrexx Professional license. A license notification is displayed in the Portal Manager if your portal is not adequately licensed.

More information


Overview of setup in the Portal Manager

You must execute the following actions in the Portal Manager so that portal users can open, edit and save documents.

1. Enable WebDAV

You must enable the WebDAV service in Intrexx.

Enable WebDAV

2. Link file types with associated programs

You must link the file types that you want to access via the portal to one or more programs and specify a default program.

Set default program to open files

3. Set authentication

The documents that you access as a portal user have been previously uploaded to the Intrexx Portal Server. To access the documents from the portal, authentication of the portal user is required for WebDAV.

WebDAV authentication

4. Create data field for WebDAV access to documents

To manage documents or files using a data group in Intrexx, you (generally) need a "File" data field. Here you will find a checkbox that allows you to edit the file via WebDAV.

Create new data field for WebDAV access to documents

5. Set up document upload

For a document to be uploaded to the Intrexx Portal Server via the portal, you must insert the "File selection" element on an input page.

Set up document upload

6. Set up document display

To be able to edit a document, you must insert the "Display file selection" element on a view page. The WebDAV template is available here.

Set up document display

7. Include document display (in view table)

Include document display in view table