- All Implemented Interfaces:
class that works with pixel values that
represent color and alpha information as separate samples and that
store each sample in a separate data element. This class can be
used with an arbitrary ColorSpace
. The number of
color samples in the pixel values must be same as the number of
color components in the ColorSpace
. There may be a
single alpha sample.
For those methods that use
a primitive array pixel representation of type transferType
the array length is the same as the number of color and alpha samples.
Color samples are stored first in the array followed by the alpha
sample, if present. The order of the color samples is specified
by the ColorSpace
. Typically, this order reflects the
name of the color space type. For example, for TYPE_RGB
index 0 corresponds to red, index 1 to green, and index 2 to blue.
The translation from pixel sample values to color/alpha components for
display or processing purposes is based on a one-to-one correspondence of
samples to components.
Depending on the transfer type used to create an instance of
, the pixel sample values
represented by that instance may be signed or unsigned and may
be of integral type or float or double (see below for details).
The translation from sample values to normalized color/alpha components
must follow certain rules. For float and double samples, the translation
is an identity, i.e. normalized component values are equal to the
corresponding sample values. For integral samples, the translation
should be only a simple scale and offset, where the scale and offset
constants may be different for each component. The result of
applying the scale and offset constants is a set of color/alpha
component values, which are guaranteed to fall within a certain
range. Typically, the range for a color component will be the range
defined by the getMinValue
and getMaxValue
methods of the ColorSpace
class. The range for an
alpha component should be 0.0 to 1.0.
Instances of ComponentColorModel
created with transfer types
, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT
and DataBuffer.TYPE_INT
have pixel sample values which
are treated as unsigned integral values.
The number of bits in a color or alpha sample of a pixel value might not
be the same as the number of bits for the corresponding color or alpha
sample passed to the
ComponentColorModel(ColorSpace, int[], boolean, boolean, int, int)
constructor. In
that case, this class assumes that the least significant n bits of a sample
value hold the component value, where n is the number of significant bits
for the component passed to the constructor. It also assumes that
any higher-order bits in a sample value are zero. Thus, sample values
range from 0 to 2n - 1. This class maps these sample values
to normalized color component values such that 0 maps to the value
obtained from the ColorSpace's getMinValue
method for each component and 2n - 1 maps to the value
obtained from getMaxValue
. To create a
with a different color sample mapping
requires subclassing this class and overriding the
getNormalizedComponents(Object, float[], int)
The mapping for an alpha sample always maps 0 to 0.0 and
2n - 1 to 1.0.
For instances with unsigned sample values,
the unnormalized color/alpha component representation is only
supported if two conditions hold. First, sample value 0 must
map to normalized component value 0.0 and sample value 2n - 1
to 1.0. Second the min/max range of all color components of the
must be 0.0 to 1.0. In this case, the
component representation is the n least
significant bits of the corresponding sample. Thus each component is
an unsigned integral value between 0 and 2n - 1, where
n is the number of significant bits for a particular component.
If these conditions are not met, any method taking an unnormalized
component argument will throw an IllegalArgumentException
Instances of ComponentColorModel
created with transfer types
, DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT
, and
have pixel sample values which
are treated as signed short, float, or double values.
Such instances do not support the unnormalized color/alpha component
representation, so any methods taking such a representation as an argument
will throw an IllegalArgumentException
when called on one
of these instances. The normalized component values of instances
of this class have a range which depends on the transfer
type as follows: for float samples, the full range of the float data
type; for double samples, the full range of the float data type
(resulting from casting double to float); for short samples,
from approximately -maxVal to +maxVal, where maxVal is the per
component maximum value for the ColorSpace
(-32767 maps to -maxVal, 0 maps to 0.0, and 32767 maps
to +maxVal). A subclass may override the scaling for short sample
values to normalized component values by overriding the
getNormalizedComponents(Object, float[], int)
For float and double samples, the normalized component values are
taken to be equal to the corresponding sample values, and subclasses
should not attempt to add any non-identity scaling for these transfer
Instances of ComponentColorModel
created with transfer types
, DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT
, and
use all the bits of all sample values. Thus all color/alpha components
have 16 bits when using DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT
, 32 bits when
using DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT
, and 64 bits when using
. When the
ComponentColorModel(ColorSpace, int[], boolean, boolean, int, int)
form of constructor is used with one of these transfer types, the
bits array argument is ignored.
