User-defined value

A user-defined value can be defined in various places in Intrexx, such as

The user-defined value can then be used in field assignments, for example.

Static value

A static text can be used with this option.

Edit static value

Opens a dialog where a static value can be created. Click here for more information.

System value

A system value can be used with this option.

Edit system value

Opens a dialog where a system value can be created. Click here for more information.


Generates a GUID that is used as a user-defined value.

NULL value

The value NULL is used as a user-defined value.

Static value

A static value can be created here as a user-defined value.

Data type

The following data types can be selected:

  • Character string

  • Number

  • Boolean (logical value)

  • Date/time


The static value is entered here.

Insert GUID

For the "Character string" data type, a GUID can be created with this button. It is then inserted as the character string.


For this data type, the number of your choice can be entered.

Boolean (logical value)

Select Yes or No.

Current date/time with adjustment

Click here for more information about date adjustment.

Time zone

Select your desired time zone here.