Groovy Remote Debugging

This feature allows for the debugging of Groovy script on the server. This does not involve implementing a separate debugger in Intrexx, instead it simplifies the connection to the IntelliJ Remote Debugger.

Please note: This option should be used for test portals only and not for production portals. The option opens a debugging port on the portal. Ensure that the port is not blocked by the firewall.

Settings in the Portal Manager (Server)

Debugging settings can be enabled in Portal Properties / Options. The portal properties can be found in the main menu "Portal".

The portal must be restarted afterwards.

In addition, the path must be defined on IntelliJ.

The path specification can be stored via the main menu "Tools / Options / General / Editor settings". Afterwards, the Groovy script can be opened via the external editor.

IntelliJ Remote Debugger Settings

Click on "Open external editor" to open IntelliJ.

Select "Open in Project" here.

Confirm here by clicking "Trust Project".

Mark the Groovy directory as a sources root directory.

Then add the framework support for Groovy.

Please note: The default settings of the Groovy version in IntelliJ may differ from the current Groovy version in Intrexx. Please make sure that both versions match here to avoid errors.

Finally, a run configuration for remote debugging must now be created.

Select "Edit Configurations" here.

Select "Remote JVM debug" here.

Here you must enter the host and port that was specified in the manager.

Now breakpoints can be set and remote debugging can be launched by clicking on the debug icon.