It is possible to have color/alpha sample values
which cannot be reasonably interpreted as component values for rendering.
This can happen when ComponentColorModel
is subclassed to
override the mapping of unsigned sample values to normalized color
component values or when signed sample values outside a certain range
are used. (As an example, specifying an alpha component as a signed
short value outside the range 0 to 32767, normalized range 0.0 to 1.0, can
lead to unexpected results.) It is the
responsibility of applications to appropriately scale pixel data before
rendering such that color components fall within the normalized range
of the ColorSpace
(obtained using the getMinValue
and getMaxValue
methods of the ColorSpace
and the alpha component is between 0.0 and 1.0. If color or alpha
component values fall outside these ranges, rendering results are
Methods that use a single int pixel representation throw
an IllegalArgumentException
, unless the number of components
for the ComponentColorModel
is one and the component
value is unsigned -- in other words, a single color component using
a transfer type of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, or DataBuffer.TYPE_INT
and no alpha.
A ComponentColorModel
can be used in conjunction with a
, a BandedSampleModel
or a PixelInterleavedSampleModel
to construct a
- See Also:
Field Summary
Fields declared in class java.awt.image.ColorModel
pixel_bits, transferType
Fields declared in interface java.awt.Transparency
Constructor Summary
(ColorSpace colorSpace, boolean hasAlpha, boolean isAlphaPremultiplied, int transparency, int transferType) Constructs aComponentColorModel
from the specified parameters.ComponentColorModel
(ColorSpace colorSpace, int[] bits, boolean hasAlpha, boolean isAlphaPremultiplied, int transparency, int transferType) Constructs aComponentColorModel
from the specified parameters. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptioncoerceData
(WritableRaster raster, boolean isAlphaPremultiplied) Forces the raster data to match the state specified in theisAlphaPremultiplied
variable, assuming the data is currently correctly described by thisColorModel
(int w, int h) Creates aSampleModel
with the specified width and height, that has a data layout compatible with thisColorModel
(int w, int h) Creates aWritableRaster
with the specified width and height, that has a data layout (SampleModel
) compatible with thisColorModel
Tests if the specifiedObject
is an instance ofComponentColorModel
and equals thisComponentColorModel
(int pixel) Returns the alpha component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255.int
Returns the alpha component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255.getAlphaRaster
(WritableRaster raster) Returns aRaster
representing the alpha channel of an image, extracted from the inputRaster
(int pixel) Returns the blue color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB.int
Returns the blue color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGBColorSpace
, sRGB.int[]
(int pixel, int[] components, int offset) Returns an array of unnormalized color/alpha components given a pixel in thisColorModel
(Object pixel, int[] components, int offset) Returns an array of unnormalized color/alpha components given a pixel in thisColorModel
(float[] normComponents, int normOffset) Returns a pixel value represented as anint
in thisColorModel
, given an array of normalized color/alpha components.int
(int[] components, int offset) Returns a pixel value represented as an int in thisColorModel
, given an array of unnormalized color/alpha components.getDataElements
(float[] normComponents, int normOffset, Object obj) Returns a data element array representation of a pixel in thisColorModel
, given an array of normalized color/alpha components.getDataElements
(int[] components, int offset, Object obj) Returns a data element array representation of a pixel in thisColorModel
, given an array of unnormalized color/alpha components.getDataElements
(int rgb, Object pixel) Returns a data element array representation of a pixel in thisColorModel
, given an integer pixel representation in the default RGB color model.int
(int pixel) Returns the green color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB.int
Returns the green color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGBColorSpace
, sRGB.float[]
(int[] components, int offset, float[] normComponents, int normOffset) Returns an array of all of the color/alpha components in normalized form, given an unnormalized component array.float[]
(Object pixel, float[] normComponents, int normOffset) Returns an array of all of the color/alpha components in normalized form, given a pixel in thisColorModel
(int pixel) Returns the red color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB.int
Returns the red color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB.int
(int pixel) Returns the color/alpha components of the pixel in the default RGB color model format.int
Returns the color/alpha components for the specified pixel in the default RGB color model format.int[]
(float[] normComponents, int normOffset, int[] components, int offset) Returns an array of all of the color/alpha components in unnormalized form, given a normalized component array.int
Returns the hash code for this ComponentColorModel.boolean
(Raster raster) Returns true ifraster
is compatible with thisColorModel
; false if it is not.boolean
Checks whether or not the specifiedSampleModel
is compatible with thisColorModel
