New features

Below you will find an overview of the features that have been implemented in Intrexx.

Intrexx version 12.0.1

Please note our notes on Intrexx version 12.0.1, which you can read here.

OpenSearch / Elasticsearch

Preview Feature: OpenSearch / Elasticsearch can now also be used as the search engine. Click here for more information.

Please note that this feature is a so-called "preview feature". Preview features may be incomplete or contain errors. For this reason, they may currently only be used in test and development environments in order to evaluate them accordingly.

Before using a preview feature, we strongly recommend that you carry out a data backup. INTREXX GmbH does not assume any warranty for the functionality or reliability of preview features. The use of preview features is therefore at the user's own risk.

Parameter support for REST call action (client and server)

Entries from the parameter management (parameter store) can now also be used in the REST call action. Click here for more information.

New default layouts

Detailed information about the new standard layouts "Material Light" and "Material Light Sidebar" can be found here.


The TinyMCE editor is now available in two versions:

  • TinyMCE Light

  • TinyMCE Advanced

TinyMCE Light:

Does not support external sources (links, images, html code, media), neither in buttons nor in the menu or context menu. The following buttons are not supported:

  • link (insert/change link)

  • unlink (remove link)

  • image (insert/replace image)

  • code (edit HTML source code)

  • media (embed/edit multimedia)

Button templates: Standard configuration

TinyMCE Advanced:

Supports external sources as before. Button templates: Basic configuration, standard configuration, user-defined templates.

See here for further information.

Content Editor

The following adjustments have been made to the Content Editor:

  • Standard configuration replaced

  • The following buttons are removed from the standard configuration: image (insert graphic), link (insert link), video (embed YouTube video)

  • Buttons for external sources can be selected via the dialog if required

See here for further information.

Files in the "userfiles" directory

In the "Security" menu item in the portal properties, you can set whether files can be uploaded to the "userfiles" directory or whether they should be available for download there. The settings made here are closely related to the "Upload image" button in the TinyMCE Advanced Editor.

Content-Security-Policy headers are now set for files that are delivered from /userfiles/ in order to harden the feature against attacks.

Detailed information on this can be found in the Upload / Download section.

Intrexx version 12.0.0

Credential store

The new credential store is a secure central memory area with its own namespace. Credentials that are used in processes can be saved here independently of the processes and made available at runtime.

The Credential Store is a prerequisite for managing processes in public GIT repositories and for passing on processes to third parties. It enables an improved staging environment from the test to the live area. See here for further information.

Parameter store

The parameter store is a central store that enables non-sensitive connection parameters used in processes to be stored independently of the processes and made available at runtime. You will find it in the "Integration" module on the left below the "Connection data management" item.

See here for further information.

Salesforce Connector

The Intrexx Salesforce Connector provides you with the option of read and write access to objects in Salesforce. Detailed information on this can be found in the section Connector for Salesforce.

Microsoft Connector for SharePoint Server/Online

With Intrexx Connector for SharePoint Server/Online you have the option of read and write access to SharePoint lists and SharePoint document libraries. Detailed information on this can be found in the section Connector for Microsoft SharePoint Server/Online.


The JS API has been fundamentally revised and updated. The standard library "Intrexx library for mobile devices" was removed in this context. The "Intrexx standard library" for JavaScript was checked for outdated examples, tidied up, structured and provided with new examples. Click here for more information.

REST call actions

REST call actions within processes can be used to send REST API calls automatically or event-controlled. Depending on which endpoints the corresponding REST API makes available, you can complete extensive "tasks" almost automatically or "at the push of a button". Click here for more information about this topic.

SSH configuration

There is now a public SSH key in every Intrexx portal that is generated when a new portal is created or for existing portals during an update. The public SSH key enables the authentication of Intrexx on an SSH server. Click here for more information.

Search - Facets

The new types are now available for facets

  • Text

  • Date/time

  • Numeric

  • Boolean value

During a search, appropriate elements are then available to filter the search result - e.g. a slider with which a date range can be conveniently adjusted. All the information on the topic of "Facets" can be found here.

