Key terms
Terms in Intrexx, Azure and SharePoint
Authorization URI
The Authorization URI is required in connection with the OAuth2 authorization between Azure and Intrexx.
The Authorization URI is composed as follows:
Client ID, Application ID (Client)
The client ID is required in the context of the OAuth2 authorization between Azure and Intrexx.
In Azure, the term "application ID (client)" is used for the client ID.
You can find the application ID (client) in the IntrexxPortalApp that you have registered in Azure.
Client secret (value !), Secret client key, Secret customer key
The value of the client secret (not the secret ID) is required in connection with the OAuth2 authorization between Azure and Intrexx.
In Azure, the term "secret client key" or "secret customer key" is used for client secret.
You can find the value of the client secret in the IntrexxPortalApp that you have registered in Azure.
The value of the client secret cannot be displayed except immediately after it has been created. This means that you must copy the value of the client secret as soon as you have created the client secret.
Redirect URI
The redirect URI is required in the context of the OAuth2 authorization and/or communication between Azure and Intrexx. It must be copied from the Intrexx Connector for SharePoint Server/Online and stored in Azure.
The redirect URI is composed as follows:
<BasisURL>/oauth2/token/<GUID des Sharepoint Connectors>
Base URL The base URL can be found in the main menu under "Portal > Portal properties > Front-end web server ".
The scope is required in the context of the OAuth2 authorization between Azure and Intrexx.
Use the scope to define the permissions with which the Intrexx Connector for SharePoint Server/Online can access SharePoint.
Service URI, Service Root URI
The Sharepoint Service URI is composed as follows:
Tenant ID
The tenant ID is required in the context of the OAuth2 authorization between Azure and Intrexx.
In Azure, the term "directory ID (client)" is used for the tenant ID.
You can find the "Tenant ID (client)" in the IntrexxPortalApp that you have registered in Microsoft Azure.
Tenant name
The tenant name is required in connection with the OAuth2 authorization between Sharepoint and Intrexx.
The tenant name is located in the SharePoint URLs between "https" and "":
Tenant name
SharePoint URL
Token URI
The token URI is required in the context of the OAuth2 authorization between Azure and Intrexx.
The token URI is composed as follows:
Sample data in Intrexx, Azure and SharePoint
Intrexx Portal App
You must register your Intrexx Portal in Azure as an application (app). This application is referred to as the "IntrexxPortalApp" in the sections below.
Intrexx SharePoint Site
The Intrexx Connector for SharePoint Server/Online accesses the Intrexx SharePoint site in SharePoint.
Intrexx SharePoint List
The Intrexx Connector for SharePoint Server/Online accesses the IntrexxSharePointList in SharePoint on the IntrexxSharePointSite.
Intrexx SharePoint Document Library
The Intrexx Connector for SharePoint Server/Online accesses the IntrexxSharePointLibrary in SharePoint on the IntrexxSharePointSite.
Intrexx Connector for SharePoint Server/Online
In the following sections, "IntrexxSharePointConnector" is used as the name of the Intrexx Connector for SharePoint Server/Online.
Intrexx SharePoint Connector App
In the sections below, "IntrexxSharePointConnectorApp" is used as the name for the Intrexx application that is used to access SharePoint.