.Methods declared in class java.awt.image.ColorModel
getColorSpace, getComponentSize, getComponentSize, getNumColorComponents, getNumComponents, getPixelSize, getRGBdefault, getTransferType, getTransparency, hasAlpha, isAlphaPremultiplied, toString
Constructor Details
public ComponentColorModel(ColorSpace colorSpace, int[] bits, boolean hasAlpha, boolean isAlphaPremultiplied, int transparency, int transferType) Constructs aComponentColorModel
from the specified parameters. Color components will be in the specifiedColorSpace
. The supported transfer types areDataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, andDataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE
. If not null, thebits
array specifies the number of significant bits per color and alpha component and its length should be at least the number of components in theColorSpace
if there is no alpha information in the pixel values, or one more than this number if there is alpha information. When thetransferType
, orDataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE
array argument is ignored.hasAlpha
indicates whether alpha information is present. IfhasAlpha
is true, then the booleanisAlphaPremultiplied
specifies how to interpret color and alpha samples in pixel values. If the boolean is true, color samples are assumed to have been multiplied by the alpha sample. Thetransparency
specifies what alpha values can be represented by this color model. The acceptabletransparency
values areOPAQUE
. ThetransferType
is the type of primitive array used to represent pixel values.- Parameters:
- TheColorSpace
associated with this color model.bits
- The number of significant bits per component. May be null, in which case all bits of all component samples will be significant. Ignored if transferType is one ofDataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT
, orDataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE
, in which case all bits of all component samples will be significant.hasAlpha
- If true, this color model supports alpha.isAlphaPremultiplied
- If true, alpha is premultiplied.transparency
- Specifies what alpha values can be represented by this color model.transferType
- Specifies the type of primitive array used to represent pixel values.- Throws:
- If thebits
array argument is not null, its length is less than the number of color and alpha components, and transferType is one ofDataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, orDataBuffer.TYPE_INT
- If transferType is not one ofDataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, orDataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE
.- See Also:
public ComponentColorModel(ColorSpace colorSpace, boolean hasAlpha, boolean isAlphaPremultiplied, int transparency, int transferType) Constructs aComponentColorModel
from the specified parameters. Color components will be in the specifiedColorSpace
. The supported transfer types areDataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, andDataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE
. The number of significant bits per color and alpha component will be 8, 16, 32, 16, 32, or 64, respectively. The number of color components will be the number of components in theColorSpace
. There will be an alpha component ifhasAlpha
. IfhasAlpha
is true, then the booleanisAlphaPremultiplied
specifies how to interpret color and alpha samples in pixel values. If the boolean is true, color samples are assumed to have been multiplied by the alpha sample. Thetransparency
specifies what alpha values can be represented by this color model. The acceptabletransparency
values areOPAQUE
. ThetransferType
is the type of primitive array used to represent pixel values.- Parameters:
- TheColorSpace
associated with this color model.hasAlpha
- If true, this color model supports alpha.isAlphaPremultiplied
- If true, alpha is premultiplied.transparency
- Specifies what alpha values can be represented by this color model.transferType
- Specifies the type of primitive array used to represent pixel values.- Throws:
- If transferType is not one ofDataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, orDataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE
.- Since:
- 1.4
- See Also:
Method Details
public int getRed(int pixel) Returns the red color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB. A color conversion is done if necessary. The pixel value is specified as an int. The returned value will be a non pre-multiplied value. If the alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out before returning the value (if the alpha value is 0, the red value will be 0).- Specified by:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- The pixel from which you want to get the red color component.- Returns:
- The red color component for the specified pixel, as an int.
- Throws:
- If there is more than one component in thisColorModel
- If the component value for thisColorModel
is signed
public int getGreen(int pixel) Returns the green color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB. A color conversion is done if necessary. The pixel value is specified as an int. The returned value will be a non pre-multiplied value. If the alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out before returning the value (if the alpha value is 0, the green value will be 0).- Specified by:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- The pixel from which you want to get the green color component.- Returns:
- The green color component for the specified pixel, as an int.
