Package | Description |
javafx.beans.binding |
Characteristics of Bindings
| |
The package defines read-only
properties and writable properties, plus a number of implementations. |
javafx.scene.chart |
The JavaFX User Interface provides a set of chart components that
are a very convenient way for data visualization.
javafx.scene.control |
The JavaFX User Interface Controls (UI Controls or just Controls) are
specialized Nodes in the JavaFX Scenegraph especially suited for reuse in
many different application contexts.
javafx.scene.control.cell |
javafx.scene.control.cell package is where all cell-related
classes are located, other than the core classes such as
Cell , IndexedCell ,
ListCell , TreeCell ,
and TableCell . |
javafx.util.converter |
This package is for standard string converters for JavaFX.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> void |
Bindings.bindBidirectional(Property<String> stringProperty,
Property<T> otherProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Generates a bidirectional binding (or "bind with inverse") between a
String -Property and another Property
using the specified StringConverter for conversion. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> void |
StringProperty.bindBidirectional(Property<T> other,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Create a bidirectional binding between this
StringProperty and another
arbitrary property. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
Default number formatter for NumberAxis, this stays in sync with auto-ranging and formats values appropriately.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
StringConverter<T> |
Gets the value of the property tickLabelFormatter.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectProperty<StringConverter<T>> |
StringConverter used to format tick mark labels.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ValueAxis.setTickLabelFormatter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the value of the property tickLabelFormatter.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static StringConverter<String> |
This string converter converts the text to the same String value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
StringConverter<T> |
Gets the value of the property converter.
StringConverter<T> |
Gets the value of the property converter.
StringConverter<LocalDate> |
Gets the value of the property converter.
StringConverter<T> |
Gets the value of the property converter.
StringConverter<Double> |
Gets the value of the property labelFormatter.
StringConverter<V> |
The converter between the values and text.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectProperty<StringConverter<T>> |
ObjectProperty<StringConverter<T>> |
ObjectProperty<StringConverter<LocalDate>> |
Converts the input text to an object of type LocalDate and vice
ObjectProperty<StringConverter<T>> |
Allows a way to specify how to represent objects in the items list.
ObjectProperty<StringConverter<Double>> |
A function for formatting the label for a major tick.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DatePicker.setConverter(StringConverter<LocalDate> value)
Sets the value of the property converter.
void |
SpinnerValueFactory.setConverter(StringConverter<T> newValue)
Sets the value of the property converter.
void |
ComboBox.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the value of the property converter.
void |
ChoiceBox.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the value of the property converter.
void |
Slider.setLabelFormatter(StringConverter<Double> value)
Sets the value of the property labelFormatter.
Constructor and Description |
TextFormatter(StringConverter<V> valueConverter)
Creates a new Formatter with the provided value converter.
TextFormatter(StringConverter<V> valueConverter,
V defaultValue)
Creates a new Formatter with the provided value converter and default value.
TextFormatter(StringConverter<V> valueConverter,
V defaultValue,
UnaryOperator<TextFormatter.Change> filter)
Creates a new Formatter with the provided filter, value converter and default value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<TreeItem<T>> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
StringConverter<T> |
Returns the
StringConverter used in this cell. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
CheckBoxListCell.forListView(Callback<T,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a cell factory for use in ListView controls.
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
TextFieldListCell.forListView(StringConverter<T> converter)
Provides a
TextField that allows editing of the cell content when
the cell is double-clicked, or when ListView.edit(int) is called. |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
ChoiceBoxListCell.forListView(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
ListView controls. |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
ComboBoxListCell.forListView(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
ListView controls. |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
ChoiceBoxListCell.forListView(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
ListView controls. |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
ComboBoxListCell.forListView(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
ListView controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
CheckBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TableColumn cell factory. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter)
Provides a
TextField that allows editing of the cell content when
the cell is double-clicked, or when
TableView.edit(int, javafx.scene.control.TableColumn) is called. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
ChoiceBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
ComboBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
ChoiceBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
ComboBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
CheckBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TreeTableColumn cell factory. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
TextFieldTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter)
Provides a
TextField that allows editing of the cell content when
the cell is double-clicked, or when
TreeTableView.edit(int, javafx.scene.control.TreeTableColumn) is called. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
ChoiceBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TreeTableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
ComboBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TreeTableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
ChoiceBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TreeTableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
ComboBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TreeTableColumn controls. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
CheckBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(Callback<TreeItem<T>,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<TreeItem<T>> converter)
Creates a cell factory for use in a TreeView control.