Create global language constants from applications

Global language constants can now also be created directly from the properties of elements. You can find all information here.

Image selection

The image selection now offers a search function. Click here for more information.

New profiles for user replication with JDBC

There are now two further example profiles for a user and group transfer from current Intrexx portals - both for PostgreSQL and for other databases. Click here for more information.

New Java class in processes

"TransactedAcquireLockWorkflowCondition" sets a cluster-wide lock via the lock service and releases it again at the end of the transaction. Click here for more information.


The following parameters are no longer valid:

  • rq_searchTerm

  • qs_PortletGuid

  • rq_portletGuid

  • rq_PortletGuid

These parameters must be replaced as follows:

  • rq_searchTerm with qs_searchTerm

  • qs_PortletGuid, rq_portletGuid and rq_PortletGuid with qs_portletGuid

Set image size

Please note: The "Maximum size" setting must be set in the properties of the element (file selection, file selection view or view table) in which an image is integrated - in Display there. Also specify the width and height of the image, otherwise it will be displayed in its original size.

Intrexx Share 2

Intrexx Share 2 is no longer supported.

JDK 21

Intrexx version 12.0.0 requires JDK 21. JDK 21 is included in the distribution.

Intrexx Steady Track 11.9.0

Published on Mar. 20, 2024

Image Editor

Edit images that you have uploaded using the file selector directly in the browser with the new Image Editor. Click here for more information about this new feature.


It is now possible to define several facets in the search. This allows search terms to be assigned to several categories. In addition, compound terms are parsed, separated and then treated accordingly.

In the "Tools" module, synonym lists can now also be defined for the search – in the usual sense and also for the replacement of terms, e.g. to deal with spelling mistakes.

Publish application from script editors

In the "Applications" module, there are now new menu items in the script editors for JavaScript, Velocity and Groovy with which the application can be published from the editors. Click here for more information.


Nested grids are now displayed with greater contrast in the workspace so that the individual grids can be recognized more easily.

If a grid is defined as an element template, there is a new setting for this called "Discard contents of grid". The pure grid structure can be copied without content using the new "Copy grid structure" menu.

Portal export

Database tables can now be excluded during portal export. Detailed information on this can be found in the section "Exclude database tables from export".

Publish regardless of the settings in Options

Regardless of which settings are set for applications, processes or layouts, you can now select the desired mode for each publication. Click here for more information.

Copy page permissions

The permissions of a page can now be copied via the main menu "Edit / Copy page permissions" or the corresponding context menu of a page.

Conditional display

For elements with an existing conditional display, Velocity can be opened directly with F12.

Anonymize portal

The new portal anonymizer can be started via the script <IX>/bin/<OS>/ or .bat. Click here for more information.

Script editors

The full screen mode of the script editor and layout editor (both in the "Applications" module) as well as that of the log viewer in the "Processes" module now opens on the correct screen (e.g. the screen previously in use) on systems with multiple screens and no longer on the primary system screen. The full-screen button has also been made more accessible.

Intrexx Steady Track 11.8.1

Published on Jan. 22, 2024


With accessibility, you ensure that all users - including those with disabilities - can use your portal. Click here for more information.

New WebDAV interface for file fields in Intrexx

You can use Intrexx to open, edit and save documents directly via your portal with the appropriate program. All information about "WebDAV" can be found here.

Search in script editor improved

A search bar is now displayed in the editor instead of the search dialog. The search starts as soon as you enter the search term. It is now also possible to change direction. Search performance has been optimized. See here for further information.

Deploy Intrexx in Docker

Previously, the user "root" was used as the default user in the official IX Docker image. A dedicated user "intrexx" (ID 1000) is now used. In addition, the IAA image is also generated rootless. Click here for more information.

