Connector for dg archive

The connector for dg archive makes it possible to use the dataglobal Enterprise Content Management solution "dg archive" as a storage location for files that are usually stored in Intrexx data groups on the local file system. In addition to saving files, stamp fields of a document in dg archive can also be maintained and edited via Intrexx. A portal user can see whether a file available in the portal is stored locally or in dg archive. The following chart shows the role of the connector and the involved components.

A file field of an Intrexx data group with a dg archive connection corresponds to a document or a document folder in dg archive. One or more files can be saved per file field, depending on whether the object in dg archive is an individual document or multiple documents saved in a folder. Files can not only be saved in dg archive, but can also be opened or downloaded directly from dg archive in an Intrexx portal.

Access to dg archive takes place via a dg archive user, whereby all authorizations in dg archive are taken into account. Depending on the authentication method, Intrexx portal users can log in directly to dg archive or access it by means of what is known as a static user. When used in combination with dg archive, Intrexx is regarded as the leading system. This means that files are uploaded to Intrexx, stamp information is recorded and then transferred to dg archive. Stamp data is saved in dg archive and additionally in Intrexx data group fields, whereby files are only saved in the dg archive archive.

A full-text search in the contents of the documents is not possible via the Intrexx search, as the files are only present in dg archive. The search in dg archive can be realized via Intrexx filters or the research function of the dg archive Web Client can be used.

In the "Processes" module, the same actions are available for dg archive as for Intrexx data groups. This allows process-controlled transfer of files from Intrexx to dg archive and vice versa.

More information

Create and edit connection in the "Integration" module

Use in applications

Use in processes
