Set general properties

Step-by-step guide

Proceed as follows to create a REST call action:

  1. Open the "Processes" module.

  2. Open an existing process or create a new process.

  3. Drag and drop the "REST call action" onto the workspace.

  4. Double-click on the REST call action.

The individual dialog steps are described in the sections below.

In the first step, you must define the general properties of the REST call action.


Enter an alias for the REST call action here.

The alias serves as identification for the REST call action. If you use multiple REST call actions within a process, the aliases must be different.

The alias must begin with a lower case letter and may only consist of alphanumeric characters (upper and lower case), underlines (_) and hyphens (-).

The response of a REST call action can be accessed during a process by specifying the alias.


Enter a descriptive title for the REST call action here.

The title is displayed in the action element in the process designer.


The description can be used to transfer important information regarding the REST call.

Log request and response

If you activate this option, the request is logged immediately before it is sent and the response is logged immediately after it is received. This option is mainly used for debugging the request and should only be used in development environments. On the one hand, the log file can become extremely large and on the other hand, depending on the API, the logged files can also contain passwords.

Binary response data and very long responses (> 100,000 characters) are not output. You will find a corresponding note in the log file (property: logVerbose).

Parse JSON

If you activate this option, the payload of the response is generally parsed as JSON.

If the payload can be successfully parsed as JSON, the parsed JSON object is appended to the REST call and is then available in the shared state.

If the payload cannot be successfully parsed as JSON, a message is written to the log file (property: parseJson). In this case, no JSON object is available.

Verify hostnames

If you activate this option, the REST API client checks whether a connection can be established with the correct host. If the host cannot be verified, the connection is rejected and the call fails (property: hostnameVerification).

Trust all certificates

If you activate this option, an https connection is established. However, there is no examination of the certificate.

Activating this option is useful for development environments so that you can work with self-signed certificates. In a development environment, it may generally be advisable for the REST API client to trust all certificates (property: trustAllCertificates).

For live operation, the certificates can be stored in the portal's certificate store.

Timeout (in seconds)

Here you can specify the time in seconds that the REST-API client waits for a response to be established or the duration until the REST-API client terminates the connection if a response is not received or is interrupted. The default value is 30 seconds (property: timeout).

Your next step

Configuring authentication and headers