Sorting data fields

The data field list in the properties of the data groups can be re-sorted via the context menu. Three types are available: Standard sorting (sorted by order of creation as before), sorting by title and sorting by data type. The sorting can be saved in the (can also be set via the context menu). Click here for more information about data fields.

New standard styles for SVG coloring and border radius

Module "Design": New styles for different sizes of the border radius of controls and images are patched into all layouts.

Intrexx Steady Track 11.7.0

Published on Nov. 15, 2023

User Self Service

With this application, users can register, delete their account, or change their password. You can find all information on this in the User Self Servicesection.


With this application, you can easily create multilingual feedback surveys and send them to a specific group of participants. Click here for more information.

Button for heap dump

A button for creating a heap dump of the Portal Manager has been integrated into the status bar.

Intrexx Steady Track 11.6.0

Published on Oct. 16, 2023

appUserProfile in selection list

The new binding "appUserProfile" is now available in a selection list. The following classes have been added: For Velocity, "$AppUserProfile", and for Groovy "g_appUserProfile".

Setting HTTP status codes in Groovy endpoints

Here you can find script examples for setting HTTP status codes for error handling in Groovy endpoints.

"Users" module

New standard sorting for the various views:

  • Tree: Type, Enabled, Priority, Name

  • List: Enabled, priority, name

  • Search: Type, Enabled, Priority, Name

Portal layout

New standard layout in new portals.

WebSocket action

New checkbox "Send message after transaction commit". If this property is "true", the message is only sent when the current transaction has been completed. Click here for more information.

Intrexx Steady Track 11.5.0

Published on Sep. 13, 2023

System applications

Updated and revised the system applications "User" and "Global Search". Click here for more information.

The former system applications "Users", "Security policies", "Statistics" and "Data transfer" can now be found under the online application templates.

Layout Manager and Process Manager - Revised dialogs

The dialogs for managing processes and layouts have been updated and aligned with the structure of the Application Manager. Click here for more information.

Copy files via the WriteContainer

Files can now be copied via WriteContainer, e.g. to create a backup. For more information, see our Tips & Tricks - Copy files via the WriteContainer.

TinyMCE editor

Replaced the file browser in TinyMCE with new "File Manager".


New icons for tree buttons. Path navigation can be created at the same time as a new tree control.

Marking for "Conditional display"

Grouping, grid and button are marked orange in the lower right corner on the workspace when a conditional display is active.

Intrexx Steady Track 11.4.0

Published on Aug. 14, 2023

OAuth 2.0

The integration of the OAuth 2.0 login for Intrexx has been greatly improved and simplified. Here are the benefits that result from grouping an OAuth 2.0 login:


With OAuth 2.0, users do not have to enter their login data directly into the application, which reduces the risk of data leaks.


Users can log in with existing accounts (such as Google or Facebook) without having to create new login data.


Users can specify exactly which data the application is allowed to access and revoke these permissions at any time.

The OAuth 2.0 flow works as follows: When a user tries to log in, they are redirected to the service that provides OAuth 2.0 authentication (e.g. Google, Azure, Okta, Keycloak, etc.). The user logs in to the service and grants permission to access certain information. The service then redirects the user back to Intrexx along with an access token. Intrexx uses this token to access the approved user information.

The new configuration dialog for OAuth 2.0 guides you step-by-step through the selection of common providers (Azure, Okta, Keycloak, Google) even including entry of the required OAuth 2.0 details such as client ID and client secret, redirect URL and much more.

The display when logging into the portal can also be configured conveniently.

Click here for all further information on this topic.

Presetting file names when exporting applications

When you select an application while exporting applications, the filename is now automatically preassigned. A timestamp can also be included in the filename. Click here for more information.

Portal export

Portals can now be exported without the files contained in them. Click here for more information.

Portal Manager version output

The Portal Manager version is now displayed in the title bar.

Running Intrexx Distributed Cluster as a Kubernetes Deployment

Kubernetes deployment of an Intrexx cluster is now also possible with the official Intrexx Docker images.

