Module java.base

Class ReflectPermission

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Guard

public final class ReflectPermission extends BasicPermission
The Permission class for reflective operations.

The following table provides a summary description of what the permission allows, and discusses the risks of granting code the permission.

Table shows permission target name, what the permission allows, and associated risks
Permission Target Name What the Permission Allows Risks of Allowing this Permission
suppressAccessChecks ability to suppress the standard Java language access checks on fields and methods in a class; allow access not only public members but also allow access to default (package) access, protected, and private members. This is dangerous in that information (possibly confidential) and methods normally unavailable would be accessible to malicious code.
newProxyInPackage.{package name} ability to create a proxy instance in the specified package of which the non-public interface that the proxy class implements. This gives code access to classes in packages to which it normally does not have access and the dynamic proxy class is in the system protection domain. Malicious code may use these classes to help in its attempt to compromise security in the system.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ReflectPermission Link icon

      public ReflectPermission(String name)
      Constructs a ReflectPermission with the specified name.
      name - the name of the ReflectPermission
      NullPointerException - if name is null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if name is empty.
    • ReflectPermission Link icon

      public ReflectPermission(String name, String actions)
      Constructs a ReflectPermission with the specified name and actions. The actions should be null; they are ignored.
      name - the name of the ReflectPermission
      actions - should be null
      NullPointerException - if name is null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if name is empty.