IMAP event source - Email server settings

Configure the email server settings here.

IMAP server

Enter the IMAP server host name here.

IMAP port

Enter the port from which the IMAP server can be reached here. If SSL/TLS is selected for the "Connection security" option, the default port is 993, while non-secured connections use a default of 143.

Connection security

Select the degree of security here.

  • None



Username and password

Enter the login data for an IMAP user with sufficient permissions here.

Folder path

Enter the path to the folder you wish to monitor here. The root directory of an IMAP mailbox is usually INBOX. The folder names and path separators depend on the implemented IMAP server product and also on the configuration. Example: On Microsoft's Exchange server, the path separator is the forward slash / by default. The mail inbox folder is called INBOX. Here is a potential directory structure:

-- Tasks
-- Drafts
-- Deleted-items
-- Sent-items
-- Journal
-- Junk email
-- Calendar
-- Contacts
-- Newsletter
---- Newsletter/IBM
---- Newsletter/Microsoft
---- Newsletter/United Planet
---- Newsletter/VMware
-- Notes
-- Outbox
-- RSS-Feeds
---- RSS-Feeds/News
-- Company
---- Customer-support
------ Customer-support/customers/a
------ Customer-support/customers/b
------ Customer-support/customers/c
------ Customer-support/customers/d
------ Customer-support/customers/e
---- Quality-assurance
---- Sales
-- Suggested-contacts

Encrypting the connection when communicating with email servers is very widespread. Therefore, it usually is not enough to just insert the host name of the IMAP server when configuring an IMAP event source. In addition, the IMAP server's SSL certificate must be registered in the certificate store of the current portal (Portal / Portal properties / Certificates). After the registration is completed, the portal service needs to be restarted.