SystemCare - Diagnosis

A diagnostic file can now also be generated via the command line. Click here for more information.

Multiple selection/data group properties for client filtering

In Storage options, it is now possible to decide whether the primary key should be created as a GUID or an integer when creating a new child data group.

Intrexx Steady Track 11.3.0

Published on July 5, 2023

Content Editor

The help for this new application element can be found here.

Debugging Groovy

This feature allows for the debugging of Groovy script on the server. This does not involve implementing a separate debugger in Intrexx, instead it simplifies the connection to the IntelliJ Remote Debugger. Click here for more information about this topic.

Intrexx Steady Track 11.2.0

Published on June 5, 2023


New MediaGateway version with improved OAuth2 support for MS365 and new JDBC driver based on gRPC for optimized performance. The new version requires .NET Framework 4.8, which must be installed before the update.

Intrexx Steady Track 11.1.0

Published on May. 5, 2023


Update from Groovy 3 to Groovy 4. The YAML support for the Groovy BSF module in Groovy has been removed.

For more information, visit


New methods to determine portal uptime and portal start time in Groovy and Velocity. New method to format durations in Velocity as string.

For more information on the new Groovy methods, click here.

For more information on the new Velocity methods, click here.

Intrexx Steady Track 10.16.0

Published on Feb. 14, 2023

New IMAP event source for Microsoft Exchange Online

The new IMAP event source supports authentication with the OAuth2 client credential grant flow.

In the IMAP event source, you can now choose between "Standard IMAP" or "Exchange Online". There are new configuration options for Exchange Online in the email server settings. In addition, the connection test for Exchange Online has been amended.

Click here for more information: Set up IMAP event source for Exchange Online


New Groovy methods for subscribing/unsubscribing to Intrexx Share plugins.

Intrexx Steady Track 10.15.0

Published on Jan. 26, 2023

Single Service Deployment (removing the Supervisor)

The market continues to develop, and with it Intrexx. To ensure that we are ideally equipped for the future, architectural changes became necessary.

In production operation, one portal is often operated per installation, especially in cloud deployments. To support these deployments better, the Supervisor service has been removed.

Intrexx portals only need one service for use with this. Functions that were previously portal independent, such as diagnostics, license manager or log viewer, now only display the data of the currently connected portal.

As part of this, a new Administration API endpoint for creating diagnostics has also been added.


With the changes in the cloud environment, Intrexx behaves just as it does in the classic operation. In addition, a reduction in complexity has been achieved and deployment in the container is simplified. The user experience for new customers is also better, because they always connect directly to the portal. The concept of "supervisor" was difficult to understand.

Additional information

When updating to the new version, a list with all portals in the Intrexx instance and their ports is output. You need the info from the list to connect directly to the portals. Once you have made a connection, it will be saved among the last used connections.

Click here for more information: Intrexx Steady Track without Supervisor


Please note: If you are performing an update and previously had Limited User licenses, changes will be necessary after the update. Please move all limited users to the new user group "Light User" in the User Administration. Click here for more information.

After we developed new licenses for our new pricing model in 10.14.0, which ideally map the different editions (Starter, Professional and Premium), extensions have now been added.

It is now easier to configure and assign an External User and Light User. Additionally, UI changes have been made so that users also get graphical feedback when functionalities are not active due to the use of a lower edition.

The main difference between the new licenses in the new pricing model is that instead of having to enter individual license keys for each of the components of a successful licensing (users, servers, connectors, etc.), as was previously the case, all information about the editions, user licenses and connectors is available in a single, somewhat longer license key. This saves you, the system administrator, the laborious insertion of individual keys and facilitates the correct licensing of Intrexx.

Click here for more information about licensing.

Official IX-Image is now (optionally) horizontally scalable


By minor adjustments (configuration parameters), the official IX-Image can be started in distributed mode and thus form an IX-Cluster. See here for a description:


Until now, horizontal scaling has been relatively cumbersome to set up and operate. The barrier to entry was relatively high because there were major differences compared to "classic" operations. These differences are now minimal and all the functionalities of the official IX Image are also available in distributed operation.



