Windows - Configure IIS (Internet Information Services)

The following chapters describe how to configure IIS (Internet Information Service) so that you can use it as a reverse proxy.

This description is relevant if you are running Intrexx on Windows.

Add IIS features Install IIS Web Platform Installer Install ARR and URL Rewrite Module Configure ARR module / Activate reverse proxy Add website in IIS If you are running Intrexx on Linux, the corresponding information is available in the section Linux - Configure NGINX.

If you want to create your own configurations for web front-ends (Nginx, IIS, Apache, HAProxy, TrafficServer or similar), please note the following:


  • Access only via HTTPS

  • Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS

Blocked URLs

  • Hidden files and directories starting with ... Exception : /.well-known/

  • /WEB-INF/ (recursive)

  • /web.config

  • /bin/ (recursive)