
Display - Overview

In the "Advertising" module, ads can be created for the "Search", "Offer" and "Exchange" sections.

1. Navigation

Click on "Advertising" in the navigation bar to open the module.

2. Rubrics

The ads can be filtered here according to the categories "Search", "Offer", "Exchange" or "Archived".

3. Advertisements

Overview of all active views. Your own ads that have not yet been published are marked as such.

4. Create advertisement

Click on "Create advertisement".

Create advertisement

Ads can be placed under "Search", "Offer”, or "Exchange". You can then provide your advertisement with a title and description and define how long it should be shown for. Once the ad expires, it is automatically moved to the archive. Here you can also upload a preview image and other files for the new ad.


Ads can be released publicly for all Intrexx Share users or for a restricted group of people only.

Save as draft / Publish

If the option "Save as draft" is set, the ad is only visible to the creator and is not published. The ad will be marked "Not published". Only if the "publish" option is set, does the ad become visible to the selected group of people.

Display - detail page

The detail page of an ad is divided into two sections. In the upper section, all the essential information regarding an ad is displayed.


Here you can access all the files you have uploaded for the ad and also files uploaded in comments.


Display creators can edit the display data using this icon.


Another option is displayed for ads from other creators. The creator of an ad can be contacted directly via the chat icon.

Advertisements plugin for newsfeed

You can find all the information about plugins here.