From 10.15.0, the "SolrCloud" operating mode is fully supported for Intrexx installations. Solr can still be installed locally, but it is now also (optionally) cloud compatible and can be used for multiple Intrexx instances if required. For this purpose, access per portal is secured via authentication. Existing portals are not affected by the change for the time being, but with the update, Solr will be upgraded to version 9.0. This is why authentication between the portal server and Solr search server will be necessary later. We automatically assign a default user with a password here so that authentication works out of the box.


With SolrCloud, distributed cloud instances are even easier and more cost-effective to implement through resource sharing.

Click here for more information: Custom Solr configuration

Intrexx Steady Track 10.14.0

Published on Dec. 16, 2022

Portal Manager: New Design

Update 10.14.0 has given the Portal Manager a fresh lick of paint. In keeping with the new Intrexx corporate design, our product is now more dynamic too. In addition to the obvious change in color, the design has also been tweaked, like the new module menu, which is now prominently located to the left of the desktop.

The position of the toolbar has also changed. It can now be found at the top right. Thanks to the new login concept, logging into our cloud environments is now even easier. All you need to do is enter the portal name. You no longer need to know which server and port has to be addressed.

For detailed information, see the section Getting started with Portal Manager.

Markdown editor: Style functionality

After we revived the Markdown editor in the last update, it is now extended with style functionality. CSS variables are now available here in the Layout Designer as well. Simple settings like colors, radius and frame thickness can be configured there. These settings are automatically applied to all areas of the control. In addition, our layout templates were adapted and the control has already been styled according to the layouts. With the style option, the new Markdown editor fits perfectly into all layouts. This applies to customer layouts with specific color and style specifications as well as dark layouts.

M-Files Connector

The M-Files Connector can now also access M-Files Cloud.

Intrexx Steady Track 10.13.0

Published on Nov. 14, 2022

Markdown editor

In the long text field, the Markdown control has been replaced by a new library (ToastUI). Existing Markdown implementations are patched and continue to work in both input and view. The new Markdown library makes additional entries such as code block, tables and tasks now possible. These can be configured in the Manager and are displayed correctly in the view control.

Intrexx Steady Track 10.12.0

Published on Oct. 21, 2022

Multiple selection 2.0

The new multiple selection control 2.0 is responsive and very user-friendly. It can be configured with default values. Entries can be static, values from applications, or from special value sources. The entries can be filtered with the search operations "Starts with" or "Contains".

Entries can be displayed with pictures or initials. Furthermore, a subtitle can be included in the display of an entry in addition to the title. Multiple selection 2.0 can be controlled via an API and can be operated using the keyboard. Your layout can be styled using CSS variables. The element exists as an input and view element.

Click here for more information.

Extension Admin API - Importing applications

Function: The Intrexx Steady Version 10.12. now lets you import applications via the API endpoint /{portal}/applications, which were exported from a lower Intrexx version than the version used by the target system. In addition, layouts can also be imported via the endpoint. The architecture has also been adapted to improve use in a cloud environment.

How you benefit: We now apply the patch to the current version, even when using the import function via the Administration API. This makes any staging use cases even more manageable. Applications no longer have to be provided in all versions. Rolling out applications into target systems is also possible if the development system is based on a lower Intrexx version than the production system.

Intrexx Steady Track 10.11.0

Published on Sept. 15, 2022

Application API

The "Routing alias" page has been added to the Application API properties dialog. Assign an alias here which can then be used instead of the GUID in the endpoint URLs.

Intrexx Steady Track 10.10.0

Published on August 18, 2022

Layout templates

There are new layout templates: Intrexxperience and Intrexxperience.

Administration API

The Intrexx Administration API provides you with a set of API endpoints with which you can execute central tasks in Intrexx without having to start the Intrexx Portal Manager. This allows you to create and delete portals or users, import licenses or import applications via an API client.

