Options - Processes

Enable expert options

Here you can activate the expert options. If this setting is active, the "Details" dialog will be available that provides information about the title, type, GUID, and name of an element.

Check process for missing titles

When a process is opened, the Portal Manager will check for missing titles in the various portal languages with this option.

Show grid

This setting will show a grid on the workspace. Grid size The grid size (the distance between grid points on the workspace) can be defined here. The default value of 10 corresponds to a distance of 10 pixels between individual grid points.

Align to grid

This setting will orient the graphical elements in the diagram view along the bars.

Show ruler

Displays or hides the ruler on the workspace.

Use wizard when creating a new process

Opens a wizard which will guide you through the first steps when you create a new process.

Limit file size for log file analysis

Allows you to limit the size of the log file, which you can view via the menu item Process / Analyze log file.

Last processes list max. length

This specifies how many of the most recently edited processes are displayed in the process manager when you click on the "Recently edited" link.

Default sizes for new elements

In this area, the height and width of the element types event sources, event handlers, conditions and actions can be set in pixels. This size is applied to newly created elements.

Reset to default values

Resets all changed values for height and width to the defaults.