Upload and display documents

Create new data field for WebDAV access to documents

Step-by-step guide

To create a data field that enables access to documents via WebDAV, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the data group you want to add the data field to.

  2. Right-click on it.

  3. Select "New" from the context menu > "Data field".

    The "New data field" dialog box is displayed.

  4. Enter a title.

  5. Activate the "File more ..." option

  6. Click on "more ..." (Configure data field).

    The "Filehandler" dialog box is displayed.

  7. Enable the "GUID" or "Integer" option.

  8. Select a file location.

    Detailed information on this can be found in the section File storage locations.

  9. Enable the "Enable file editing via WebDAV" checkbox.

  10. Click on "OK".

    You return to the "New data field" dialog box.

  11. Click on "OK".

    You have created a new data field for accessing documents via WebDAV.

More information

Use existing data field for WebDAV access to documents

Step-by-step guide

To use an existing data field for WebDAV access to documents, proceed as follows:

  1. Start the properties dialog of the data group that contains the data field of type "File".

  2. Go to the "Data fields" tab.

  3. Select the data field of type "File" that you want to set up for WebDAV access.

  4. Click on the icon.

    The "Properties - Data field" dialog will open.

  5. Go to the "Configuration" tab.

  6. Enable the "Enable file editing via WebDAV" checkbox.

  7. Click on "OK".

    You return to the "Properties - Data group" dialog box.

  8. Click on "OK".

Set up document upload

Documents are uploaded via the "File selection" element.

Step-by-step guide

To set up the upload of documents that can be opened and edited via WebDAV, proceed as follows:

  1. Start the application for which documents are to be uploaded via WebDAV.

  2. Create an input page below the data group that contains the data field for saving the document references.

  3. Drag and drop the "File selection" element onto the input page.

    The "General" dialog is opened.

  4. Enter a title.

  5. Click on "Next".

    The "Options" dialog will open.

  6. Click on "Next".

    The "Display" dialog box is displayed.

  7. Click on "Next".

    The "Data field" dialog box is displayed.

  8. Enable the "Data field" option and select the data field you created earlier Create new data field for WebDAV access to documents).

  9. Click on "Next".

    The "Final settings" dialog box is displayed.

  10. Click on "Finish".

More information

File selection

Set up document display

Documents are displayed and edited via the File selection view" element.

Step-by-step guide

To set up the display and editing of documents that can be opened and edited via WebDAV, proceed as follows:

  1. Start the application for which documents are to be uploaded via WebDAV.

  2. Create a view page below the data group containing the data field to save the document references.

  3. Drag and drop the "File selection" element onto the input page.

    The "General" dialog is opened.

  4. Select the "WebDAV" tile under "Template".

  5. Click on "Next".

    The "Options" dialog will open.

    Enable WebDAV

    The "Enable WebDAV" checkbox is activated and grayed out, as you selected the "WebDAV" tile in the previous dialog.

    Click on the file to open it in the configured editor

    If you enable this checkbox, when you click on it the file is opened immediately in the portal with the program that you have defined as the default in the configuration settings.

    See section Set default program for opening files.

  6. Click on "Next".

    The "Data field" dialog box appears.

  7. Enable the "Data field" option and select the data group and the data field that you created previously (Create new data field for WebDAV access to documents).

  8. Click on "Next".

    The "Final settings" dialog box appears.

  9. Click on "Finish".

More information

File selection view