dg archive file field properties - "Authentication" tab

Currently logged-in user

By default the currently logged in portal user will be used. If there is no dg archive session for this user and if username / password was selected as the authentication method in the configuration, the user will be asked in the portal to log in to dg archive.

Static users

There are use cases in which access to dg archive should always take place via the same dg archive user, regardless of which portal user is currently logged in. This is the case, for example, if there is not a dg archive user for every Intrexx user or if documents from Intrexx should always be saved under the same user in dg archive. This relates to an Intrexx user, to whom a hyparchive user account has been assigned in the hyparchive configuration. This is an Intrexx user who has been assigned a dg archive user account in the configuration. As soon as this type of user is stored in the file field, all access to dg archive takes place via the data group under this dg archive user account. This means that an interactive login to dg archive in the portal is no longer necessary. This also makes simple Single Sign-On scenarios possible without having to revert to the Kerberos authentication.

Select user

Opens a dialog where a user from the current configuration can be selected.

Remove additional user

Removes the reference to the currently entered user.


Intrexx user

After the selection, the Intrexx user is entered here automatically.

Service login

After the selection, the service login is entered here automatically.