- Throws:
- If there is more than one component in thisColorModel
- If the component value for thisColorModel
is signed
public int getBlue(int pixel) Returns the blue color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB. A color conversion is done if necessary. The pixel value is specified as an int. The returned value will be a non pre-multiplied value. If the alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out before returning the value (if the alpha value is 0, the blue value will be 0).- Specified by:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- The pixel from which you want to get the blue color component.- Returns:
- The blue color component for the specified pixel, as an int.
- Throws:
- If there is more than one component in thisColorModel
- If the component value for thisColorModel
is signed
public int getAlpha(int pixel) Returns the alpha component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255. The pixel value is specified as an int.- Specified by:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- The pixel from which you want to get the alpha component.- Returns:
- The alpha component for the specified pixel, as an int.
- Throws:
- If there is more than one component in thisColorModel
- If the component value for thisColorModel
is signed
public int getRGB(int pixel) Returns the color/alpha components of the pixel in the default RGB color model format. A color conversion is done if necessary. The returned value will be in a non pre-multiplied format. If the alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out of the color components (if the alpha value is 0, the color values will be 0).- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- The pixel from which you want to get the color/alpha components.- Returns:
- The color/alpha components for the specified pixel, as an int.
- Throws:
- If there is more than one component in thisColorModel
- If the component value for thisColorModel
is signed- See Also:
Returns the red color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGB ColorSpace, sRGB. A color conversion is done if necessary. Thepixel
value is specified by an array of data elements of typetransferType
passed in as an object reference. The returned value will be a non pre-multiplied value. If the alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out before returning the value (if the alpha value is 0, the red value will be 0). SinceComponentColorModel
can be subclassed, subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it then they throw an exception if they use an unsupportedtransferType
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- The pixel from which you want to get the red color component, specified by an array of data elements of typetransferType
.- Returns:
- The red color component for the specified pixel, as an int.
- Throws:
- IfinData
is not a primitive array of typetransferType
- ifinData
is not large enough to hold a pixel value for thisColorModel
- If the transfer type of thisComponentColorModel
is not one of the supported transfer types:DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, orDataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE
Returns the green color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGBColorSpace
, sRGB. A color conversion is done if necessary. Thepixel
value is specified by an array of data elements of typetransferType
passed in as an object reference. The returned value is a non pre-multiplied value. If the alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out before returning the value (if the alpha value is 0, the green value will be 0). SinceComponentColorModel
can be subclassed, subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it then they throw an exception if they use an unsupportedtransferType
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- The pixel from which you want to get the green color component, specified by an array of data elements of typetransferType
.- Returns:
- The green color component for the specified pixel, as an int.
- Throws:
- IfinData
is not a primitive array of typetransferType
- ifinData
is not large enough to hold a pixel value for thisColorModel
- If the transfer type of thisComponentColorModel
is not one of the supported transfer types:DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, orDataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE
Returns the blue color component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255 in the default RGBColorSpace
, sRGB. A color conversion is done if necessary. Thepixel
value is specified by an array of data elements of typetransferType
passed in as an object reference. The returned value is a non pre-multiplied value. If the alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out before returning the value (if the alpha value is 0, the blue value will be 0). SinceComponentColorModel
can be subclassed, subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it then they throw an exception if they use an unsupportedtransferType
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- The pixel from which you want to get the blue color component, specified by an array of data elements of typetransferType
.- Returns:
- The blue color component for the specified pixel, as an int.
- Throws:
- IfinData
is not a primitive array of typetransferType
- ifinData
is not large enough to hold a pixel value for thisColorModel
- If the transfer type of thisComponentColorModel
is not one of the supported transfer types:DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, orDataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE
Returns the alpha component for the specified pixel, scaled from 0 to 255. The pixel value is specified by an array of data elements of typetransferType
passed in as an object reference. SinceComponentColorModel
can be subclassed, subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it then they throw an exception if they use an unsupportedtransferType
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- The pixel from which you want to get the alpha component, specified by an array of data elements of typetransferType
.- Returns:
- The alpha component for the specified pixel, as an int.
