System maintenance

This article helps you to maintain portals in the long term in order to prevent any errors and performance losses. The points listed here should be carried out at least once a year.

Clean up portal log files (applies to each portal accordingly)

Intrexx logs actions and processes. The resulting log files should be removed manually on a regular basis. An automatic cleansing of this data by Intrexx does not take place.

The log files can be removed manually in the portal directory "log". All files whose names contain a date value and which are older than one week (e.g.: portal log.2024-02-23, sendmail.log.2024-02-23, workflow.log.2024-02-23) must then be removed.

If you want to keep the log files, then only save them outside of the Intrexx directories.

The "Scheduler" folder, which you will also find in the "log" portal directory, must not be emptied and may only be cleaned up after consultation with Support. A cleanup of the scheduler folder is only necessary if the folder is larger than 256 MB. In this case, please contact the support team at INTREXX GmbH (Intrexx Support Center).

Clean up system log files

In addition to the portal log files, log files of the Intrexx server are also created in the "log" installation directory. Here too, you can manually delete the files whose names contain a date value.

Clean up portal TMP directories (applies to each portal accordingly)

To clean up the Tmp files, you should close all Portal Managers. The files in the "internal\tmp" portal directory, with the exception of ".keep" and ".noexport", can be deleted without hesitation. In some cases, situations may arise in which the system can no longer clean up these temporary files (e.g. in the event of an error). Unnecessary data can therefore accumulate here.

Clean up Intrexx TMP directories

Files and folders older than two days can be deleted from the "tmp" installation directory.

*clean up .hprof files

In the event of an error, relatively large (250 MB - xx GB) "*.hprof" files can be created directly in the portal directory. This is a memory image of the VM (the Java service), so this file can also be helpful for error analysis.

You should keep the latest file, unless it is already several days or weeks old. All other files of this type should and must be deleted or at least removed from the Intrexx directory.

These files can also be located directly in the Intrexx installation directory. The same applies here for cleanup.

It is also possible to create *.hprof files in the "solr/server" installation directory. Check and clean up this directory as well.

Clean up portal exports

It is possible to create time-controlled portal exports via the Portal Manager. Please note that a portal export does not replace a data backup. If the exports are not automatically cleaned up, you should check the export directories and delete older or unnecessary exports.

Clean up applications

Old or unnecessary applications should be removed from the portal. With the export function, you can export applications that are not required and archive them outside of the Intrexx directory.

Clean up processes

Old or unnecessary processes should always be deactivated and - like applications - exported and archived outside of the Intrexx directory.

Clean up e-mail

You should clean up the portal directory "internal\mailroot\badmail". Mails not sent due to errors are stored there. A possible error could be an invalid e-mail address.

Sent e-mails can be archived (setting in the e-mail service). These emails are then stored in the "internal\mailroot\sent" portal directory. If you want to clean up these e-mails, you can delete them there manually.

Clean up Solr

Solr is the search server from Intrexx. The data required by Solr is stored in the installation directory "solr/server/solr/<Portal-GUID>". If a portal is deleted, this directory remains. You can and should delete these directories that are no longer required.

To ensure that you delete the correct directory, you can check which portals with which GUID are still active in the "cfg/service.cfg" in the installation directory. All other GUID directories are not active and can be deleted. To do this, the Solr service (Windows services) must be stopped.

The installation directory "solr/server/temp" is a temporary directory of the Solr server itself. Basically, you can assume that these files are tmp files that can be cleaned up. Nevertheless, we recommend that you contact the technical support team at INTREXX GmbH, depending on the size of the files. To delete the files, the Solr service (Windows services) must be stopped.