
In the "News" module, you will find the portal’s information center.

1. News Feed

You can see all the posts in the center section. The latest news, which is always available to you here, can come from a variety of sources, such as posts that

  • were written here directly by you or other Intrexx Share users

  • originate from other Intrexx Share modules (e.g. invitations to events or project tasks)

  • originate from subscribed applications

2. Navigation

On the left, you will find the navigation used to access the other modules in Intrexx Share.

3. Portlets

Contacts, events, photo albums and advertisements are accessible on the right.

The structure of the site is not set in stone. For example, the order of the portlets in the right section can be easily changed by drag and drop. The order of the modules in the navigation is also flexible.

Create new post

All Intrexx Share users can create a new post via the input field at the top of the feed.

Here you can write the text for the post. Web links to a picture or video can also be entered. If the selected URL is a link to a video on Youtube, myvideo, vimeo or dailymotion, the video will be displayed in the posts. Other file extensions, where the video or image are displayed directly, are swf, mkv, mov, mp4, ogg, oga, ogv, ogx, webm, gif, jpg, jpeg, bmp, png, url and js.

1. Define recipient (Share with)

Above the input field, you will find buttons that allow you to decide whether the post should be visible to everyone (Public), only to contacts, only to you (Private) or to a specific group of people (Custom). Clicking on "Custom" opens a window where you can easily select the desired recipients.

2. Read receipt/Urgent/Important

A read receipt can be requested by clicking on the corresponding button here. A post can only be classified as urgent or important by the creator.

If requesting a read receipt, the requirement is that you have been added to the list of authorized users by an Intrexx Share administrator. Administrators can find the setting option in the Navigation under "Settings/General settings". The post will then display the "Mark as read" button on the recipient's newsfeed. If the recipient clicks on it, the number of readers will be updated on the creator’s page. Also, the creator can see which users have already submitted a read receipt.

3. Upload files

Clicking here opens a dialog that allows you to easily locate and upload the files you want. Files can also be uploaded as attachments by drag & drop into this area.

The post is published by clicking on "Send".

Published posts

The posts are at the heart of Intrexx Share. This is where all the information comes together. All posts that have been published by users are displayed here. However, content from plugins can also be displayed to provide every employee with information from additional applications.

It is possible to read, "like", and comment on published posts. You can also access other functions here.

1. Personalize posts

All Intrexx Share users can subscribe to their personal plug-ins and display content from applications in the feed via the "Personalize" icon. Each user can personalize their own feed.

Learn how to create plugins in applications here.

Clicking on "Personalize" opens a page where you can decide the modules or applications from which posts will be displayed in your newsfeed.

1. Current app subscriptions

At the top of this page, you will find buttons that can be used to filter the items for subscription. The subscribed apps are displayed here, since this button is active.

An existing subscription can be deactivated by clicking on "Remove" to the right of each name. The posts and data will then no longer be displayed in the feed.

2. Mandatory apps

Mandatory apps cannot be removed. A predefined plugin can be created for any application, which then automatically makes the app mandatory in Intrexx Share. Mandatory apps cannot be deselected.

3. Available app

All available apps that you have not subscribed to yet are listed here. Click on "Add" to subscribe to an app.

2. Options

Click on the button to open the options menu for the post. The options offered may differ depending on whether you created the post yourself or are just a recipient. The following options may be available for posts in the newsfeed:


You can edit your own posts here. Please note that shared posts will also be modified if you modify the original post.


This action creates a copy of the post and displays it to the appropriate recipients. If the post originates from an application, the rights defined there apply. If there are users in the recipient group, who do not have the appropriate permissions, they will not be able to see this shared post.


Your preferred posts can be marked as a favorite via this menu and also filtered accordingly.


With this menu item, posts can be moved to other locations in Intrexx Share:

To a personal page

Into a group

In an Event

To do this, simply click on the corresponding button at the top of the dialog page that opens when you select the "Move post" menu.


Select this menu item if you want to track a post.

In the following dialog, the due dates

  • Today

  • Tomorrow

  • Day after tomorrow

  • User defined (own date)

can be assigned by clicking on the corresponding button. When the due date occurs, the user receives a notification and the reminder status is updated. In the same dialog, a reminder can also be marked as done.

Posts that have a reminder set can be tracked using the feed filter.


If you create, or comment on, a post, the "Activate notifications" option will be set automatically. You have the option to disable the notifications here.


Posts can be shown or hidden here. A hidden post is still visible in the module where it was created, if it was not created in the News module. Posts are hidden only for the current user. Other users can still see posts that you have hidden for yourself.


You can report posts with inappropriate content here. The share administrators are automatically notified and can delete the post if necessary.

Copy link

Copies a link to the post to the clipboard.

3. Filter

By clicking on "Filter", you can filter the news feed by category, date, reminder and more.




Read confirmation



You can search for categories that come from plugin configurations here.


If you have personalized your feed by subscribing to plugins from applications, the feed can be filtered by them using the filter in the "Applications" section.


The slider can be used to filter posts that are marked with a reminder or have a due date on a plugin.


You can filter the posts by date here. The current date is highlighted in the calendar. You can also select a date range by holding down the left mouse button.


You can define whether the posts should be sorted chronologically or based on the last time a user interacted with a post. Click on "Reset" to restore the default filter settings.

My hidden posts

Shows all hidden posts, which can be displayed here again if required.

All active filters are displayed as buttons above the posts. They can be disabled by clicking on "Filter information" to the right of each of the buttons.