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JavaFX 8

Package javafx.beans

The package javafx.beans contains the interfaces that define the most generic form of observability.

See: Description

Package javafx.beans Description

The package javafx.beans contains the interfaces that define the most generic form of observability. All other classes in the JavaFX library, that are observable, extend the Observable interface.

An implementation of Observable allows to attach an InvalidationListener. The contentBinding gets notified every time the Observable may have changed. Typical implementations of Observable are all properties, all bindings, ObservableList, and ObservableMap.

An InvalidationListener will get no further information, e.g. it will not get the old and the new value of a property. If you need more information consider using a ChangeListener for properties and bindings, ListChangeListener for ObservableLists or MapChangeListener for ObservableMap instead.

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JavaFX 8

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