Connector for Microsoft Exchange - Troubleshooting
MediaGateway configuration
No access to Intrexx MediaGateway
If errors occur when testing the connection to the Exchange account, please check the following points. To successfully log in, the following login information needs to be entered correctly:
- MediaGateway connection data
Make sure that the connection data entered for the host and port are correct. The address of the server where the Intrexx MediaGateway is installed should be entered as the host address. If the Intrexx MediaGateway is not on the same server as Intrexx, you need to check wheterh the server is accessable in general, i.e. available in the network or selectable via ping. The specified port (default 8087) must be available and may not be blocked, e.g. by a firewall.
- MediaGateway password
The default password after installing the Intrexx MediaGateway is "1234". If the login is not successful with that password, it may well be that the password was changed. If you have forgotten the password, please contact INTREXX GmbH Support.
- MediaGateway service
When MediaGateway is installed successfully, a Windows service called Intrexx MediaGateway Server is created. Check whether the service was started and is running correctly.
No access to Exchange account
If errors occur when testing the connection to the Exchange account, please check the following points.
Exchange 2010 / 2016
- Username and password
Specify the username and password of the Exchange account here. The data are the same as those used for logging on to the Windows computer.
- Email
The email address assigned to this account must be entered here.
- Server URL
Check the Exchange Server URL as well. Use the fully-qualified domain name. Usually, the URL starts with the protocol https:// followed by fully-qualified server name and "ews/Exchange.asmx". Example: If the URL is correct, check whether the server is reachable from the current computer using ping, telnet or nslookup within a command line.
- Exchange account is locked
When testing the login information, the account can be locked after multiple failed attempts. In this casse, contact your administrator to unlock the account once more.
- Initialize mailbox
To initialize the mailbox for newly created Exchange accounts, the account needs to be accessed once via OWA or Outlook.
- Outlook und OWA
Has OWA been installed on the Exchange Server and has its functionality been started correctly. Furthermore, the virtual directory "/exchange" must be available in the IIS of the Exchange Server. If this is not the case, please contact your Exchange Administrator. For reasons concerning the system security, accessing the virtual directory "/exchange" can be locked or only be callable from certain computers/IP addresses. Check the access permissions in the ISS of the Exchange Server.
Kerberos - Exchange 2010 / 2016
Modify EWSFindCountLimit
For security reasons, there is a limit on the maximum number of objects that can be taken into account during a request from Exchange Server 2010. If a request exceeds this limit, then no results will be returned. The maximum amount is determiend in the property "EWSFindCountLimit" of the "ThrottlingPolicy". From Exchange 2010 SP1, "EWSFindCountLimit" in the "DefaultThrottlingPolicy" is set to 1000 by default. If, for example, the folder Inbox contains 5000 messages and "EWSFindCountLimit" is limited to 1000, a request to this folder will not return any results. Only when the limit is set to at least 5000 can objects in the Inbox be requested. The value for "EWSFindCountLimit" can either be defined globally or for individual mailboxes. With the following commands, which need to be performed in the Exchange Management Shell, the limit can be modified.
- Globally
Identify the name of the default policy in the output (e.g. DefaultThrottlingPolicy_3f6fa3c1-2bf1-4b54-a221-534d03203807)
Set-ThrottlingPolicy <PolicyName> -EWSFindCountLimit 10000 (or $NULL to remove the limit)
iisreset (restarts the IISso that changes are effective immediately)
- Per mailbox
New-ThrottlingPolicy -Name "IntrexxThrottlingPolicy" -EWSFindCountLimit 10000 (or $NULL to remove the limit)
Set-Mailbox <UserName> -ThrottlingPolicy "IntrexxThrottlingPolicy" (must be performed for each user/mailbox that access Exchange via Intrexx)
Calendar plugin
Recurring appointments
You can only access recurring appointments if a date and time period is specified during the request to the "Appointment" table. To do that, you need to filter by the fields "StartDate" and "EndDate".
Sorting appointments
Sorting appointments If the "Appointment" table is sorted by start and end date, the appointments from the Exchange 2010 / 2016 Server are always returned in ascending order from the start data. Custom sortings in the applications or in the browser are not supported in this case.
IIS Server If you implement an IIS for your Intrexx portal, the following configurations may be required for using the Intrexx MediaGateway.
File up and downloads
To upload and/or download Exchange file attachments, e.g. in emails, the file size limits may need to be adjusted. To do that, open the Information Services (IIS) Manager and adjust the ASP limit properties:
For the upload: Limit for entity body in request (in bytes)
For the download: Response buffer limit (in bytes)
Maximum query string
In the application Exchange – Resource, it may be necessary to extend the length of the query string when requesting multiple overlapping resources. You can recognize this when the error "Http Error 404: Not Found" is shown in the browser when trying to edit overlapping resources. In this case, proceed as follows:
Open the Information Services (IIS) Manager
Change the feature settings for request filtering: Maximum length of a query string (in bytes)