Task scheduler

With this tool, the schedules for tasks such as

can be modified.


You can search for the name or the GUID of a task here. For example, to find the task that a global timer has generated in a process, simply search for the GUID of the process.

The type of task, the execution time, the next execution and the status (task was executed successfully or an error occurred) are displayed in the right-hand area.

Main menu / Context menu

You can access the following functions via the context menu of a task or the "Task planning" main menu:

Edit schedule

Opens a dialog in which the settings for the execution time of the currently selected task can be edited.

Recent messages

A log of the last time a task was run will open.


Opens a dialog with the log of each execution of a task.


Starts the execution of a task. The RDF link maintenance, a standard task, will be automatically started daily at 12 AM and deletes all orphaned links.


Copies the GUID of the task to the clipboard.

Delete job

Deletes the currently selected task.

Job deactivated

Disables the automatic execution of a task.

Execution plan

Here you will find a graphical overview of all tasks on the timeline.

Show from

Defines the start date where the execution plan should begin.


Select the how long after the start date the execution times should be shown in the plan.

Click "OK" to close the execution schedule again.


Limit maximum history length

Lets you define how many entries per task are saved in the history.

Entry count

Enter the maximum amount here.

Limit maximum history entry age

The age of entries saved to the history can be restricted to the desired time frame.

Entry age

Enter an integer here.


Select the required unit (Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds or Milliseconds).

Purge successful entries in history

Task protocols that were completed successfully will no longer be shown, apart from the latest entry.

Click "OK" to save changes and close the dialog again.


Refreshes the task list.

In the main menu "Task planning" you will also find the menu item "Scheduler switched off (standby)". This means that tasks are not executed until the scheduler is switched on again. When it is turned back on, it will catch up on missed tasks.