REST call actions

REST call actions within processes can be used to send REST API calls automatically or event-controlled.

Depending on which endpoints the corresponding REST API makes available, you can complete extensive "tasks" almost automatically or "at the push of a button".


You can define a click on a button in your portal as an event. The triggered process then sends a REST API call for current exchange rates and uses the rates for invoicing.

You can define input or selection fields in your portal whose input is used as a parameter for the REST API call. If you select "Berlin" in the selection field, the public holidays for the state of Berlin are automatically queried.

You can also use a REST call action to perform administrative tasks in connection with Intrexx by sending REST calls to the Intrexx Administration API. For example, you can develop applications on a development portal and then import them into your live portal at the touch of a button.

The possibilities for using REST call actions are diverse and almost unlimited. In addition, the REST call actions can be set up dynamically. You can use any number of placeholders whose values can be determined from different sources (resources) at the time the REST call is executed.