Options - General

Animate splash screen

The animation of the splash screen, which is shown when Intrexx starts, can be switched off here.

Remember dialog dimensions

If you change the dialog dimensions from the default dimensions, then these new dimensions will be saved for the dialog.

Only when larger than the default dimensions

The new dimensions will only be saved if they are larger than the default.

Online help URL

The default setting for this option is a link to the Intrexx online help on the INTREXX server.

https://help.intrexx.com/intrexx/${release track}/${locale}/${csh-target}

This link contains the placeholder ${release_track}, which is automatically replaced by the currently used Intrexx version, and ${locale}, which is automatically replaced by the currently used language.

"${csh-target}" is a parameter that controls the table of contents and direct context-sensitive help that you open by pressing the F1 key.