- Throws:
- IfinData
is not a primitive array of typetransferType
- ifinData
is not large enough to hold a pixel value for thisColorModel
- If the transfer type of thisComponentColorModel
is not one of the supported transfer types:DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, orDataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE
Returns the color/alpha components for the specified pixel in the default RGB color model format. A color conversion is done if necessary. The pixel value is specified by an array of data elements of typetransferType
passed in as an object reference. The returned value is in a non pre-multiplied format. If the alpha is premultiplied, this method divides it out of the color components (if the alpha value is 0, the color values will be 0). SinceComponentColorModel
can be subclassed, subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it then they throw an exception if they use an unsupportedtransferType
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- The pixel from which you want to get the color/alpha components, specified by an array of data elements of typetransferType
.- Returns:
- The color/alpha components for the specified pixel, as an int.
- Throws:
- IfinData
is not a primitive array of typetransferType
- ifinData
is not large enough to hold a pixel value for thisColorModel
- If the transfer type of thisComponentColorModel
is not one of the supported transfer types:DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, orDataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE
.- See Also:
Returns a data element array representation of a pixel in thisColorModel
, given an integer pixel representation in the default RGB color model. This array can then be passed to thesetDataElements
method of aWritableRaster
object. If thepixel
parameter is null, a new array is allocated. SinceComponentColorModel
can be subclassed, subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it then they throw an exception if they use an unsupportedtransferType
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- the integer representation of the pixel in the RGB color modelpixel
- the specified pixel- Returns:
- The data element array representation of a pixel
in this
. - Throws:
- Ifpixel
is not null and is not a primitive array of typetransferType
- Ifpixel
is not large enough to hold a pixel value for thisColorModel
- If the transfer type of thisComponentColorModel
is not one of the supported transfer types:DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, orDataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE
.- See Also:
public int[] getComponents(int pixel, int[] components, int offset) Returns an array of unnormalized color/alpha components given a pixel in thisColorModel
. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if the component value for thisColorModel
is not conveniently representable in the unnormalized form. Color/alpha components are stored in thecomponents
array starting atoffset
(even if the array is allocated by this method).- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- The pixel value specified as an integer.components
- An integer array in which to store the unnormalized color/alpha components. If thecomponents
array is null, a new array is allocated.offset
- An offset into thecomponents
array.- Returns:
- The components array.
- Throws:
- If there is more than one component in thisColorModel
- If thisColorModel
does not support the unnormalized formArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- If thecomponents
array is not null and is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting at offset).
Returns an array of unnormalized color/alpha components given a pixel in thisColorModel
. The pixel value is specified by an array of data elements of typetransferType
passed in as an object reference. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if the component values for thisColorModel
are not conveniently representable in the unnormalized form. Color/alpha components are stored in thecomponents
array starting atoffset
(even if the array is allocated by this method). SinceComponentColorModel
can be subclassed, subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it then this method might throw an exception if they use an unsupportedtransferType
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- A pixel value specified by an array of data elements of typetransferType
- An integer array in which to store the unnormalized color/alpha components. If thecomponents
array is null, a new array is allocated.offset
- An offset into thecomponents
array.- Returns:
- The
array. - Throws:
- If thisComponentColorModel
does not support the unnormalized formUnsupportedOperationException
- in some cases iff the transfer type of thisComponentColorModel
is not one of the following transfer types:DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, orDataBuffer.TYPE_INT
- Ifpixel
is not a primitive array of typetransferType
- If thecomponents
array is not null and is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting at offset), or ifpixel
is not large enough to hold a pixel value for this ColorModel.
public int[] getUnnormalizedComponents(float[] normComponents, int normOffset, int[] components, int offset) Returns an array of all of the color/alpha components in unnormalized form, given a normalized component array. Unnormalized components are unsigned integral values between 0 and 2n - 1, where n is the number of bits for a particular component. Normalized components are float values between a per component minimum and maximum specified by theColorSpace
object for thisColorModel
. AnIllegalArgumentException
will be thrown if color component values for thisColorModel
are not conveniently representable in the unnormalized form. If thecomponents
array isnull
, a new array will be allocated. Thecomponents
array will be returned. Color/alpha components are stored in thecomponents
array starting atoffset
(even if the array is allocated by this method). AnArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
is thrown if thecomponents
array is notnull
and is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting atoffset
). AnIllegalArgumentException
is thrown if thenormComponents
array is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components starting atnormOffset
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- an array containing normalized componentsnormOffset
- the offset into thenormComponents
array at which to start retrieving normalized componentscomponents
- an array that receives the components fromnormComponents
- the index intocomponents
at which to begin storing normalized components fromnormComponents
- Returns:
- an array containing unnormalized color and alpha components.
