Changed features


Here you can find information about features and functions that are deprecated or have been removed in Intrexx Steady Track. Under "Alternative Features", we have listed all the features or products that are no longer supported by INTREXX GmbH, but for which there is a fully functional replacement.

Deprecated features are provided for compatibility with previous product versions in Intrexx Steady Track.

Information on new features in Intrexx Steady Track can be found here.


Terms like "deprecated" can be understood in different ways. To ensure that the terminology in this document is understood correctly, we will define the respective term at the start of each section.

Replaced features

Some features have a fully functional replacement. This usually does not require any extra effort on your part. In some cases, the contact person or provider may change. A replaced feature will be removed from the product after 12 months at the latest.

M-Files Connector

INTREXX GmbH Has transferred support for the M-Files Connector to its partner Convergent. If you use the Connector, you will be automatically contacted by INTREXX GmbH. You contact person will change in this case.

Deprecated features

Obsolete features are no longer developed by INTREXX GmbH. Please do not start using these features in your application development from now on if you have not used them before. Deprecated features will continue to be supported until their end of life if they were used in older versions of Intrexx and are therefore needed for the sake of backwards compatibility. Please look at alternatives if you are using one of the features listed below. The corresponding features will usually be removed 12 months later at the earliest.

Application support

Intrexx Share 3.2 (3.2.0 - 3.2.4)

End of Life: 31.12.2024

Applications that are only supported up to and including Intrexx version 21.03 / Silent Track (up to March 2023):

  • Travel Expenses

  • Online Surveys 2.2

  • Document Management System 3.x.

  • eProcuerement

  • Recruitment Management

  • Knowledge Management

  • Intrexx Building Management

  • Employee Induction

  • Employee Appraisal

  • Organigram

  • Invoice Audit

  • Adresses via Google Maps

  • Virtual Machines

  • Work and Health Lexicon

  • Organization Visualizer

  • Power Cash Book

  • Online Training

  • Occupational Safety

  • Project Hours

  • Intrexx Sales Manager

  • Online Audits

  • Hazardous Materials Management

  • Process Visualizer

  • CRM

  • Content Management System

  • Web Shop


  • Project Management

If you have any questions about how these applications will run on your system, please contact technical support.

The following free sample applications are no longer supported with immediate effect:

  • Address Management

  • Investment Request

  • Multiple Booking

  • Projects

  • Video Center

  • Program Start Center

  • This is how it's done

  • Seating Plan

  • In-house Help Desk

  • Inventory Management

  • Interactive Training Manager

Removed features

Intrexx Share 2

End of Life: August 2023

Intrexx Share macros

The following macros have been removed from setup/lucy/orgtempl/blank/internal/system/vm/html/share/makro_3500.vm:

  • #renderDateWithoutDays02

  • #renderSimpleDate

  • #renderSimpleDateWithoutTime

  • #getModuleInfo

  • #getModuleInfoWithLink

  • #getUserInfo

  • #getUserImage


The following parameters are no longer valid:

  • rq_searchTerm

  • qs_PortletGuid

  • rq_portletGuid

  • rq_PortletGuid

These parameters must be replaced as follows:

  • rq_searchTerm with qs_searchTerm

  • qs_PortletGuid, rq_portletGuid and rq_PortletGuid with qs_portletGuid


The print view is a destination page option of the button with which a print preview of the Intrexx page can be created. This feature is technologically deprecated and is no longer being developed.

To facilitate the update, all existing buttons with the destination page option "PrintView" are patched to the browser's print function. The destination page is loaded in a new window. There the print function of the browser is activated automatically. It will still be possible to create buttons with a print function after the end of life. In this case, the browser's print function will be used as described.

The browser print preview can be set in the "Design" module in the layout settings on the "Print" tab.

Deprecated since: March 2022

End of Life: March 2023

Connector for SAP Business One

The Connector has not been developed further for a long time and is at an old level of technology. To continue using the read connection after EOL, a JDBC data source connection with the same name must be created.

Deprecated since: March 2022

End of Life: March 2023

Support for IBM DB2 database

The costs incurred for the maintenance and support of IBM DB2 are high. The work and expenditures associated with supporting many different and potentially incompatible databases are significant. If you are using IBM DB2, please find out about moving to another database. We recommend using PostgreSQL for a basic installation.

Deprecated since: March 2022

End of Life: March 2023

Support for Windows Server 2012 & Windows Server 2012 r2

Official Microsoft support for Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 r2 ends in 2023. Therefore, support for these in the product will also be discontinued as of March 2023. More information about Microsoft support periods can be found here:

Please obtain information about a possible server switch early on.

Deprecated since: March 2022

End of Life: March 2023

Office 365 Connector

Our new Connector for Microsoft 365 and Teams became available with Intrexx Steady Track 10.4.0. This includes all the functionalities of the old connector and many others. To migrate your applications to the new connector, requires the following steps:

  • Setting up the registration with Intrexx. The app registration with Azure can still be used. However, the redirect URL must be adapted. It may be necessary to extend the scopes and also to create a web platform for using the OneDrive control included in the new connector. Click here for more information.

  • Existing file fields that contain links to drives must be recreated and reconfigured and swapped accordingly in the controls.

Deprecated since: March 2022

End of Life: March 2023

Office integration

The costs incurred for maintenance and support of the Office integration are high. The work and expenditures associated with supporting many different Office versions are significant.

Deprecated since: March 2022

End of Life: March 2023

Intrexx versions

"End of Life" defines the temporal end of an Intrexx version. This is associated with the right to assistance from Technical Support. This includes analyzing and eliminating problems (bugs).

We provide our customers with a functional product. This includes fixing problems in current versions and, above all, creating new functions. To be able to focus on the present and the future requires that there be a clear end for the past including for old Intrexx versions.

To ensure a smooth transition to the latest Intrexx release, you have the option of updating for 1 year. During this time, Technical Support is available to help you with any problems. However, technical errors can only be corrected in the latest version. If you are affected by a problem, please switch to the latest release or the latest version of Intrexx. Bug fixes and features are only delivered for the latest Intrexx version.

Here you will find a list of Intrexx versions, including the End of Life (EOL) if applicable:

  • Intrexx version 12 (published on May 28, 2024)

  • Intrexx version 11 (published on Mar. 28, 2023)

  • Intrexx version 10 (EOL Mar. 31, 2024)

  • Intrexx 21.03 (EOL Sep. 30, 2023)

  • Intrexx 20.09 (EOL Mar. 31, 2021)

  • Intrexx 20.03 (EOL Sep. 30, 2020)

  • Intrexx 19.09 (EOL Mar. 31, 2020)

  • Intrexx 19.03 (EOL Sep. 30, 2021)

  • Intrexx 18.09 (EOL Mar. 31, 2019)

  • Intrexx 18.03 (EOL Sep. 30, 2020)

  • Intrexx 8.0 (EOL Mar. 31, 2018)

  • Intrexx 7.0 (EOL Sep. 30, 2018)

  • Intrexx 6.0 (EOL Jun. 01, 2018)

  • Intrexx 5.2 (EOL Dec. 30, 2017)

  • < Intrexx 5.2 (EOL Dec. 30, 2017)