Uses of Annotation Interface
Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting
graphics and images.
Provides the Java 2D classes for defining and performing operations on
objects related to two-dimensional geometry.
Contains classes related to developing beans -- components based on
the JavaBeans architecture.
Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components
that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms.
Provides classes and interface for drawing specialized borders around a Swing
Provides one interface and many abstract classes that Swing uses to provide
its pluggable look-and-feel capabilities.
Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with
Uses of ConstructorProperties in java.awt
(float width, int cap, int join, float miterlimit, float[] dash, float dash_phase) Constructs a newBasicStroke
with the specified attributes.Color
(int r, int g, int b, int a) Creates an sRGB color with the specified red, green, blue, and alpha values in the range (0 - 255).Cursor
(int type) Creates a new cursor object with the specified type.GradientPaint
(Point2D pt1, Color color1, Point2D pt2, Color color2, boolean cyclic) Constructs either a cyclic or acyclicGradientPaint
object depending on theboolean
(Point2D start, Point2D end, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, MultipleGradientPaint.CycleMethod cycleMethod, MultipleGradientPaint.ColorSpaceType colorSpace, AffineTransform gradientTransform) Constructs aLinearGradientPaint
(Point2D center, float radius, Point2D focus, float[] fractions, Color[] colors, MultipleGradientPaint.CycleMethod cycleMethod, MultipleGradientPaint.ColorSpaceType colorSpace, AffineTransform gradientTransform) Constructs aRadialGradientPaint
(int scrollbarDisplayPolicy) Create a new scrollpane container. -
Uses of ConstructorProperties in java.awt.geom
(float m00, float m10, float m01, float m11, float m02, float m12) Constructs a newAffineTransform
from 6 floating point values representing the 6 specifiable entries of the 3x3 transformation matrix. -
Uses of ConstructorProperties in java.beans
(Object target, String action, String eventPropertyName, String listenerMethodName) Creates a newEventHandler
object; you generally use one of thecreate
methods instead of invoking this constructor directly.Expression
(Object target, String methodName, Object[] arguments) Creates a newExpression
object for the specified target object to invoke the method specified by the name and by the array of arguments.Creates a newStatement
object for the specified target object to invoke the method specified by the name and by the array of arguments. -
Uses of ConstructorProperties in javax.swing
ModifierConstructorDescriptionCreates a layout manager that will lay out components along the given axis.DefaultCellEditor
(JTextField textField) Constructs aDefaultCellEditor
that uses a text field.Constructor to create shape with the given size ranges.Creates an ImageIcon from the specified file.Creates a button with text.JSplitPane
(int newOrientation) Creates a newJSplitPane
configured with the specified orientation.Returns an instance ofJTree
which displays the root node -- the tree is created using the specified data model.OverlayLayout
(Container target) Constructs a layout manager that performs overlay arrangement of the children. -
Uses of ConstructorProperties in javax.swing.border
(int bevelType, Color highlightOuterColor, Color highlightInnerColor, Color shadowOuterColor, Color shadowInnerColor) Creates a bevel border with the specified type, highlight and shadow colors.CompoundBorder
(Border outsideBorder, Border insideBorder) Creates a compound border with the specified outside and inside borders.EmptyBorder
(Insets borderInsets) Creates an empty border with the specified insets.EtchedBorder
(int etchType, Color highlight, Color shadow) Creates an etched border with the specified etch-type, highlight and shadow colors.LineBorder
(Color color, int thickness, boolean roundedCorners) Creates a line border with the specified color, thickness, and corner shape.SoftBevelBorder
(int bevelType, Color highlightOuterColor, Color highlightInnerColor, Color shadowOuterColor, Color shadowInnerColor) Creates a bevel border with the specified type, highlight shadow colors.StrokeBorder
(BasicStroke stroke, Paint paint) Creates a border of the specifiedstroke
(Border border, String title, int titleJustification, int titlePosition, Font titleFont, Color titleColor) Creates a TitledBorder instance with the specified border, title, title-justification, title-position, title-font, and title-color. -
Uses of ConstructorProperties in javax.swing.plaf
(int bevelType, Color highlightOuter, Color highlightInner, Color shadowOuter, Color shadowInner) Constructs aBevelBorderUIResource
(int r, int g, int b) Constructs aColorUIResource
(Border outsideBorder, Border insideBorder) Constructs aCompoundBorderUIResource
(Insets insets) Constructs anEmptyBorderUIResource
(int etchType, Color highlight, Color shadow) Constructs anEtchedBorderUIResource
(Color color, int thickness) Constructs aLineBorderUIResource
(Border border, String title, int titleJustification, int titlePosition, Font titleFont, Color titleColor) Constructs aTitledBorderUIResource
. -
Uses of ConstructorProperties in javax.swing.tree
(TreeNode root) Creates a tree in which any node can have children.Creates aTreePath
from an array.