- Throws:
- If thisComponentColorModel
does not support the unnormalized formIllegalArgumentException
- if the length ofnormComponents
is less thannumComponents
public float[] getNormalizedComponents(int[] components, int offset, float[] normComponents, int normOffset) Returns an array of all of the color/alpha components in normalized form, given an unnormalized component array. Unnormalized components are unsigned integral values between 0 and 2n - 1, where n is the number of bits for a particular component. Normalized components are float values between a per component minimum and maximum specified by theColorSpace
object for thisColorModel
. AnIllegalArgumentException
will be thrown if color component values for thisColorModel
are not conveniently representable in the unnormalized form. If thenormComponents
array isnull
, a new array will be allocated. ThenormComponents
array will be returned. Color/alpha components are stored in thenormComponents
array starting atnormOffset
(even if the array is allocated by this method). AnArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
is thrown if thenormComponents
array is notnull
and is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting atnormOffset
). AnIllegalArgumentException
is thrown if thecomponents
array is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components starting atoffset
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- an array containing unnormalized componentsoffset
- the offset into thecomponents
array at which to start retrieving unnormalized componentsnormComponents
- an array that receives the normalized componentsnormOffset
- the index intonormComponents
at which to begin storing normalized components- Returns:
- an array containing normalized color and alpha components.
- Throws:
- If thisComponentColorModel
does not support the unnormalized form
public int getDataElement(int[] components, int offset) Returns a pixel value represented as an int in thisColorModel
, given an array of unnormalized color/alpha components.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- An array of unnormalized color/alpha components.offset
- An offset into thecomponents
array.- Returns:
- A pixel value represented as an int.
- Throws:
- If there is more than one component in thisColorModel
- If thisComponentColorModel
does not support the unnormalized form
Returns a data element array representation of a pixel in thisColorModel
, given an array of unnormalized color/alpha components. This array can then be passed to thesetDataElements
method of aWritableRaster
object.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- An array of unnormalized color/alpha components.offset
- The integer offset into thecomponents
- The object in which to store the data element array representation of the pixel. Ifobj
variable is null, a new array is allocated. Ifobj
is not null, it must be a primitive array of typetransferType
. AnArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
is thrown ifobj
is not large enough to hold a pixel value for thisColorModel
. SinceComponentColorModel
can be subclassed, subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it then they throw an exception if they use an unsupportedtransferType
.- Returns:
- The data element array representation of a pixel
in this
. - Throws:
- If the components array is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting at offset).ClassCastException
- Ifobj
is not null and is not a primitive array of typetransferType
- Ifobj
is not large enough to hold a pixel value for thisColorModel
- If thisComponentColorModel
does not support the unnormalized formUnsupportedOperationException
- If the transfer type of thisComponentColorModel
is not one of the following transfer types:DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, orDataBuffer.TYPE_INT
.- See Also:
public int getDataElement(float[] normComponents, int normOffset) Returns a pixel value represented as anint
in thisColorModel
, given an array of normalized color/alpha components. This method will throw anIllegalArgumentException
if pixel values for thisColorModel
are not conveniently representable as a singleint
. AnArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
is thrown if thenormComponents
array is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting atnormOffset
).- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- an array of normalized color and alpha componentsnormOffset
- the index intonormComponents
at which to begin retrieving the color and alpha components- Returns:
- an
pixel value in thisColorModel
corresponding to the specified components. - Throws:
- if pixel values for thisColorModel
are not conveniently representable as a singleint
- if thenormComponents
array is not large enough to hold all of the color and alpha components starting atnormOffset
- Since:
- 1.4
Returns a data element array representation of a pixel in thisColorModel
, given an array of normalized color/alpha components. This array can then be passed to thesetDataElements
method of aWritableRaster
object. AnArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
is thrown if thenormComponents
array is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting atnormOffset
). If theobj
variable isnull
, a new array will be allocated. Ifobj
is notnull
, it must be a primitive array of type transferType; otherwise, aClassCastException
is thrown. AnArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
is thrown ifobj
is not large enough to hold a pixel value for thisColorModel
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- an array of normalized color and alpha componentsnormOffset
- the index intonormComponents
