Module java.desktop

Class AsyncBoxView.ChildState

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public class AsyncBoxView.ChildState extends Object implements Runnable
A record representing the layout state of a child view. It is runnable as a task on another thread. All access to the child view that is based upon a read-lock on the model should synchronize on this object (i.e. The layout thread and the GUI thread can both have a read lock on the model at the same time and are not protected from each other). Access to a child view hierarchy is serialized via synchronization on the ChildState instance.
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ChildState Link icon

      public ChildState(View v)
      Construct a child status. This needs to start out as fairly large so we don't falsely begin with the idea that all of the children are visible.
      v - the view
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getChildView Link icon

      public View getChildView()
      Fetch the child view this record represents.
      the child view this record represents
    • run Link icon

      public void run()
      Update the child state. This should be called by the thread that desires to spend time updating the child state (intended to be the layout thread).

      This acquires a read lock on the associated document for the duration of the update to ensure the model is not changed while it is operating. The first thing to do would be to see if any work actually needs to be done. The following could have conceivably happened while the state was waiting to be updated:

      1. The child may have been removed from the view hierarchy.
      2. The child may have been updated by a higher priority operation (i.e. the child may have become visible).
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable
    • getMinorSpan Link icon

      public float getMinorSpan()
      What is the span along the minor axis.
      the span along the minor axis
    • getMinorOffset Link icon

      public float getMinorOffset()
      What is the offset along the minor axis
      the offset along the minor axis
    • getMajorSpan Link icon

      public float getMajorSpan()
      What is the span along the major axis.
      the span along the major axis
    • getMajorOffset Link icon

      public float getMajorOffset()
      Get the offset along the major axis.
      the offset along the major axis
    • setMajorOffset Link icon

      public void setMajorOffset(float offs)
      This method should only be called by the ChildLocator, it is simply a convenient place to hold the cached location.
      offs - offsets
    • preferenceChanged Link icon

      public void preferenceChanged(boolean width, boolean height)
      Mark preferences changed for this child.
      width - true if the width preference has changed
      height - true if the height preference has changed
      See Also:
    • isLayoutValid Link icon

      public boolean isLayoutValid()
      Has the child view been laid out.
      whether or not the child view been laid out.