Module java.desktop

Class JobImpressionsSupported

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Attribute, SupportedValuesAttribute

public final class JobImpressionsSupported extends SetOfIntegerSyntax implements SupportedValuesAttribute
Class JobImpressionsSupported is a printing attribute class, a set of integers, that gives the supported values for a JobImpressions attribute. It is restricted to a single contiguous range of integers; multiple non-overlapping ranges are not allowed. This gives the lower and upper bounds of the total sizes of print jobs in number of impressions that the printer will accept.

IPP Compatibility: The JobImpressionsSupported attribute's canonical array form gives the lower and upper bound for the range of values to be included in an IPP "job-impressions-supported" attribute. See class SetOfIntegerSyntax for an explanation of canonical array form. The category name returned by getName() gives the IPP attribute name.

See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Constructor Details

    • JobImpressionsSupported

      public JobImpressionsSupported(int lowerBound, int upperBound)
      Construct a new job impressions supported attribute containing a single range of integers. That is, only those values of JobImpressions in the one range are supported.
      lowerBound - lower bound of the range
      upperBound - upper bound of the range
      IllegalArgumentException - if a null range is specified or if a non-null range is specified with lowerBound less than zero
  • Method Details

    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object object)
      Returns whether this job impressions supported attribute is equivalent to the passed in object. To be equivalent, all of the following conditions must be true:
      1. object is not null.
      2. object is an instance of class JobImpressionsSupported.
      3. This job impressions supported attribute's members and object's members are the same.
      equals in class SetOfIntegerSyntax
      object - Object to compare to
      true if object is equivalent to this job impressions supported attribute, false otherwise
      See Also:
      Object.hashCode(), HashMap
    • getCategory

      public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory()
      Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category" for this printing attribute value.

      For class JobImpressionsSupported, the category is class JobImpressionsSupported itself.

      Specified by:
      getCategory in interface Attribute
      printing attribute class (category), an instance of class java.lang.Class
    • getName

      public final String getName()
      Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an instance.

      For class JobImpressionsSupported, the category name is "job-impressions-supported".

      Specified by:
      getName in interface Attribute
      attribute category name