API endpoints - Explanation, links, examples
POST /auth
Authenticates against the IAA API
You can use this endpoint to authenticate to the Intrexx Administration API.
Open the step-by-step guide to learn how to authenticate.

To authenticate to the Intrexx Administration API, proceed as follows:
Open the Authentication endpoint.
Enter the user name and password that you stored during the installation of the Intrexx Administration API.
Refer to section Go to the "Administration API configuration" tab.
.The token for authentication is displayed.
Copy the key to the clipboard.
Navigate to the top part of the Swagger file.
Click "Authorize".
The input field for the key is displayed.
Insert the token in the "Value" field (
Click "Authorize" (
Click on "Close".
You can now use the Intrexx Administration API.
The token generated is valid for one hour.
Create portals
GET /portals
Get the portal list.
This endpoint returns a list of all portals in your Intrexx instance.
Available portals
POST /portals
Create a new portal
You can use this endpoint to create a new portal.
DELETE /portals/{id}
Delete a portal
You can delete a portal with this endpoint.
GET /templates
Get a list of all portal templates.
This endpoint returns a list of all portal templates in your Intrexx instance.
POST /templates
Upload a portal template
You can upload a portal template to the Intrexx server with this endpoint. Afterwards, the template can be used to create a new portal.
Manage portals
GET /{portal}/webserver
Get the portal base URL
This endpoint returns the base URL of the portal.
PUT /{portal}/webserver
Set the portal base URL
You can change the base URL of the portal with this endpoint.
GET /{portal}/settings
Get the portal settings
This endpoint returns the properties of the portal.
PATCH /{portal}/settings
Set the portal settings
You can change the portal properties with this endpoint.
GET /{portal}/mobile
Get the current mobile API key
This endpoint returns the API key that is stored in Intrexx for the Intrexx Mobile App.
Intrexx Mobile App – "Tools" module settings
PATCH /{portal}/mobile
Change the current mobile API key.
With this endpoint, you can change the API key that is stored in Intrexx for the Intrexx Mobile App.
Intrexx Mobile App – "Tools" module settings
DELETE /{portal}/mobile
Delete the current mobile API key.
With this endpoint, you can delete the API key that is stored in Intrexx for the Intrexx Mobile App.
Intrexx Mobile App – "Tools" module settings
GET /{portal}/reports/engine
Get the current reports engine and its configuration.
PATCH /{portal}/reports/engine
Set/update and configure the current reports engine and its configuration.
GET /{portal}/export
Read portal export template configuration.
PATCH /{portal}/export
Write portal export configuration.
GET /{portal}/diagnosis
Get the diagnosis zip file of the server.
POST /{portal}/search/index
Triggers an action for the search index.
POST /{portal}/applications
Upload and import/create applications, processes, layouts and files by export zip
PATCH /{portal}/applications
Overwrite applications, processes, layouts and files by export zip.
POST /{portal}/logout
Logout from a portal.
This endpoint allows you to log off a user from the portal.
GET /{portal}/scheduler/jobs
Read the list of all scheduler jobs
POST /{portal}/scheduler/job/{type}
Create a scheduler job
GET /{portal}/scheduler/job/{id}
Get all information about a scheduler job
PATCH /{portal}/scheduler/job/{id}
Patch a scheduler job
DELETE /{portal}/scheduler/job/{id}
Delete a scheduler job
GET /{portal}/scheduler/standby
Get the scheduler standby status
PUT /{portal}/scheduler/standby
Put the scheduler in standby or out of standby
GET /{portal}/scheduler/configuration
Get the scheduler configuration
PATCH /{portal}/scheduler/configuration
Modify the scheduler configuration
PUT /{portal}/scheduler/actions
Execute actions on jobs
Mail Services
GET /{portal}/mailservices
Gets the available mail services.
POST /{portal}/mailservices
Adds a mail service.
GET /{portal}/mailservices/{id}
Get the mail service.
Code Sample
PATCH /{portal}/mailservices/{id}
Let modify properties of a given configuration.
GET /{portal}/mailservices/{id}/status
Get the mail service status.
PUT /{portal}/mailservices/{id}/status
Change the service status.
POST /{portal}/users
Creates a new user.
POST /{portal}/groups
Creates a new group.
GET /{portal}/groups/{group-id}
Gets the groups details.
DELETE /{portal}/groups/{group-id}
Deletes the group.
GET /{portal}/users/{user-id}/groups
Gets the groups where the user is member.
PUT /{portal}/users/{user-id}/groups/{group-id}
Adds the user to a group.
DELETE /{portal}/users/{user-id}/groups/{group-id}
Deletes the user from the group.
GET /{portal}/users/{user-id}
Gets a user.
PATCH /{portal}/users/{user-id}
Change a user property.
DELETE /{portal}/users/{user-id}
Deletes the user.
GET /{portal}/licenses
Gets all available Intrexx licenses.
POST /{portal}/licenses
Adds a new license.
DELETE /{portal}/licenses/{key}
Deletes a license.
PUT /{portal}/trial-license
Sets a trial license to extend the license period.
PUT /admin-api/license
Adds a new Admin API license.
You can license the Administration API with this endpoint. (This endpoint can be used even if the Administration API is not yet licensed)