Module java.base
Package java.lang

Interface Thread.Builder

All Known Subinterfaces:
Thread.Builder.OfPlatform, Thread.Builder.OfVirtual
Enclosing class:

public static sealed interface Thread.Builder permits Thread.Builder.OfPlatform, Thread.Builder.OfVirtual
A builder for Thread and ThreadFactory objects.

Builder defines methods to set Thread properties such as the thread name. This includes properties that would otherwise be inherited. Once set, a Thread or ThreadFactory is created with the following methods:

  • The unstarted method creates a new unstarted Thread to run a task. The Thread's start method must be invoked to schedule the thread to execute.
  • The start method creates a new Thread to run a task and schedules the thread to execute.
  • The factory method creates a ThreadFactory.

A Thread.Builder is not thread safe. The ThreadFactory returned by the builder's factory() method is thread safe.

Unless otherwise specified, passing a null argument to a method in this interface causes a NullPointerException to be thrown.

See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • name Link icon

      Thread.Builder name(String name)
      Sets the thread name.
      name - thread name
      this builder
    • name Link icon

      Thread.Builder name(String prefix, long start)
      Sets the thread name to be the concatenation of a string prefix and the string representation of a counter value. The counter's initial value is start. It is incremented after a Thread is created with this builder so that the next thread is named with the new counter value. A ThreadFactory created with this builder is seeded with the current value of the counter. The ThreadFactory increments its copy of the counter after newThread is used to create a Thread.
      API Note:
      The following example creates a builder that is invoked twice to start two threads named "worker-0" and "worker-1".
        Thread.Builder builder = Thread.ofPlatform().name("worker-", 0);
        Thread t1 = builder.start(task1);   // name "worker-0"
        Thread t2 = builder.start(task2);   // name "worker-1"
      prefix - thread name prefix
      start - the starting value of the counter
      this builder
      IllegalArgumentException - if start is negative
    • inheritInheritableThreadLocals Link icon

      Thread.Builder inheritInheritableThreadLocals(boolean inherit)
      Sets whether the thread inherits the initial values of inheritable-thread-local variables from the constructing thread. The default is to inherit.
      inherit - true to inherit, false to not inherit
      this builder
    • uncaughtExceptionHandler Link icon

      Thread.Builder uncaughtExceptionHandler(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh)
      Sets the uncaught exception handler.
      ueh - uncaught exception handler
      this builder
    • unstarted Link icon

      Thread unstarted(Runnable task)
      Creates a new Thread from the current state of the builder to run the given task. The Thread's start method must be invoked to schedule the thread to execute.
      task - the object to run when the thread executes
      a new unstarted Thread
      SecurityException - if denied by the security manager (See Interaction with security manager when creating platform threads)
      See Also:
    • start Link icon

      Thread start(Runnable task)
      Creates a new Thread from the current state of the builder and schedules it to execute.
      task - the object to run when the thread executes
      a new started Thread
      SecurityException - if denied by the security manager (See Interaction with security manager when creating platform threads)
      See Also:
    • factory Link icon

      ThreadFactory factory()
      Returns a ThreadFactory to create threads from the current state of the builder. The returned thread factory is safe for use by multiple concurrent threads.
      a thread factory to create threads