Package | Description |
javafx.collections |
Contains the essential JavaFX collections and collection utilities
javafx.concurrent |
Provides the set of classes for javafx.task.
javafx.fxml |
Contains classes for loading an object hierarchy from markup.
javafx.scene |
Provides the core set of base
classes for the JavaFX Scene Graph API.
javafx.scene.control |
The JavaFX User Interface Controls (UI Controls or just Controls) are
specialized Nodes in the JavaFX Scenegraph especially suited for reuse in
many different application contexts.
javafx.scene.control.cell |
javafx.scene.control.cell package is where all cell-related
classes are located, other than the core classes such as
Cell , IndexedCell ,
ListCell , TreeCell ,
and TableCell . |
javafx.scene.web |
This package provides means for loading and displaying Web content.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <E> ObservableList<E> |
FXCollections.observableArrayList(Callback<E,Observable[]> extractor)
Creates a new empty observable list backed by an arraylist.
static <E> ObservableList<E> |
FXCollections.observableList(List<E> list,
Callback<E,Observable[]> extractor)
Constructs an ObservableList that is backed by the specified list.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Callback<ScheduledService<?>,Duration> |
A Callback implementation for the
backoffStrategy property which
will exponentially backoff the period between re-executions in the case of
a failure. |
static Callback<ScheduledService<?>,Duration> |
A Callback implementation for the
backoffStrategy property which
will linearly backoff the period between re-executions in the case of
a failure. |
static Callback<ScheduledService<?>,Duration> |
A Callback implementation for the
backoffStrategy property which
will logarithmically backoff the period between re-executions in the case of
a failure. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Callback<ScheduledService<?>,Duration> |
Gets the value of the property backoffStrategy.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectProperty<Callback<ScheduledService<?>,Duration>> |
Computes the amount of time to add to the period on each failure.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ScheduledService.setBackoffStrategy(Callback<ScheduledService<?>,Duration> value)
Sets the value of the property backoffStrategy.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Callback<Class<?>,Object> |
Returns the controller factory used by this serializer.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> T |
FXMLLoader.load(URL location,
ResourceBundle resources,
BuilderFactory builderFactory,
Callback<Class<?>,Object> controllerFactory)
Loads an object hierarchy from a FXML document.
static <T> T |
FXMLLoader.load(URL location,
ResourceBundle resources,
BuilderFactory builderFactory,
Callback<Class<?>,Object> controllerFactory,
Charset charset)
Loads an object hierarchy from a FXML document.
void |
FXMLLoader.setControllerFactory(Callback<Class<?>,Object> controllerFactory)
Sets the controller factory used by this serializer.
Constructor and Description |
FXMLLoader(URL location,
ResourceBundle resources,
BuilderFactory builderFactory,
Callback<Class<?>,Object> controllerFactory)
Creates a new FXMLLoader instance.
FXMLLoader(URL location,
ResourceBundle resources,
BuilderFactory builderFactory,
Callback<Class<?>,Object> controllerFactory,
Charset charset)
Creates a new FXMLLoader instance.
FXMLLoader(URL location,
ResourceBundle resources,
BuilderFactory builderFactory,
Callback<Class<?>,Object> controllerFactory,
Charset charset,
LinkedList<FXMLLoader> loaders)
Creates a new FXMLLoader instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Node.snapshot(Callback<SnapshotResult,Void> callback,
SnapshotParameters params,
WritableImage image)
Takes a snapshot of this node at the next frame and calls the
specified callback method when the image is ready.
void |
Scene.snapshot(Callback<SnapshotResult,Void> callback,
WritableImage image)
Takes a snapshot of this scene at the next frame and calls the
specified callback method when the image is ready.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> |
Simple policy that ensures the width of all visible leaf columns in
this table sum up to equal the width of the table itself.
static Callback<TreeTableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> |
Simple policy that ensures the width of all visible leaf columns in
this table sum up to equal the width of the table itself.
static Callback<TableColumn<?,?>,TableCell<?,?>> |
If no cellFactory is specified on a TableColumn instance, then this one
will be used by default.