Application API

With the new Application API, you can create API endpoints for any applications. The creation of API endpoints is dialog-based. This allows you to create API endpoints with no deeper knowledge of programming.

Intrexx Steady Track 10.8.0

Published on June 21, 2022

Responsive drop-down menu

The new drop-down menu is responsive and therefore automatically adapts to SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE screen sizes. Click here for more information.

Intrexx Steady Track 10.7.0

Published on May 24, 2022

Global search

The search is changed from multi-index to single-index. For portals that use long text fields as search facets, this can occasionally lead to requests exceeding the default length and triggering error messages in the local or global search. This effect is not fixable for Intrexx, but can be prevented by increasing the requestHeaderSize parameter in solr/server/etc/jetty.xml from 8192 to 65536 and restarting the search service.

Page wizard

The new Page wizard creates responsive pages. In addition, free layout tables can be displayed in tile views, which can be easily configured. Click here for more information about this topic.

OneDriveTable expanded

  • New type called "Drive"
  • DriveId from data field
  • StartFolderId static as well as from data field
  • OneDriveTable possible within the free table

For more information on this topic, see the section MS365 OneDrive - Dynamic access via drive ID.

File icon sets modernized

New file preview icons for Filewalker and file controls.

Please note: If file type icons are displayed too large in the browser after the update and $FileUtil.getIconUrlOfKnownFileExtension {{ is used in custom Velocity files, then the desired height and width must also be specified for the img tag at this point, or the style class "}}file-extension-icon" must be specified for the class attribute.

New property for OAuth2 login module

Enables case-insensitive checking, e.g., for e-mail addresses whose upper/lower case in Intrexx does not correspond to that in the identity provider.

Microsoft 365 - New process action for creating Microsoft 365 groups

An MS365 group is the basis for almost all MS365 services. For example, team site, drives, Exchange group mailbox, etc. are automatically set up for a group. The new process action now offers the possibility of creating only one MS365 group. The functionality is identical to the "Create Teams" action, except that no team is created based on the group. New in both actions is that you can now freely define the email address (group mailbox) for the group (or team). Previously, the address was generated by Intrexx.

Click here for more information about this topic.

Intrexx Steady Track 10.6.0

Published on Apr. 7, 2022

Layout of the "Automatic logout" message

The layout of the message that is displayed at the bottom right of the portal for automatic logout after a session timeout can now be changed in the "Design" module. The corresponding styles can be found in the "Layout / Control elements / Advanced properties / Messages" section.

Decouple proxy application templates from REST

It is now possible to exclude certain URLs from the Manager's proxy communication. In addition, the proxy settings of the operating system can be adopted for the manager.

New style classes for application templates

The .Text_Small, .Container_Standard_2nd and .Container_Standard_3rd style classes are patched into all desktop layouts to improve the design of the application templates.

Intrexx Steady Track 10.5.0

Published on 07.03.2022

Supervisor password is set to the blank password during installation

In the past Intrexx versions, the supervisor password in the administration login was always empty after installation. This allowed actions to be taken on the operating system via the API without authentication, which is not desirable from a security point of view. For this reason, a supervisor password can now be assigned during installation. There are two variants of how an installation can be carried out:

Variant 1 - Installation via UI

Here, a dialog is displayed when the summary is exited, prompting the user to enter a password.

Please refer to the following section for more information:

Variant 2 - Interactive Installation via console

Again, the user must enter and confirm the desired supervisor password.

Please refer to the following section for more information:

Variant 3A - Installation via configuration file with specified supervisor password

The supervisor password specified in the configuration.yml is taken over (Attribute name "supervisorPassword"). It is not included in the configuration file in the installation directory "/installer/cfg/configuration.yml", otherwise passwords will appear in plain text on the server. Please note that since Intrexx Steady Track 10.1.0 the file format "yml" is used. In the previous versions, a .properties-file was used here.

