Identify Input Purpose - Clarifying the purpose of input fields
(AA) User data input fields convey the purpose
The purpose of each input field collecting information about the user can be programmatically determined when:
- the input field serves a purpose identified in the Input Purposes for user interface components section; and
- the content is implemented using technologies with support for identifying the expected meaning for form input data.
This success criterion is about entering data related to the user themselves. If the user inputs personal data, ensure that assistive technologies also inform the user about the purpose of the input.
Relevance and applicability
General implementation
Input fields or form fields are provided with labels by default, which can be used to convey the purpose of the input to the user.
Detailed implementation
For the "Input field" element, you have the option of entering the "autocomplete" attribute and giving it a (suitable) value.
Attributes can only be input in Expert Mode.
More information