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
TextFieldTreeCell.forTreeView(StringConverter<T> converter)
Provides a
TextField that allows editing of the cell content when
the cell is double-clicked, or when
TreeView.edit(javafx.scene.control.TreeItem) is called. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
ComboBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TreeView controls. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
ChoiceBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TreeView controls. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
ComboBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TreeView controls. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
ChoiceBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TreeView controls. |
void |
ChoiceBoxTableCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
ComboBoxTreeCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
CheckBoxTreeTableCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
TextFieldTreeCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
TextFieldListCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
ChoiceBoxTreeTableCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
ChoiceBoxTreeCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
ChoiceBoxListCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
ComboBoxTreeTableCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
TextFieldTableCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
ComboBoxListCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
CheckBoxTableCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
TextFieldTreeTableCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
ComboBoxTableCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
CheckBoxListCell.setConverter(StringConverter<T> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
void |
CheckBoxTreeCell.setConverter(StringConverter<TreeItem<T>> value)
Sets the
StringConverter to be used in this cell. |
Constructor and Description |
CheckBoxListCell(Callback<T,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a CheckBoxListCell with a custom string converter.
CheckBoxTableCell(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a CheckBoxTableCell with a custom string converter.
CheckBoxTreeCell(Callback<TreeItem<T>,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<TreeItem<T>> converter)
Creates a
CheckBoxTreeCell for use in a TreeView control via a
cell factory. |
CheckBoxTreeTableCell(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a CheckBoxTreeTableCell with a custom string converter.
ChoiceBoxListCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a
ChoiceBoxListCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ChoiceBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ChoiceBoxListCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a
ChoiceBoxListCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ChoiceBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ChoiceBoxTableCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a
ChoiceBoxTableCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ChoiceBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ChoiceBoxTableCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a
ChoiceBoxTableCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ChoiceBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ChoiceBoxTreeCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a
ChoiceBoxTreeCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ChoiceBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ChoiceBoxTreeCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a
ChoiceBoxTreeCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ChoiceBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ChoiceBoxTreeTableCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a
ChoiceBoxTreeTableCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ChoiceBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ChoiceBoxTreeTableCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a
ChoiceBoxTreeTableCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ChoiceBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ComboBoxListCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a
ComboBoxListCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ComboBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ComboBoxListCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a
ComboBoxListCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ComboBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ComboBoxTableCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a
ComboBoxTableCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ComboBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ComboBoxTableCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a
ComboBoxTableCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ComboBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ComboBoxTreeCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a
ComboBoxTreeCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ComboBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ComboBoxTreeCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a
ComboBoxTreeCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ComboBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ComboBoxTreeTableCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a
ComboBoxTreeTableCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ComboBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
ComboBoxTreeTableCell(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a
ComboBoxTreeTableCell instance with the given items
being used to populate the ComboBox when it is shown, and the
StringConverter being used to convert the item in to a
user-readable form. |
TextFieldListCell(StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a TextFieldListCell that provides a
TextField when put
into editing mode that allows editing of the cell content. |
TextFieldTableCell(StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a TextFieldTableCell that provides a
TextField when put
into editing mode that allows editing of the cell content. |
TextFieldTreeCell(StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a TextFieldTreeCell that provides a
TextField when put
into editing mode that allows editing of the cell content. |
TextFieldTreeTableCell(StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a TextFieldTreeTableCell that provides a
TextField when put
into editing mode that allows editing of the cell content. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
StringConverter implementation for BigDecimal values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for BigInteger values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for Boolean
(and boolean primitive) values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for Byte
(and byte primitive) values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for Character
(and char primitive) values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for Number values
that represent currency. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for Date values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for Date values that
represent a date and time. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for String values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for Double
(and double primitive) values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for Float
(and float primitive) values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation that can use a Format
instance. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for Integer
(and int primitive) values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for LocalDate values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for LocalDateTime values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for LocalTime values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for Long
(and long primitive) values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for Number values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for Number values
that represent percentages. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for Short values. |
class |
StringConverter implementation for Date values that
represent time. |
Submit a bug or feature
For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java SE Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.
Copyright © 2008, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Also see the documentation redistribution policy.