GUIDCleaner - Removal of non-deletable applications

If a scenario or constellation arises in which an application cannot be deleted but still needs to be removed from the database, the "GUIDCleaner" is available. This can be used to remove (non-deletable) applications from the database.

Only use the GUIDCleaner for applications that cannot be deleted in any other way.

Please note that the actions you perform with the GUIDCleaner cannot be undone. The application is then irretrievably lost. You should therefore only use this tool with extreme caution.

It is also advisable to back up the system before using the GUIDCleaner.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open a command line (CMD) as administrator.

  2. Change to the following directory <intrexx-installationsverzeichnis>\bin\windows.

    Here you can find the batch file guidcleaner.bat.

  3. Call up the batch file guidcleaner.bat with the following parameters:

    guidcleaner.bat <absoluter-pfad-zum-portal> <GUID-der-Applikation>


    c:\Intrexx\bin\windows>guidcleaner.bat C:\Intrexx\org\exampleportal 3E94269976DAA163FA3751304AAB6BDAFE54B180
  4. Press Enter.

    The GUID-Cleaner now removes the application from the database.

    Once the script has run, you can remove the associated folder (GUID of the application) under the following path: <portal>\internal\application\store

  5. Restart the portal service.