at which to begin retrieving color and alpha componentsobj
- a primitive data array to hold the returned pixel- Returns:
- an
which is a primitive data array representation of a pixel - Throws:
- ifobj
is not a primitive array of typetransferType
- ifobj
is not large enough to hold a pixel value for thisColorModel
or thenormComponents
array is not large enough to hold all of the color and alpha components starting atnormOffset
- Since:
- 1.4
- See Also:
Returns an array of all of the color/alpha components in normalized form, given a pixel in thisColorModel
. The pixel value is specified by an array of data elements of type transferType passed in as an object reference. If pixel is not a primitive array of type transferType, aClassCastException
is thrown. AnArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
is thrown ifpixel
is not large enough to hold a pixel value for thisColorModel
. Normalized components are float values between a per component minimum and maximum specified by theColorSpace
object for thisColorModel
. If thenormComponents
array isnull
, a new array will be allocated. ThenormComponents
array will be returned. Color/alpha components are stored in thenormComponents
array starting atnormOffset
(even if the array is allocated by this method). AnArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
is thrown if thenormComponents
array is notnull
and is not large enough to hold all the color and alpha components (starting atnormOffset
).This method must be overridden by a subclass if that subclass is designed to translate pixel sample values to color component values in a non-default way. The default translations implemented by this class is described in the class comments. Any subclass implementing a non-default translation must follow the constraints on allowable translations defined there.
- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- the specified pixelnormComponents
- an array to receive the normalized componentsnormOffset
- the offset into thenormComponents
array at which to start storing normalized components- Returns:
- an array containing normalized color and alpha components.
- Throws:
- ifpixel
is not a primitive array of type transferTypeArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- ifnormComponents
is not large enough to hold all color and alpha components starting atnormOffset
- ifpixel
is not large enough to hold a pixel value for thisColorModel
.- Since:
- 1.4
Forces the raster data to match the state specified in theisAlphaPremultiplied
variable, assuming the data is currently correctly described by thisColorModel
. It may multiply or divide the color raster data by alpha, or do nothing if the data is in the correct state. If the data needs to be coerced, this method also returns an instance of thisColorModel
with theisAlphaPremultiplied
flag set appropriately. SinceColorModel
can be subclassed, subclasses inherit the implementation of this method and if they don't override it then they throw an exception if they use an unsupportedtransferType
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- theWritableRaster
if the alpha is premultiplied;false
otherwise- Returns:
- a
object that represents the coerced data. - Throws:
- ifraster
and data coercion is required.UnsupportedOperationException
- if the transfer type of thisComponentColorModel
is not one of the supported transfer types:DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE
, orDataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE
Returns true ifraster
is compatible with thisColorModel
; false if it is not.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- TheRaster
object to test for compatibility.- Returns:
is compatible with thisColorModel
if it is not.
Creates aWritableRaster
with the specified width and height, that has a data layout (SampleModel
) compatible with thisColorModel
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- The width of theWritableRaster
you want to create.h
- The height of theWritableRaster
you want to create.- Returns:
- A
that is compatible with thisColorModel
. - See Also:
Creates aSampleModel
with the specified width and height, that has a data layout compatible with thisColorModel
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- The width of theSampleModel
you want to create.h
- The height of theSampleModel
you want to create.- Returns:
- A
that is compatible with thisColorModel
. - See Also:
Checks whether or not the specifiedSampleModel
is compatible with thisColorModel
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- TheSampleModel
to test for compatibility.- Returns:
if theSampleModel
is compatible with thisColorModel
if it is not.- See Also:
Returns aRaster
representing the alpha channel of an image, extracted from the inputRaster
. This method assumes thatRaster
objects associated with thisColorModel
store the alpha band, if present, as the last band of image data. Returns null if there is no separate spatial alpha channel associated with thisColorModel
. This method creates a newRaster
, but will share the data array.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- TheWritableRaster
from which to extract the alpha channel.- Returns:
- A
containing the image's alpha channel.
Tests if the specifiedObject
is an instance ofComponentColorModel
and equals thisComponentColorModel
.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Parameters:
- theObject
to test for equality- Returns:
if the specifiedObject
is an instance ofComponentColorModel
and equals thisComponentColorModel
otherwise.- See Also:
public int hashCode()Returns the hash code for this ComponentColorModel.- Overrides:
in classColorModel
- Returns:
- a hash code for this ComponentColorModel.
- See Also: