
Interface HttpRequest.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static interface HttpRequest.Builder
A builder of HTTP requests.

Instances of HttpRequest.Builder are created by calling HttpRequest.newBuilder(), HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI), or HttpRequest.newBuilder(HttpRequest, BiPredicate).

The builder can be used to configure per-request state, such as: the request URI, the request method (default is GET unless explicitly set), specific request headers, etc. Each of the setter methods modifies the state of the builder and returns the same instance. The methods are not synchronized and should not be called from multiple threads without external synchronization. The build method returns a new HttpRequest each time it is invoked. Once built an HttpRequest is immutable, and can be sent multiple times.

Note, that not all request headers may be set by user code. Some are restricted for security reasons and others such as the headers relating to authentication, redirection and cookie management may be managed by specific APIs rather than through directly user set headers.

  • Method Details Link icon

    • uri Link icon

      Sets this HttpRequest's request URI.
      uri - the request URI
      this builder
      IllegalArgumentException - if the URI scheme is not supported
    • expectContinue Link icon

      HttpRequest.Builder expectContinue(boolean enable)
      Requests the server to acknowledge the request before sending the body. This is disabled by default. If enabled, the server is requested to send an error response or a 100 Continue response before the client sends the request body. This means the request publisher for the request will not be invoked until this interim response is received.
      enable - true if Expect continue to be sent
      this builder
    • version Link icon

      Sets the preferred HttpClient.Version for this request.

      The corresponding HttpResponse should be checked for the version that was actually used. If the version is not set in a request, then the version requested will be that of the sending HttpClient.

      version - the HTTP protocol version requested
      this builder
    • header Link icon

      HttpRequest.Builder header(String name, String value)
      Adds the given name value pair to the set of headers for this request. The given value is added to the list of values for that name.
      Implementation Note:
      An implementation may choose to restrict some header names or values, as the HTTP Client may determine their value itself. For example, "Content-Length", which will be determined by the request Publisher. In such a case, an implementation of HttpRequest.Builder may choose to throw an IllegalArgumentException if such a header is passed to the builder.
      name - the header name
      value - the header value
      this builder
      IllegalArgumentException - if the header name or value is not valid, see RFC 7230 section-3.2, or the header name or value is restricted by the implementation.
    • headers Link icon

      HttpRequest.Builder headers(String... headers)
      Adds the given name value pairs to the set of headers for this request. The supplied String instances must alternate as header names and header values. To add several values to the same name then the same name must be supplied with each new value.
      headers - the list of name value pairs
      this builder
      IllegalArgumentException - if there are an odd number of parameters, or if a header name or value is not valid, see RFC 7230 section-3.2, or a header name or value is restricted by the implementation.
    • timeout Link icon

      HttpRequest.Builder timeout(Duration duration)
      Sets a timeout for this request. If the response is not received within the specified timeout then an HttpTimeoutException is thrown from HttpClient::send or HttpClient::sendAsync completes exceptionally with an HttpTimeoutException. The effect of not setting a timeout is the same as setting an infinite Duration, i.e. block forever.
      duration - the timeout duration
      this builder
      IllegalArgumentException - if the duration is non-positive
    • setHeader Link icon

      HttpRequest.Builder setHeader(String name, String value)
      Sets the given name value pair to the set of headers for this request. This overwrites any previously set values for name.
      name - the header name
      value - the header value
      this builder
      IllegalArgumentException - if the header name or value is not valid, see RFC 7230 section-3.2, or the header name or value is restricted by the implementation.
    • GET Link icon

      Sets the request method of this builder to GET. This is the default.
      this builder
    • POST Link icon

      Sets the request method of this builder to POST and sets its request body publisher to the given value.
      bodyPublisher - the body publisher
      this builder
    • PUT Link icon

      Sets the request method of this builder to PUT and sets its request body publisher to the given value.
      bodyPublisher - the body publisher
      this builder
    • DELETE Link icon

      Sets the request method of this builder to DELETE.
      this builder
    • HEAD Link icon

      default HttpRequest.Builder HEAD()
      Sets the request method of this builder to HEAD.
      Implementation Requirements:
      The default implementation is expected to have the same behaviour as: return method("HEAD", BodyPublishers.noBody());
      this builder
    • method Link icon

      HttpRequest.Builder method(String method, HttpRequest.BodyPublisher bodyPublisher)
      Sets the request method and request body of this builder to the given values.
      API Note:
      The noBody request body publisher can be used where no request body is required or appropriate. Whether a method is restricted, or not, is implementation specific. For example, some implementations may choose to restrict the CONNECT method.
      method - the method to use
      bodyPublisher - the body publisher
      this builder
      IllegalArgumentException - if the method name is not valid, see RFC 7230 section-3.1.1, or the method is restricted by the implementation.
    • build Link icon

      HttpRequest build()
      Builds and returns an HttpRequest.
      Implementation Requirements:
      This method returns a new HttpRequest each time it is invoked. Once built, the HttpRequest is immutable and can be sent multiple times.
      a new HttpRequest
      IllegalStateException - if a URI has not been set
    • copy Link icon

      Returns an exact duplicate copy of this Builder based on current state. The new builder can then be modified independently of this builder.
      an exact copy of this builder