static Callback<TreeTableColumn<?,?>,TreeTableCell<?,?>> |
If no cellFactory is specified on a TreeTableColumn instance, then this one
will be used by default.
static Callback<TableView,Boolean> |
The default
sort policy that this TableView
will use if no other policy is specified. |
static Callback<TreeTableView,Boolean> |
The default
sort policy that this TreeTableView
will use if no other policy is specified. |
static Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> |
Very simple resize policy that just resizes the specified column by the
provided delta and shifts all other columns (to the right of the given column)
further to the right (when the delta is positive) or to the left (when the
delta is negative).
static Callback<TreeTableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> |
Very simple resize policy that just resizes the specified column by the
provided delta and shifts all other columns (to the right of the given column)
further to the right (when the delta is positive) or to the left (when the
delta is negative).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
Returns the cell factory that will be used for creating TreeCells,
which are used to represent items in the TreeView, or null if no custom
cell factory has been set.
Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
Gets the value of the property cellFactory.
Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
Returns the current cell factory.
Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
Gets the value of the property cellFactory.
Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
Gets the value of the property cellFactory.
Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<S,T>,ObservableValue<T>> |
Gets the value of the property cellValueFactory.
Callback<TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<S,T>,ObservableValue<T>> |
Gets the value of the property cellValueFactory.
Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> |
Gets the value of the property columnResizePolicy.
Callback<TreeTableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> |
Gets the value of the property columnResizePolicy.
Callback<DatePicker,DateCell> |
Gets the value of the property dayCellFactory.
Callback<Integer,Node> |
Returns the page factory callback function.
Callback<ButtonType,R> |
Gets the value of the property resultConverter.
Callback<TableView<S>,TableRow<S>> |
Gets the value of the property rowFactory.
Callback<TreeTableView<S>,TreeTableRow<S>> |
Gets the value of the property rowFactory.
Callback<TableView<S>,Boolean> |
Gets the value of the property sortPolicy.
Callback<TreeTableView<S>,Boolean> |
Gets the value of the property sortPolicy.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectProperty<Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>>> |
Represents the cell factory that will be used for creating TreeCells,
which are used to represent items in the TreeView.
ObjectProperty<Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>>> |
Providing a custom cell factory allows for complete customization of the
rendering of items in the ComboBox.
ObjectProperty<Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>>> |
Setting a custom cell factory has the effect of deferring all cell
creation, allowing for total customization of the cell.
ObjectProperty<Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>>> |
The cell factory for all cells in this column.
ObjectProperty<Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>>> |
The cell factory for all cells in this column.
ObjectProperty<Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<S,T>,ObservableValue<T>>> |
The cell value factory needs to be set to specify how to populate all
cells within a single TableColumn.
ObjectProperty<Callback<TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<S,T>,ObservableValue<T>>> |
The cell value factory needs to be set to specify how to populate all
cells within a single TreeTableColumn.
ObjectProperty<Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean>> |
This is the function called when the user completes a column-resize
ObjectProperty<Callback<TreeTableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean>> |
This is the function called when the user completes a column-resize
ObjectProperty<Callback<DatePicker,DateCell>> |
A custom cell factory can be provided to customize individual
day cells in the DatePicker popup.
ObjectProperty<Callback<Integer,Node>> |
The pageFactory callback function that is called when a page has been
selected by the application or the user.
ObjectProperty<Callback<ButtonType,R>> |
API to convert the
ButtonType that the user clicked on into a
result that can be returned via the result
property. |
ObjectProperty<Callback<TableView<S>,TableRow<S>>> |
A function which produces a TableRow.
ObjectProperty<Callback<TreeTableView<S>,TreeTableRow<S>>> |
A function which produces a TreeTableRow.
ObjectProperty<Callback<TableView<S>,Boolean>> |
The sort policy specifies how sorting in this TableView should be performed.
ObjectProperty<Callback<TreeTableView<S>,Boolean>> |
The sort policy specifies how sorting in this TreeTableView should be performed.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ComboBox.setCellFactory(Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> value)
Sets the value of the property cellFactory.
void |
ListView.setCellFactory(Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> value)
Sets a new cell factory to use in the ListView.
void |
TableColumn.setCellFactory(Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> value)
Sets the value of the property cellFactory.
void |
TreeTableColumn.setCellFactory(Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> value)
Sets the value of the property cellFactory.
void |
TreeView.setCellFactory(Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> value)
Sets the cell factory that will be used for creating TreeCells,
which are used to represent items in the
void |
TableColumn.setCellValueFactory(Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<S,T>,ObservableValue<T>> value)
Sets the value of the property cellValueFactory.
void |
TreeTableColumn.setCellValueFactory(Callback<TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<S,T>,ObservableValue<T>> value)
Sets the value of the property cellValueFactory.
void |
TableView.setColumnResizePolicy(Callback<TableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> callback)
Sets the value of the property columnResizePolicy.
void |
TreeTableView.setColumnResizePolicy(Callback<TreeTableView.ResizeFeatures,Boolean> callback)
Sets the value of the property columnResizePolicy.
void |
DatePicker.setDayCellFactory(Callback<DatePicker,DateCell> value)
Sets the value of the property dayCellFactory.
void |
Pagination.setPageFactory(Callback<Integer,Node> value)
Sets the page factory callback function.
void |
Dialog.setResultConverter(Callback<ButtonType,R> value)
Sets the value of the property resultConverter.
void |
TableView.setRowFactory(Callback<TableView<S>,TableRow<S>> value)
Sets the value of the property rowFactory.
void |
TreeTableView.setRowFactory(Callback<TreeTableView<S>,TreeTableRow<S>> value)
Sets the value of the property rowFactory.
void |
TableView.setSortPolicy(Callback<TableView<S>,Boolean> callback)
Sets the value of the property sortPolicy.
void |
TreeTableView.setSortPolicy(Callback<TreeTableView<S>,Boolean> callback)
Sets the value of the property sortPolicy.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A convenience implementation of the Callback interface, designed specifically
for use within the
cell value factory . |
class |
A convenience implementation of the Callback interface, designed specifically
for use within the
cell value factory . |
class |
A convenience implementation of the Callback interface, designed specifically
for use within the
cell value factory . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Callback<ListView<String>,ListCell<String>> |
Provides a
TextField that allows editing of the cell content when
the cell is double-clicked, or when ListView.edit(int) is called. |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
CheckBoxListCell.forListView(Callback<T,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty)
Creates a cell factory for use in ListView controls.
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
CheckBoxListCell.forListView(Callback<T,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a cell factory for use in ListView controls.
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
ChoiceBoxListCell.forListView(ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
ListView controls. |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
ComboBoxListCell.forListView(ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
ListView controls. |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
TextFieldListCell.forListView(StringConverter<T> converter)
Provides a
TextField that allows editing of the cell content when
the cell is double-clicked, or when ListView.edit(int) is called. |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
ChoiceBoxListCell.forListView(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
ListView controls. |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
ComboBoxListCell.forListView(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
ListView controls. |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
ChoiceBoxListCell.forListView(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
ListView controls. |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
ComboBoxListCell.forListView(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
ListView controls. |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
ChoiceBoxListCell.forListView(T... items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
ListView controls. |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
ComboBoxListCell.forListView(T... items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
ListView controls. |
static <S> Callback<TableColumn<S,String>,TableCell<S,String>> |
Provides a
TextField that allows editing of the cell content when
the cell is double-clicked, or when
TableView.edit(int, javafx.scene.control.TableColumn) is called. |
static <S> Callback<TableColumn<S,Double>,TableCell<S,Double>> |
Provides a
ProgressBar that allows easy visualisation of a Number
value as it proceeds from 0.0 to 1.0. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
CheckBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TableColumn cell factory. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
CheckBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
boolean showLabel)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TableColumn cell factory. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
CheckBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TableColumn cell factory. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
ChoiceBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
ComboBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter)
Provides a
TextField that allows editing of the cell content when
the cell is double-clicked, or when
TableView.edit(int, javafx.scene.control.TableColumn) is called. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
ChoiceBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
ComboBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
ChoiceBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
ComboBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
ChoiceBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(T... items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
ComboBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(T... items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TableColumn controls. |
static <S> Callback<TableColumn<S,Boolean>,TableCell<S,Boolean>> |
CheckBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(TableColumn<S,Boolean> column)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TableColumn cell factory. |
static <S> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,Double>,TreeTableCell<S,Double>> |
Provides a
ProgressBar that allows easy visualisation of a Number
value as it proceeds from 0.0 to 1.0. |
static <S> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,String>,TreeTableCell<S,String>> |
Provides a
TextField that allows editing of the cell content when
the cell is double-clicked, or when
TreeTableView.edit(int, javafx.scene.control.TreeTableColumn) is called. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
CheckBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TreeTableColumn cell factory. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
CheckBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
boolean showLabel)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TreeTableColumn cell factory. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
CheckBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TreeTableColumn cell factory. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
ChoiceBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TreeTableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
ComboBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TreeTableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
TextFieldTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter)
Provides a
TextField that allows editing of the cell content when
the cell is double-clicked, or when
TreeTableView.edit(int, javafx.scene.control.TreeTableColumn) is called. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
ChoiceBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TreeTableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
ComboBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TreeTableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
ChoiceBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TreeTableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
ComboBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TreeTableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
ChoiceBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(T... items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TreeTableColumn controls. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
ComboBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(T... items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TreeTableColumn controls. |
static <S> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,Boolean>,TreeTableCell<S,Boolean>> |
CheckBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(TreeTableColumn<S,Boolean> column)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TreeTableColumn cell factory. |
static Callback<TreeView<String>,TreeCell<String>> |
Provides a
TextField that allows editing of the cell content when
the cell is double-clicked, or when
TreeView.edit(javafx.scene.control.TreeItem) is called. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
Creates a cell factory for use in a TreeView control, although there is a
major assumption when used in a TreeView: this cell factory assumes that
the TreeView root, and all children are instances of
CheckBoxTreeItem , rather than the default TreeItem class
that is used normally. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
CheckBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(Callback<TreeItem<T>,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty)
Creates a cell factory for use in a TreeView control.
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
CheckBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(Callback<TreeItem<T>,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<TreeItem<T>> converter)
Creates a cell factory for use in a TreeView control.
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
ComboBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TreeView controls. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
ChoiceBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TreeView controls. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
TextFieldTreeCell.forTreeView(StringConverter<T> converter)
Provides a
TextField that allows editing of the cell content when
the cell is double-clicked, or when
TreeView.edit(javafx.scene.control.TreeItem) is called. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
ComboBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TreeView controls. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
ChoiceBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(StringConverter<T> converter,
ObservableList<T> items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TreeView controls. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
ComboBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TreeView controls. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
ChoiceBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(StringConverter<T> converter,
T... items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TreeView controls. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
ComboBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(T... items)
Creates a ComboBox cell factory for use in
TreeView controls. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
ChoiceBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(T... items)
Creates a ChoiceBox cell factory for use in
TreeView controls. |
Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> |
Returns the
Callback that is bound to by the CheckBox shown on screen. |
Callback<TreeItem<T>,ObservableValue<Boolean>> |
Returns the
Callback that is bound to by the CheckBox shown on screen. |
Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> |
Returns the
Callback that is bound to by the CheckBox shown on screen. |
Callback<T,ObservableValue<Boolean>> |
Returns the
Callback that is bound to by the CheckBox shown on screen. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectProperty<Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>>> |
Property representing the
Callback that is bound to by the
CheckBox shown on screen. |
ObjectProperty<Callback<TreeItem<T>,ObservableValue<Boolean>>> |
Property representing the
Callback that is bound to by the
CheckBox shown on screen. |
ObjectProperty<Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>>> |
Property representing the
Callback that is bound to by the
CheckBox shown on screen. |
ObjectProperty<Callback<T,ObservableValue<Boolean>>> |
Property representing the
Callback that is bound to by the
CheckBox shown on screen. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
CheckBoxListCell.forListView(Callback<T,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty)
Creates a cell factory for use in ListView controls.
static <T> Callback<ListView<T>,ListCell<T>> |
CheckBoxListCell.forListView(Callback<T,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a cell factory for use in ListView controls.
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
CheckBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TableColumn cell factory. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
CheckBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
boolean showLabel)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TableColumn cell factory. |
static <S,T> Callback<TableColumn<S,T>,TableCell<S,T>> |
CheckBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TableColumn cell factory. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
CheckBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TreeTableColumn cell factory. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
CheckBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
boolean showLabel)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TreeTableColumn cell factory. |
static <S,T> Callback<TreeTableColumn<S,T>,TreeTableCell<S,T>> |
CheckBoxTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a cell factory for use in a
TreeTableColumn cell factory. |
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
CheckBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(Callback<TreeItem<T>,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty)
Creates a cell factory for use in a TreeView control.
static <T> Callback<TreeView<T>,TreeCell<T>> |
CheckBoxTreeCell.forTreeView(Callback<TreeItem<T>,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<TreeItem<T>> converter)
Creates a cell factory for use in a TreeView control.
void |
CheckBoxTreeTableCell.setSelectedStateCallback(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> value)
Sets the
Callback that is bound to by the CheckBox shown on screen. |
void |
CheckBoxTableCell.setSelectedStateCallback(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> value)
Sets the
Callback that is bound to by the CheckBox shown on screen. |
void |
CheckBoxListCell.setSelectedStateCallback(Callback<T,ObservableValue<Boolean>> value)
Sets the
Callback that is bound to by the CheckBox shown on screen. |
void |
CheckBoxTreeCell.setSelectedStateCallback(Callback<TreeItem<T>,ObservableValue<Boolean>> value)
Sets the
Callback that is bound to by the CheckBox shown on screen. |
Constructor and Description |
CheckBoxListCell(Callback<T,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty)
Creates a default CheckBoxListCell.
CheckBoxListCell(Callback<T,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a CheckBoxListCell with a custom string converter.
CheckBoxTableCell(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty)
Creates a default CheckBoxTableCell with a custom
Callback to
retrieve an ObservableValue for a given cell index. |
CheckBoxTableCell(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a CheckBoxTableCell with a custom string converter.
CheckBoxTreeCell(Callback<TreeItem<T>,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty)
Creates a
CheckBoxTreeCell for use in a TreeView control via a
cell factory. |
CheckBoxTreeCell(Callback<TreeItem<T>,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<TreeItem<T>> converter)
Creates a
CheckBoxTreeCell for use in a TreeView control via a
cell factory. |
CheckBoxTreeTableCell(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty)
Creates a default CheckBoxTreeTableCell with a custom
Callback to
retrieve an ObservableValue for a given cell index. |
CheckBoxTreeTableCell(Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty,
StringConverter<T> converter)
Creates a CheckBoxTreeTableCell with a custom string converter.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Callback<String,Boolean> |
Returns the JavaScript
confirm handler. |
Callback<PopupFeatures,WebEngine> |
Returns the JavaScript popup handler.
Callback<PromptData,String> |
Returns the JavaScript
prompt handler. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectProperty<Callback<String,Boolean>> |
confirm handler property. |
ObjectProperty<Callback<PopupFeatures,WebEngine>> |
JavaScript popup handler property.
ObjectProperty<Callback<PromptData,String>> |
prompt handler property. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
WebEngine.setConfirmHandler(Callback<String,Boolean> handler)
Sets the JavaScript
confirm handler. |
void |
WebEngine.setCreatePopupHandler(Callback<PopupFeatures,WebEngine> handler)
Sets the JavaScript popup handler.
void |
WebEngine.setPromptHandler(Callback<PromptData,String> handler)
Sets the JavaScript
prompt handler. |
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For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java SE Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.
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