Roles and permissions for application templates
(Undefined variable: General.CompanyName-without-GMBH)'S online application templates have multiple roles, each with different permissions. Not every application template has all roles.
User The "User" user has the fewest permissions. He is strictly a portal user. He has no permissions for the Intrexx Portal Manager. For example, in the application template "News", he can only see the news but not create it himself. In the application template "Shop", he can buy but not manage items. |
Editor The "Editor" user has all the permissions that the "User" user has. In addition, he may perform editorial tasks. He has no permissions for the Intrexx Portal Manager. For example, the "Editor" user can archive news in the "News" application template. |
Manager The "Manager" user has all the permissions that the "User" and "Editor" users have. In addition, he can perform administrative tasks in the portal. He has no permissions for the Intrexx Portal Manager. For example, the "Manager" user can create new categories in the "News" application template. He can manage articles in the "Shop" application template. |
Administrator The "Administrator" user has all the permissions that the "User", "Editor" and "Manager" users have. In addition, he has permissions for the Intrexx Portal Manager. There, among other things, he can add languages, delete sample data, and customize or extend application templates. |
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