See the following section for more information:

Variant 3B - Installation via configuration file without specified supervisor password

If no password is specified in the configuration file, a random password is generated. This is stored in the installation directory "/cfg/initial_passwd". This ensures that a privileged login on the supervisor only occurs if you also have access to the file system. When the Portal Manager logs on to the supervisor for the first time, it then checks whether the randomly assigned password has been changed. If this is not the case, a prompt to change the password is displayed. Once the password has been changed, the inital_passwd is automatically deleted.

See the following section for more information:

The new mechanism is enabled only for new installations. Updates from old installations are not affected by the changes.

New functions in the date picker calendar

There are three new buttons in the small date picker calendar

  • Today

  • Clear

  • OK

"Today" selects today's date, "Clear" deletes any entry from the date field, "OK" closes the calendar for date selection.

MS365 - Process actions / Create team

Teams have always been created as public teams so far. Now the visibility of a team can be configured when creating the team.


Intrexx Steady Track 10.5.0 requires JDK 17. JDK 17 is included in the distribution.

Intrexx Steady Track 10.4.0

Published on 03.02.2022

Connector for Microsoft 365 and Teams

With the Connector for Microsoft 365 and Teams Microsoft Products like Teams, OneDrive and Office Applications are integrated. The connector contains three new process actions, a new control and an integration on file field level. Click here for more information.

Intrexx Steady Track 10.3.0

Published on 07.12.2021

Mega menu

The new menu type provides a new view of the portal menu. The number of levels can be selected in the configuration. Click here for more information.

Tree menu

In the Layout Designer, a new tree menu is also available for selection. Click here for more information. The previous tree menu is still available.

Intrexx Steady Track 10.2.0

Published on Nov. 11, 2021

GroovyOrgBuilder method

The GroovyOrgBuilder (g_om) has been extended with the new method List<String> validatePassword(String, String, String, String).

Intrexx Steady Track 10.1.0

Intrexx Tracks

From autumn 2021, you will be able to choose between two so-called release tracks with Intrexx. There is the Steady Track and the Silent Track.

More information about the Intrexx Tracks is available in the following section:

New setup

There is a new installation routine for Intrexx Steady Track. This simplifies the installation under Linux in particular.


In the course of the installation, you can now create or select a technical user directly via Intrexx, who will be used to execute the installation. You can also select "root" as the user if your company's security policy allows it.

Therefore, it is no longer necessary to create corresponding users via a Linux terminal before the Intrexx installation.

The new installation routine also eliminates the need to stop and restart Intrexx services under Linux.


When selecting the components, the "Intrexx Portal Manager" option is no longer available with the Intrexx Steady Track. This is related to improvements related to the Portal Manager.

Detailed information on the new setup or installing Intrexx is available in the following sections:

Update process

A new, significantly simplified update procedure has been implemented for the Intrexx Steady Track.

If updates are available, you will be informed about them in the Portal Manager via a message window.

You can download the update while continuing to work. You can install the update afterwards. During the installation, your portal will not be available to portal users. Intrexx Steady Track check on startup whether an update is available on the newly implemented Intrexx Download Manager.

More information about update process is available here:

Support for internationalized emails via regular expressions

With Intrexx Steady Track, Intrexx can also process email addresses that contain non-ASCII characters. These email addresses can contain non-ASCII characters in both the local part (mailbox name) and the domain name that can be encoded in UTF-8.

More detailed information about support for internationalized email is available in the following section:

New style classes for the tile view of view pages in free layout tables

In free layout tables, application pages can be integrated that are repeated for each data record. With the Intrexx Steady Track, style classes can be assigned to a free layout table, which can be used to display the included page as a "tile".

More detailed information about the new style classes in free layout tables is available in the following section:

JDK 16

Intrexx Steady Track 10.1.0 requires JDK 16. JDK 16 is included in the distribution.

Customizable ogin

The Intrexx standard login for the portal now allows you to integrate update-proof customizations, such as for integrating additional external login providers.

More detailed information about the customizable login is available in the following section: